Barnett Schlinger
Most Helpful Review
His material was interesting, and he's a good lecturer. That being said, I thought his exam was too focused; the majority of the points coming from only two questions is fairly ridiculous (and I'm not simply being bitter, I actually did pretty well). And he didn't seem to care about students. At all.
His material was interesting, and he's a good lecturer. That being said, I thought his exam was too focused; the majority of the points coming from only two questions is fairly ridiculous (and I'm not simply being bitter, I actually did pretty well). And he didn't seem to care about students. At all.
Most Helpful Review
I like the way he lectures although he does mumble alot . I studied really hard for his test because I heard how he is nit picky. He asks some really vague questions which could have been answered multiple ways but just try to write everything you know. And some that focused on info we barely went over in class, but its a physci class sooo its gonna be hard
I like the way he lectures although he does mumble alot . I studied really hard for his test because I heard how he is nit picky. He asks some really vague questions which could have been answered multiple ways but just try to write everything you know. And some that focused on info we barely went over in class, but its a physci class sooo its gonna be hard
Most Helpful Review
Everyone "likes" his lectures, but if you take a minute to think about it, its terribly inefficient. Moves at a snail pace because he has to write everything down and draw all the pictures. What could be covered in 30 min is covered in 1 hour. discussions are mandatory and smell like turd. his midterm suck the round things between my legs (i'm a guy). his entire exam is free response, and because they are standardized tests for 150 some students, they TAs look for key words and give points accordingly. spend hours memorizing details and forget about concepts to ace his tests.
Everyone "likes" his lectures, but if you take a minute to think about it, its terribly inefficient. Moves at a snail pace because he has to write everything down and draw all the pictures. What could be covered in 30 min is covered in 1 hour. discussions are mandatory and smell like turd. his midterm suck the round things between my legs (i'm a guy). his entire exam is free response, and because they are standardized tests for 150 some students, they TAs look for key words and give points accordingly. spend hours memorizing details and forget about concepts to ace his tests.