Carla M Koehler
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Overall Rating
Based on 36 Users
Easiness 2.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 2.2 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.4 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 2.7 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Uses Slides
  • Tolerates Tardiness
  • Appropriately Priced Materials
  • Tough Tests
  • Gives Extra Credit

Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Clear marks

Sorry, no enrollment data is available.


Reviews (32)

2 of 4
2 of 4
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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 14, 2011

She is really bad at teaching (her TAs definitely gives better lectures than she does) but gives super difficult exams. Avoid her class if you can. If you are stuck with her, good luck...


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
June 21, 2019

Poor concern for students and not helpful at all. People can get an A thanks to professor Gober who teaches the course with her.
Don’t bother to ask questions, she will tell you to look at slides. I mean, really???
She must understand that if we understood something from a slide, we would not waste our time to talk to her. Also, there is a reason why she is the instructor and we are students. So she can fill the gap of understanding of course material.
I am grateful that professor Gober took over for the last half of the course.
For people who read this,
Expect the sense of rudeness and lack of concern included in useless answers she gives you for your insightful questions.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 30, 2020

I actually loved Dr. Koehler! She is very kind and cares about individual students. Her lectures are super interesting and clear. Some may disagree with me, but this was my experience and I did well on her midterm solely by relying on her lecture and her slides. Did not even used the book. All you have to do is listen to her podcast, understand the slides, and focus on her notes(written under every slide). I did lose a lot of points on the methionine pathway, but still, the rest of the problems of her midterm were straightforward and the answers were all given during her lecture and the review session (they complain because they didn't pay attention to her lecture). Just make sure to memorize the methionine pathway even if she doesn't emphasize during the lecture. She is usually very clear about what's gonna be on the midterm. If you're confused about anything, go to her office hour. She was very accomodating and tried to answer every question we had. Her notes were in fact very helpful and I personally thought her slides were way better than Gober's. Gober's slides were often vague and did not really help for the midterm and final. I really liked how Dr. Koehler gave many examples of the diseases and applications of each pathway. I wish she taught more upper-division courses. Now, I scored 5 points above average for midterm 1 and 15 points above average for midterm 2. Midterm 2 was mostly composed of Koehler's material. For the final, I scored D- but was still able to receive an A because of the wise curve. I personally think this class was way easier than 153A and honestly there isn't that much to memorize (you just gotta understand the material). Hope this helps.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A+
April 4, 2019

Might as well write a review of this class, since grades were published 2 days ago. Overall, this class isn't that bad. People who say otherwise might not be studying the right way. I went to class and played games just in case the professors said anything interesting, and by studying the slides, I got a mid A on the first (raw score), SO close to a 100% on the second midterm. If you want pics of them, I'll send them to you for free. (People need to stop tryna sell shit on bruinwalk). All you need for an A- is about a 74.

People need to cut Koehler some slack. Yes, her handwriting is messy, and yes, she goes off on tangents, but she when it comes to her grading (which is all you guys care about), she is very fair. If she says something's gonna be on there, it will be. If you were in class that one day right before midterm 2, she told us that she was going to put methionine catabolism/SAM on the final. That's why we could eliminate midterm 2's amino acid catabolism question to only the branched chain amino acids. Why are people so surprised when it actually showed up on the final? Her teaching isn't terrible either. Sometimes, it's hard to follow, but if can overlook the fact that she brought a small bag of cheetos/1 small bottle of coke for the whole class to share, she does give alot of pointers as to what she wants us to focus on. For Koehler's exam, everything you need to know is either one her slides or on the footnotes of the slides she publishes on CCLE. You never need to know enzyme names unless it's specifically talked about in class/mentioned in the footnotes. Memorizing structures are only necessary when told. Overall, I'm glad I took this class with her, and I would take 153B with her if she was offering. (tl;dr no need to pay attention in Koehler's part. Just read her footnotes and your'e good to go)

Gober's great. He's really funny and kept me awake during the 9 AM lectures. He tells you what to focus on, so you should go to class if you want to do well. He asked a question on the final that wasn't on his slides, but was emphasized in class alot. His slides are okay, but contain alot of extra info that might confuse you. Just pay attention in class and you should be fine. (tl;dr pay attention in Gober's class, that's all you need to do)


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Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A-
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 22, 2021

Carla's exams were super hard and her lectures were all over the place. I do not think she prepare for the class. The average of all exams were stay about 60. She did give 1 or 2 points extra credit every exam but it was not helpful. She did curve the average to B/B-


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Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A-
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 22, 2021

