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- B. C Regan
Based on 10 Users
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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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This class for most of the quarter was quite difficult and had me questioning my major. There were two midterms, a final, and a bunch of homework. The homework was very doable and Regan would almost always extend the deadline. The midterms were difficult but overall I would say they were fair. The final was also fair in my opinion. Some tips for future people taking this class: 1) Don't freak out if you start off the quarter not knowing wtf is going on in the class. The first lecture petrified me and I didn't think it would get better from there, but it does. 2) KNOW THE HOMEWORK. It seems that Regan really liked pulling questions from the homework to put on the midterms/final. If you really know the homework and the ideas that were covered then you will do fine on the exams. 3) Don't freak out if you do poorly on the first (or maybe second) midterms. Since Regan curves, as long as you stay near the average you should do fine. I was below average by a lot on the first midterm, around average on the second midterm, but I crushed the final, so I ended up with an A-. For me, Regan's lectures weren't that helpful, but they were entertaining. I found myself mostly self-studying for the course. Overall, study the homework/textbook really hard and don't freak out and you should do fine.
This class took away any doubt I had about majoring in physics. Regan started off at a hundred miles an hour with geometric algebra and stat mech but backed off quite a bit after the first midterm. The first 3-4 weeks were absolutely terrifying, especially since his lectures moved incredibly quickly. Don't try to take notes during lecture unless you already have some understanding of what he's talking about - he complained a lot about the textbook but ended up following it pretty closely, so try to at least skim the section before lecture. The class slowed down a lot after midterm 1 when we got into the background and very basics of quantum, which was by far the easier part of the class.
He assigned a lot of homework but was very forgiving with deadlines and his exams were very fair. Learn the homework well and you should be fine for the exams, many of the problems were similar or identical to ones we had already seen. Also, don't expect to get much homework/content help from office hours - Regan would always start off trying to answer questions but would quickly get distracted and go off on tangents about his own interests. This ended up being my favorite part of the class and I would highly recommend going, he brought up so many little things that made me even more interested in physics. He has a thing against the cross product as well as hbar and other "fundamental" constants like c and the Boltzmann constant and prefers to describe everything in terms of frequencies but he won't force that on you in exams. In summary - Regan is a little crazy and makes you feel like you have no idea what's happening but taking it with him is absolutely worth the extra effort, at least it was for me.
The professor drops a lot of formulas throughout the class. While he often does not give explanations as to where they come from, he will explain them in his office hours. Reused questions from the homework for midterms and questions from the midterms for the final. Going to class is essential.
Professor Regan is a great lecturer and makes his passion for physics (as well as his hatred for arbitrary constants and units) very evident. He'll clarify a lot of the language and fluff that cloud the overarching concepts behind basic stat + quantum mech. Things may feel a bit confusing in the beginning but once you reach the end of the quarter it should click.
The problem sets are generally doable with what you learn in lecture and he's pretty generous with extensions if you guys ask. Make sure you really understand the homework well because he can (will) use similar (identical) problems in the midterms/final. Pay especially close attention to the problems your TAs emphasize in discussion or office hours and you'll do well on the exams.
TLDR: Lectures > textbook. Put effort in problem sets. c = 1. The Planck and Boltzmann constants, among others, are sacrilegious.
I feel that Regan has a lower rating than he deserves because his exams are difficult. He really does care about students doing well in the class, which is why he curves so much.
HOMEWORK: Some questions are hard, some are just plug and chug. I really like the questions Regan writes, and I wish he wrote more of the homework questions because they usually take a while, but I come out of it with a deeper understanding of the topic of the question. They were graded on correctness, but I feel they graded pretty easily, and the TAs were nice with regrades.
EXAMS: Honestly, they were all reasonable in my opinion. There were definitely difficult questions, but a lot of the problems were straight off the homework, or straight from a derivation he does in lecture that he makes sure we know is important, so make sure you understand those. Also, when I say some questions are straight off the homework, I don't mean the plug and chug problems. I mean the problems that really get us to think about the concepts at a deep level. Sometimes, he will even tell us that a certain topic is definitely going to be on a midterm/final.
OFFICE HOURS: Sometimes they're helpful and sometimes they're not. He will go over homework problems if you ask him about them, or at least get you started on them.
COURSE CONTENT: Although I personally didn't hate how Regan structured his class, it isn't for everyone. His lectures focus more on what he thinks is important for a physicist to know, which I actually like. However, his homework is mainly questions from the textbook, and he often doesn't talk about the content covered in the homework until the lecture on the day the homework is due. Because of this, the homework is often self-taught. The tradeoff is that you are able to learn certain things that other professors would not have taught. For example, I don't think statistical mechanics is usually covered in this course, but Regan talked about it for 2ish weeks before we did any quantum. Regan also curves the class at the end rather than each test, so it's hard to tell what grade you have during the quarter. This is a big factor of stress for students, but I feel that Regan acknowledged that this quarter and is trying to make easier tests now so the averages aren't super low.
