Barbara Knowlton
Most Helpful Review
Took her for Psych 10. The class was divided into 3 different modules, with Knowlton as the teacher for my third module (approx. 3 weeks). She's an average lecturer. The only thing I can really give her plus points on is not having an accent. She seems like a very nice lady but maybe not the most inspiring teacher. Definitely not a bad teacher though. Btw, selling the book for this class, Psychology: The Science of Behavior, Carlson et al. 7th edition. Message me at if you're interested. Ended up with a B+ cause I didn't take the class as seriously as I should've. The grade was entirely based on 3, 30 question multiple choice tests which weren't super hard but it had it's tricky, strangely-worded questions. The cool thing was even the discussion section was lecture style and podcasted. Soooo convenient. Especially for people who like to sleep in like me.
Took her for Psych 10. The class was divided into 3 different modules, with Knowlton as the teacher for my third module (approx. 3 weeks). She's an average lecturer. The only thing I can really give her plus points on is not having an accent. She seems like a very nice lady but maybe not the most inspiring teacher. Definitely not a bad teacher though. Btw, selling the book for this class, Psychology: The Science of Behavior, Carlson et al. 7th edition. Message me at if you're interested. Ended up with a B+ cause I didn't take the class as seriously as I should've. The grade was entirely based on 3, 30 question multiple choice tests which weren't super hard but it had it's tricky, strangely-worded questions. The cool thing was even the discussion section was lecture style and podcasted. Soooo convenient. Especially for people who like to sleep in like me.
Most Helpful Review
Never ever ever take Psych 15, Intro to Psychobiology. It is the worst class ever unless you have a memory like Will in "Good Will Hunting." To get a decent grade on the tests you must memorize every minute detail in every section of the book. Concepts will get you nowhere. And going to lecture is a complete waste of time, since she lectures directly from the book all the time. Believe me, I went to all classes before the first test and got a C. I didn't go to class at all before the second test and got a C+. My grade actually improved by not going to her lecture!
Never ever ever take Psych 15, Intro to Psychobiology. It is the worst class ever unless you have a memory like Will in "Good Will Hunting." To get a decent grade on the tests you must memorize every minute detail in every section of the book. Concepts will get you nowhere. And going to lecture is a complete waste of time, since she lectures directly from the book all the time. Believe me, I went to all classes before the first test and got a C. I didn't go to class at all before the second test and got a C+. My grade actually improved by not going to her lecture!
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2016 - The course is fun but a challenge, it's doable. The cluster is taught by professors from the subjects: sciences but also humanities. It was a lot of fun. Make sure to form a study group, they help a lot. It's a good intro to life here at UCLA. I am selling the course textbooks for cheap; the price is negotiable. text me at 323-447-9509
Fall 2016 - The course is fun but a challenge, it's doable. The cluster is taught by professors from the subjects: sciences but also humanities. It was a lot of fun. Make sure to form a study group, they help a lot. It's a good intro to life here at UCLA. I am selling the course textbooks for cheap; the price is negotiable. text me at 323-447-9509
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2018 - The WORST professor in the whole 101 Neuro series. Her lectures are garbage, her slides are garbage. There was no logical flow to her lectures or slides, she was all over the place and extremely hard to follow. Her test was extremely specific and she expected answers and explanations for things which she did not cover in class. Her entire module was psych based even though this was supposed to be hard science class. She gave no molecular pathway explanations for any of the phenomena she presented. She also only had 3 office hours total and cancelled the last one due to public holiday without rescheduling before the final. Overall an absolute waste of time and energy which really sucks since neuro majors are required to take this class.
Spring 2018 - The WORST professor in the whole 101 Neuro series. Her lectures are garbage, her slides are garbage. There was no logical flow to her lectures or slides, she was all over the place and extremely hard to follow. Her test was extremely specific and she expected answers and explanations for things which she did not cover in class. Her entire module was psych based even though this was supposed to be hard science class. She gave no molecular pathway explanations for any of the phenomena she presented. She also only had 3 office hours total and cancelled the last one due to public holiday without rescheduling before the final. Overall an absolute waste of time and energy which really sucks since neuro majors are required to take this class.