Carla's exams were super hard and her lectures were all over the place. I do not think she prepare for the class. The average of all exams were stay about 60. She did give 1 or 2 points extra credit every exam but it was not helpful. She did curve the average to B/B-


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
April 8, 2020

I thought Koehler was ok -- not the best or the worst professor I have had. Although she isn't the clearest professor during lecture, her footnotes on her lecture slides are basically all that you have to know for her exams. They're fairly straightforward, and I thought her questions were written more fairly than Gober's parts on exams. I never really went to her office hours, but I made sure to pay attention in lecture and memorize all the details from her slides. It's a lot, but she's pretty good at narrowing down what we should know.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 31, 2020

This class is pretty dense, so make sure you start memorizing the pathways and understanding the content from day 1. Kohler's lectures have very thorough powerpoints, which really helped since her lecturing style was hard to follow. Also relied on AK Lectures to get me through her portion of the class, but it wasn't as effective for Gober's section. A positive, Kohler tried to sympathize with us by giving us additional time to work on the midterm. But the organization of the course was pretty poor since her content did overlap with the second midterm and final, and we didn't really hear from her again.

I really relied on Vivian (great TA) for probably most of what I learned in the course. The TA's posted really great study materials, but beware that they did not have office hours.

Overall a bit disappointed with the lack of support during the COVID-19 struggle for finals. We were given additional time to print and upload the exam, but there were no additional office hours or review sessions , which would've happened if not for the whole transition to online class.

Breakdown: 100 points for each midterm (2) with the average ~ 64%( ?)and 200 points for the final.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 31, 2020

Honestly, this class really isn't as bad as some of the reviews are making it sound. Yes, Khoeler was a terrible lecturer and the structure of the class (or lack there of) caused IMMENSE amounts of stress BUT if you take my advice early on, this class will be a breeze.

1. While Koehler is teaching, go to class and star the topics she mentions that are important. Also take note of the stuff she says you don't need to know so that later when you're trying to go through her slides and figure out wth is going on, you can just skip over those slides that she said you don't need. Other than this, I would not bother trying to take notes with her lectures... None of her lectures are structured so trying to decipher the notes later will just waste your time.

2. If you're feeling exhausted and don't think you can make it to the 9am lecture (FOR KOEHLER), let your self sleep! I promise you aren't missing anything and you probably deserve some extra rest. DO NOT do this when Gober takes over. ALSO, the TA's are equally as confused and disorganized and often make mistakes during discussion so I would not bother attending those either. Just reference the worksheets that they post online.

3. Go along with her syllabus schedule and youtube the topics she was supposed to teach. I highly recommend Ninja Nerd / AK lectures (I preferred Ninja Nerd bc he kept it very concise). Take notes as you watch.

4. After watching these lectures, cross reference these notes with her god awful slides to make sure you got all the important stuff, not in an organized fashion.

5. Once you've actually studied this, I would definitely go through the problem set questions. (PSA Koehler is really lazy and loves to reuse these questions so that she doesn't have to make a brand new exam question from scratch).

6. When you get your exam score, request regrades! On midterm 1 I went from an 80 to an 84 and on midterm 2 I went from a 78 to an 81 just from regrades!! Also if you stay in the 80 range for your midterms, you will definitely be in shape for an A in the class.

7. When Gober takes over, go to every lecture, record them on your phone and you'll be fine. He tells you exactly what to expect and when you listen to his recordings later you will realize he covers all the important details.

8. Be sure to do the extra credit- it's such an easy 10 point booster!

Overall this class was minimally stressful because I followed these 7 steps. I would take another class with these professors. I got an 84 on Midterm 1, 81 on Midterm 2, 74 on Final, +10 points EC and ended with an A in the class.

ALSO, I have made a google doc with the study guides that I created by combining youtube tutorials with the powerpoint slides. If you would like access shoot me an email


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 31, 2020

Chem 153C is arguably one of my favorite classes I've ever taken at UCLA - it's a class that really combines a lot of great concepts from organic chemistry and physiology and ties it into really cool real-life applications. As a professor, Koehler was alright - she's not as bad as some of the reviews here make her sound. She cares for her students and wants them to do well, even if the lectures are not the most clear/succinct. She often goes on tangents and sometimes her handwritten notes are all over the place, but the typed notes below her powerpoint slides are pretty useful and I would focus on those in your studies. She co-taught the class with Dr. Gober; she taught weeks 1-5 and Gober taught weeks 6-10. Midterm I was entirely her material, and I felt that her exam was easier than Gober's. She also gave us extra time on the midterm, which I thought was pretty nice of her.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 14, 2011

She is really bad at teaching (her TAs definitely gives better lectures than she does) but gives super difficult exams. Avoid her class if you can. If you are stuck with her, good luck...