Overall, I would recommend Regan because he is a very entertaining person, and he does care about students learning the content.
I think this professor has unrealistic expectations for what should come obvious to students. I think the materials in the class (textbook, homework, aside essays, tests, etc..) are fair and help one learn what they are supposed to for this class. This class was very fast paced in content but also had a manageable workload. Although I found prof. to be a very entertaining lecturer and great at explaining concepts, I found myself uncomfortable asking any questions for the fear that they might be seen as trivial or obvious. I would have appreciated more explanation for where many of his lecture derivations come from.
Regan was very passionate about the content in the class which showed during lecture but lectures themselves weren’t helpful. Sometimes there would be a nugget of good information in one of the derivations which would help on a homework problem but the homework problems were mostly self taught. Don’t bother going to office hours, he can be really helpful when on track but most of the time it was just a hang out. The two midterms were nearly the same as the homework and the notecards were helpful. The final was brutal and the highest score was a 35%; it was not in any way similar to content we found in class. Overall my advice would be to read the chapters before you do th homework. Don’t be stressed by the first 3 weeks of the class, it’s supposed to be overwhelming. The last 3 weeks were a breeze because everything interconnected and the first 3 weeks finally made sense. I only got a B because I wrote an equation wrong on my notecard but otherwise I think I would have probably gotten an A- . I think beside the mishaps, Regan was pretty fair and reasonable.
Most difficult and stressful class I've ever taken, and it doesn't need to be, so avoid this professor if you can. Saddly he was a really entertaining lecturer, I actually enjoyed class, he also told jokes, always tried his best to answer questions, and held lots of office hours. But that doesnt make up for the fact that I thought I was gonna fail most of the quater. I walked out of both midterms and the final thinking I could have studied weeks more and not been able to get a 60%. The average grade on both midterms was around 50%, but if you stay around the average (I was below by a few percent both times) and turn in all your homework, you might be okay besides the anxiety and depression. I still don't understand how I got a B-, honestly, the curve must have been crazy. If you are a quick study, extemely knowledgable on all physics, and phenominal on creative problem solving, you might be one of the f***ers who can get an A, otherwise you're in for a wild ride.
This class was extremely difficult I would recogmend not taking it with him. This class is also technically skippable. If you must take this class take it with a diffrent professor.
He is a great guy, funny, and lectures well. But his exams can be astronomically difficult.
This class for most of the quarter was quite difficult and had me questioning my major. There were two midterms, a final, and a bunch of homework. The homework was very doable and Regan would almost always extend the deadline. The midterms were difficult but overall I would say they were fair. The final was also fair in my opinion. Some tips for future people taking this class: 1) Don't freak out if you start off the quarter not knowing wtf is going on in the class. The first lecture petrified me and I didn't think it would get better from there, but it does. 2) KNOW THE HOMEWORK. It seems that Regan really liked pulling questions from the homework to put on the midterms/final. If you really know the homework and the ideas that were covered then you will do fine on the exams. 3) Don't freak out if you do poorly on the first (or maybe second) midterms. Since Regan curves, as long as you stay near the average you should do fine. I was below average by a lot on the first midterm, around average on the second midterm, but I crushed the final, so I ended up with an A-. For me, Regan's lectures weren't that helpful, but they were entertaining. I found myself mostly self-studying for the course. Overall, study the homework/textbook really hard and don't freak out and you should do fine.
This class took away any doubt I had about majoring in physics. Regan started off at a hundred miles an hour with geometric algebra and stat mech but backed off quite a bit after the first midterm. The first 3-4 weeks were absolutely terrifying, especially since his lectures moved incredibly quickly. Don't try to take notes during lecture unless you already have some understanding of what he's talking about - he complained a lot about the textbook but ended up following it pretty closely, so try to at least skim the section before lecture. The class slowed down a lot after midterm 1 when we got into the background and very basics of quantum, which was by far the easier part of the class.
He assigned a lot of homework but was very forgiving with deadlines and his exams were very fair. Learn the homework well and you should be fine for the exams, many of the problems were similar or identical to ones we had already seen. Also, don't expect to get much homework/content help from office hours - Regan would always start off trying to answer questions but would quickly get distracted and go off on tangents about his own interests. This ended up being my favorite part of the class and I would highly recommend going, he brought up so many little things that made me even more interested in physics. He has a thing against the cross product as well as hbar and other "fundamental" constants like c and the Boltzmann constant and prefers to describe everything in terms of frequencies but he won't force that on you in exams. In summary - Regan is a little crazy and makes you feel like you have no idea what's happening but taking it with him is absolutely worth the extra effort, at least it was for me.
The professor drops a lot of formulas throughout the class. While he often does not give explanations as to where they come from, he will explain them in his office hours. Reused questions from the homework for midterms and questions from the midterms for the final. Going to class is essential.
