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- Chenlu Shi
- STATS 101B
Based on 2 Users
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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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Super easy!!! short homeworks, easy midterm and final project . she does not grade hard and for the two problem weekly homeworks the TA gives you the answers. highly highly recommend
This review is for Stats 101C since there's isn't a 101C page for her. I found her lectures to be very dry so I didn't go and just ended up reading the textbook which was far more helpful. Her class is pretty easy. The grading scheme is 25% homework, 35% midterm (24 hour take home), and 40% final exam project. The final exam project was a competition on Kaggle along with a project report. The grading on the homework and midterm were extremely lenient and I did good on all of those. However we never got a grade for our final exam and I somehow ended up with a B+. There were 6 homework assignments, each assignment being only 2-3 multipart problems but it was easy to do since the problems were from the textbook.
I think professor is nice. She recorded all the lectures and posted her slides so you don't need to go to class. I don't think I learned a lot in this class so I don't know if I'd take another class with her again.
Super easy!!! short homeworks, easy midterm and final project . she does not grade hard and for the two problem weekly homeworks the TA gives you the answers. highly highly recommend
This review is for Stats 101C since there's isn't a 101C page for her. I found her lectures to be very dry so I didn't go and just ended up reading the textbook which was far more helpful. Her class is pretty easy. The grading scheme is 25% homework, 35% midterm (24 hour take home), and 40% final exam project. The final exam project was a competition on Kaggle along with a project report. The grading on the homework and midterm were extremely lenient and I did good on all of those. However we never got a grade for our final exam and I somehow ended up with a B+. There were 6 homework assignments, each assignment being only 2-3 multipart problems but it was easy to do since the problems were from the textbook.
I think professor is nice. She recorded all the lectures and posted her slides so you don't need to go to class. I don't think I learned a lot in this class so I don't know if I'd take another class with her again.
Based on 2 Users
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