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
June 21, 2019

Poor concern for students and not helpful at all. People can get an A thanks to professor Gober who teaches the course with her.
Don’t bother to ask questions, she will tell you to look at slides. I mean, really???
She must understand that if we understood something from a slide, we would not waste our time to talk to her. Also, there is a reason why she is the instructor and we are students. So she can fill the gap of understanding of course material.
I am grateful that professor Gober took over for the last half of the course.
For people who read this,
Expect the sense of rudeness and lack of concern included in useless answers she gives you for your insightful questions.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 30, 2020

I actually loved Dr. Koehler! She is very kind and cares about individual students. Her lectures are super interesting and clear. Some may disagree with me, but this was my experience and I did well on her midterm solely by relying on her lecture and her slides. Did not even used the book. All you have to do is listen to her podcast, understand the slides, and focus on her notes(written under every slide). I did lose a lot of points on the methionine pathway, but still, the rest of the problems of her midterm were straightforward and the answers were all given during her lecture and the review session (they complain because they didn't pay attention to her lecture). Just make sure to memorize the methionine pathway even if she doesn't emphasize during the lecture. She is usually very clear about what's gonna be on the midterm. If you're confused about anything, go to her office hour. She was very accomodating and tried to answer every question we had. Her notes were in fact very helpful and I personally thought her slides were way better than Gober's. Gober's slides were often vague and did not really help for the midterm and final. I really liked how Dr. Koehler gave many examples of the diseases and applications of each pathway. I wish she taught more upper-division courses. Now, I scored 5 points above average for midterm 1 and 15 points above average for midterm 2. Midterm 2 was mostly composed of Koehler's material. For the final, I scored D- but was still able to receive an A because of the wise curve. I personally think this class was way easier than 153A and honestly there isn't that much to memorize (you just gotta understand the material). Hope this helps.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A+
April 4, 2019

Might as well write a review of this class, since grades were published 2 days ago. Overall, this class isn't that bad. People who say otherwise might not be studying the right way. I went to class and played games just in case the professors said anything interesting, and by studying the slides, I got a mid A on the first (raw score), SO close to a 100% on the second midterm. If you want pics of them, I'll send them to you for free. (People need to stop tryna sell shit on bruinwalk). All you need for an A- is about a 74.

People need to cut Koehler some slack. Yes, her handwriting is messy, and yes, she goes off on tangents, but she when it comes to her grading (which is all you guys care about), she is very fair. If she says something's gonna be on there, it will be. If you were in class that one day right before midterm 2, she told us that she was going to put methionine catabolism/SAM on the final. That's why we could eliminate midterm 2's amino acid catabolism question to only the branched chain amino acids. Why are people so surprised when it actually showed up on the final? Her teaching isn't terrible either. Sometimes, it's hard to follow, but if can overlook the fact that she brought a small bag of cheetos/1 small bottle of coke for the whole class to share, she does give alot of pointers as to what she wants us to focus on. For Koehler's exam, everything you need to know is either one her slides or on the footnotes of the slides she publishes on CCLE. You never need to know enzyme names unless it's specifically talked about in class/mentioned in the footnotes. Memorizing structures are only necessary when told. Overall, I'm glad I took this class with her, and I would take 153B with her if she was offering. (tl;dr no need to pay attention in Koehler's part. Just read her footnotes and your'e good to go)

Gober's great. He's really funny and kept me awake during the 9 AM lectures. He tells you what to focus on, so you should go to class if you want to do well. He asked a question on the final that wasn't on his slides, but was emphasized in class alot. His slides are okay, but contain alot of extra info that might confuse you. Just pay attention in class and you should be fine. (tl;dr pay attention in Gober's class, that's all you need to do)


1 5 Please log in to provide feedback.
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A-
June 22, 2021

Carla's exams were super hard and her lectures were all over the place. I do not think she prepare for the class. The average of all exams were stay about 60. She did give 1 or 2 points extra credit every exam but it was not helpful. She did curve the average to B/B-


0 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A-
June 22, 2021

Carla's exams were super hard and her lectures were all over the place. I do not think she prepare for the class. The average of all exams were stay about 60. She did give 1 or 2 points extra credit every exam but it was not helpful. She did curve the average to B/B-