Professor Regan is a great lecturer and makes his passion for physics (as well as his hatred for arbitrary constants and units) very evident. He'll clarify a lot of the language and fluff that cloud the overarching concepts behind basic stat + quantum mech. Things may feel a bit confusing in the beginning but once you reach the end of the quarter it should click.
The problem sets are generally doable with what you learn in lecture and he's pretty generous with extensions if you guys ask. Make sure you really understand the homework well because he can (will) use similar (identical) problems in the midterms/final. Pay especially close attention to the problems your TAs emphasize in discussion or office hours and you'll do well on the exams.
TLDR: Lectures > textbook. Put effort in problem sets. c = 1. The Planck and Boltzmann constants, among others, are sacrilegious.
I feel that Regan has a lower rating than he deserves because his exams are difficult. He really does care about students doing well in the class, which is why he curves so much.
HOMEWORK: Some questions are hard, some are just plug and chug. I really like the questions Regan writes, and I wish he wrote more of the homework questions because they usually take a while, but I come out of it with a deeper understanding of the topic of the question. They were graded on correctness, but I feel they graded pretty easily, and the TAs were nice with regrades.
EXAMS: Honestly, they were all reasonable in my opinion. There were definitely difficult questions, but a lot of the problems were straight off the homework, or straight from a derivation he does in lecture that he makes sure we know is important, so make sure you understand those. Also, when I say some questions are straight off the homework, I don't mean the plug and chug problems. I mean the problems that really get us to think about the concepts at a deep level. Sometimes, he will even tell us that a certain topic is definitely going to be on a midterm/final.
OFFICE HOURS: Sometimes they're helpful and sometimes they're not. He will go over homework problems if you ask him about them, or at least get you started on them.
COURSE CONTENT: Although I personally didn't hate how Regan structured his class, it isn't for everyone. His lectures focus more on what he thinks is important for a physicist to know, which I actually like. However, his homework is mainly questions from the textbook, and he often doesn't talk about the content covered in the homework until the lecture on the day the homework is due. Because of this, the homework is often self-taught. The tradeoff is that you are able to learn certain things that other professors would not have taught. For example, I don't think statistical mechanics is usually covered in this course, but Regan talked about it for 2ish weeks before we did any quantum. Regan also curves the class at the end rather than each test, so it's hard to tell what grade you have during the quarter. This is a big factor of stress for students, but I feel that Regan acknowledged that this quarter and is trying to make easier tests now so the averages aren't super low.
Overall, I would recommend Regan because he is a very entertaining person, and he does care about students learning the content.
I think this professor has unrealistic expectations for what should come obvious to students. I think the materials in the class (textbook, homework, aside essays, tests, etc..) are fair and help one learn what they are supposed to for this class. This class was very fast paced in content but also had a manageable workload. Although I found prof. to be a very entertaining lecturer and great at explaining concepts, I found myself uncomfortable asking any questions for the fear that they might be seen as trivial or obvious. I would have appreciated more explanation for where many of his lecture derivations come from.
Regan was very passionate about the content in the class which showed during lecture but lectures themselves weren’t helpful. Sometimes there would be a nugget of good information in one of the derivations which would help on a homework problem but the homework problems were mostly self taught. Don’t bother going to office hours, he can be really helpful when on track but most of the time it was just a hang out. The two midterms were nearly the same as the homework and the notecards were helpful. The final was brutal and the highest score was a 35%; it was not in any way similar to content we found in class. Overall my advice would be to read the chapters before you do th homework. Don’t be stressed by the first 3 weeks of the class, it’s supposed to be overwhelming. The last 3 weeks were a breeze because everything interconnected and the first 3 weeks finally made sense. I only got a B because I wrote an equation wrong on my notecard but otherwise I think I would have probably gotten an A- . I think beside the mishaps, Regan was pretty fair and reasonable.
Most difficult and stressful class I've ever taken, and it doesn't need to be, so avoid this professor if you can. Saddly he was a really entertaining lecturer, I actually enjoyed class, he also told jokes, always tried his best to answer questions, and held lots of office hours. But that doesnt make up for the fact that I thought I was gonna fail most of the quater. I walked out of both midterms and the final thinking I could have studied weeks more and not been able to get a 60%. The average grade on both midterms was around 50%, but if you stay around the average (I was below by a few percent both times) and turn in all your homework, you might be okay besides the anxiety and depression. I still don't understand how I got a B-, honestly, the curve must have been crazy. If you are a quick study, extemely knowledgable on all physics, and phenominal on creative problem solving, you might be one of the f***ers who can get an A, otherwise you're in for a wild ride.
This class was extremely difficult I would recogmend not taking it with him. This class is also technically skippable. If you must take this class take it with a diffrent professor.
He is a great guy, funny, and lectures well. But his exams can be astronomically difficult.
Based on 10 Users
- Needs Textbook (6)
- Often Funny (7)
- Tough Tests (7)
- Tolerates Tardiness (5)
- Useful Textbooks (5)
- Appropriately Priced Materials (4)