Andrew Marks
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2018 - This review is for MATH 31A. Take it with this professor, he explains the materials clearly and thoroughly. The concepts of this course are simple enough and he does not overcomplicate it, there are no surprise questions that are out of the scope of his lectures in the exams. Light workload with weekly homework that does not require submission and weekly 1-or-2-question-quiz except during exam week. Andrew Marks also gives out study guides prior to the exams so you'll know what to expect and prepare yourself well for it.
Winter 2018 - This review is for MATH 31A. Take it with this professor, he explains the materials clearly and thoroughly. The concepts of this course are simple enough and he does not overcomplicate it, there are no surprise questions that are out of the scope of his lectures in the exams. Light workload with weekly homework that does not require submission and weekly 1-or-2-question-quiz except during exam week. Andrew Marks also gives out study guides prior to the exams so you'll know what to expect and prepare yourself well for it.