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
April 8, 2020

I thought Koehler was ok -- not the best or the worst professor I have had. Although she isn't the clearest professor during lecture, her footnotes on her lecture slides are basically all that you have to know for her exams. They're fairly straightforward, and I thought her questions were written more fairly than Gober's parts on exams. I never really went to her office hours, but I made sure to pay attention in lecture and memorize all the details from her slides. It's a lot, but she's pretty good at narrowing down what we should know.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-
March 31, 2020

This class is pretty dense, so make sure you start memorizing the pathways and understanding the content from day 1. Kohler's lectures have very thorough powerpoints, which really helped since her lecturing style was hard to follow. Also relied on AK Lectures to get me through her portion of the class, but it wasn't as effective for Gober's section. A positive, Kohler tried to sympathize with us by giving us additional time to work on the midterm. But the organization of the course was pretty poor since her content did overlap with the second midterm and final, and we didn't really hear from her again.

I really relied on Vivian (great TA) for probably most of what I learned in the course. The TA's posted really great study materials, but beware that they did not have office hours.

Overall a bit disappointed with the lack of support during the COVID-19 struggle for finals. We were given additional time to print and upload the exam, but there were no additional office hours or review sessions , which would've happened if not for the whole transition to online class.

Breakdown: 100 points for each midterm (2) with the average ~ 64%( ?)and 200 points for the final.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 31, 2020

Honestly, this class really isn't as bad as some of the reviews are making it sound. Yes, Khoeler was a terrible lecturer and the structure of the class (or lack there of) caused IMMENSE amounts of stress BUT if you take my advice early on, this class will be a breeze.

1. While Koehler is teaching, go to class and star the topics she mentions that are important. Also take note of the stuff she says you don't need to know so that later when you're trying to go through her slides and figure out wth is going on, you can just skip over those slides that she said you don't need. Other than this, I would not bother trying to take notes with her lectures... None of her lectures are structured so trying to decipher the notes later will just waste your time.

2. If you're feeling exhausted and don't think you can make it to the 9am lecture (FOR KOEHLER), let your self sleep! I promise you aren't missing anything and you probably deserve some extra rest. DO NOT do this when Gober takes over. ALSO, the TA's are equally as confused and disorganized and often make mistakes during discussion so I would not bother attending those either. Just reference the worksheets that they post online.

3. Go along with her syllabus schedule and youtube the topics she was supposed to teach. I highly recommend Ninja Nerd / AK lectures (I preferred Ninja Nerd bc he kept it very concise). Take notes as you watch.

4. After watching these lectures, cross reference these notes with her god awful slides to make sure you got all the important stuff, not in an organized fashion.

5. Once you've actually studied this, I would definitely go through the problem set questions. (PSA Koehler is really lazy and loves to reuse these questions so that she doesn't have to make a brand new exam question from scratch).

6. When you get your exam score, request regrades! On midterm 1 I went from an 80 to an 84 and on midterm 2 I went from a 78 to an 81 just from regrades!! Also if you stay in the 80 range for your midterms, you will definitely be in shape for an A in the class.

7. When Gober takes over, go to every lecture, record them on your phone and you'll be fine. He tells you exactly what to expect and when you listen to his recordings later you will realize he covers all the important details.

8. Be sure to do the extra credit- it's such an easy 10 point booster!

Overall this class was minimally stressful because I followed these 7 steps. I would take another class with these professors. I got an 84 on Midterm 1, 81 on Midterm 2, 74 on Final, +10 points EC and ended with an A in the class.

ALSO, I have made a google doc with the study guides that I created by combining youtube tutorials with the powerpoint slides. If you would like access shoot me an email


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 31, 2020

Chem 153C is arguably one of my favorite classes I've ever taken at UCLA - it's a class that really combines a lot of great concepts from organic chemistry and physiology and ties it into really cool real-life applications. As a professor, Koehler was alright - she's not as bad as some of the reviews here make her sound. She cares for her students and wants them to do well, even if the lectures are not the most clear/succinct. She often goes on tangents and sometimes her handwritten notes are all over the place, but the typed notes below her powerpoint slides are pretty useful and I would focus on those in your studies. She co-taught the class with Dr. Gober; she taught weeks 1-5 and Gober taught weeks 6-10. Midterm I was entirely her material, and I felt that her exam was easier than Gober's. She also gave us extra time on the midterm, which I thought was pretty nice of her.


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2 of 4
Overall Rating
Based on 36 Users
Easiness 2.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 2.2 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.4 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 2.7 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Uses Slides
  • Tolerates Tardiness
  • Appropriately Priced Materials
  • Tough Tests
  • Gives Extra Credit

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