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Christina Fragouli
Based on 16 Users
Honestly... she's probably the best you're going to get for 113. Her curve is set so that median is a high B+, pushing to an A-.
But the way she runs her classes is problematic. Her examples and lecture notes are too simple, and are designed to teach you definitions and to present formulas to solve questions with (e.g. determining if a system is linear, TI, casual, stable). The homeworks and discussion sections are designed with similar principles, but much harder.
Then you realize the goddamn midterms are EVEN HARDER, but on top of that, a large portion will usually involve proving some crazyass property and the questions related to homework and discussions make up maybe only 30% of the exam. And to nobody's surprise, the class got absolutely dumpstered.
So on the final, the focus was on stuff similar to homework questions, which is good! But the test is now 36. FUCKING. PAGES. Just endless questions (i.e. endless torture). So that's already bad design. But on top of that, because of her grading scheme, and the fact that the midterm averages were so low and unrelated to the design of her final exam, it made me realize that I totally didn't need to even take any of the midterms. That's not a good outlook on the class, just fyi.
Anyway she has an extra credit project. Do it lol.
This class, and the prof frankly, were a mess from start to finish. The book that the entire class is based on is from the 70's and is horrible at explaining the concepts taught in class, and the professor does the same along with it. Expectations for the class are extremely vague, with lessons barely correlating with any of the exams or homework. Additionally, there are two group projects that you are required to work on, and the first project was horribly explained and it took over a week to get clarification answers, with the project taking an excessive amount of man-hours with no clarity on how grading worked. Finally, as stated earlier, the homework and exams had almost nothing to do with what was taught in class, often asking very obscure questions that would often take much longer to decipher than to answer.
Summary: The book, lectures, assignments, and the class as a whole are extremely unorganized and I would recommend avoiding this class unless you have a good understanding of graph theroy previously
People have polarized opinions about this class, possibly due to the fact that the contents were quite "quirky." The homework problems were mostly proof-based, but the exam problems geared more towards application, so most students were surprised and had a hard time decipher what those problems meant. Overall, I feel like the lectures were well-explained, and the professor was super nice during office hours. What I liked the most about this class were the open ended projects that allowed us to apply the theoretical concepts on real-world problems. Even though the first project was a mess due to some floppy wordings, the overall experience was enjoyable. My only complaint was about the TA, who seldom answered questions, and was super lazy. I would recommend taking this class with this professor, but just be aware of who your TA is.
I loved this class! She's a great lecturer who explains clearly and is very willing to answer questions/repeat concepts. Her tests were interesting and very fair. Though the final exam was significantly harder than the midterm, I suspect the curving was generous for the final grades. The homework was also interesting and short with the exception of the first couple Matlab assignments, but even these were reasonable. Not to mention she has a very nice, almost motherly personality! I honestly would take her just for her personality, but the wonderfully balanced homework and tests are the icing on the cake!
Take her! If not for this class, then for something else, because I bet she'll be great for other courses, too. (And from what I heard, she has been!)
DO NOT GIVE UP IN THIS CLASS!!!! I got a very bad grade on the first mid-term, however, the professor takes the highest among the three tests including the final so if you do bad on the first mid-term, don't get panicked, just prepare for the second mid-term, if do bad on this, prepare for the final, no matter what do not give up in this class, you have a good chance of improving your grade. The professor assigns extra-credit project , DO IT!!, it is very helpful, especially if you have bad grade from the first or the second mid-term. Exams are very though, but as long as you do the homework and the exercises you will be fine. GOOD LUCK!!!
Material was quite straight forward, almost a mirror to the material covered in EE102. But damn were the exams hard. Averages for the exams were always in the 50-60 range. The homeworks were pretty balanced in difficulty and I found it helpful to go over homeworks and discussion problems for exams. She also gives an extra credit assignment at the end of the class and is something you should definitely do seeing the exam averages were quite low.
I got a score in the low 70s on the first midterm, which was a little bit above the average of 66. For the second midterm, I got slightly below average, which was a 52. For the final, I got in the low 70s which was around the top 30% with an average of about mid 50s.
HWs = 10 points, Midterm1 = 15 points, Midterm2 = 25 points, Final = 50 points,
Bonus Project = 5 points.
One, or both of your midterms can be replaced by the final exam. Your grade is the best of the grading schemes.
The midterms often involved a few questions that were math/proof heavy. About 1/3 of the points would be determined by easier/more fair problems, but then 2/3 of the grade would be determined by a tricky proof like question, which was a bit unfair. The final exam was a little better and a little less weighted on the proofs and by then, we were a bit more used to the proofs.
Overall, the professor explains things pretty clearly. She is probably the best out of all the professors that teach this class and is probably the most generous in terms of grading. I know people who did average in the class or slightly below average and got a B+. The only thing I'd say I didn't like about the class was that the midterms were very math/proof heavy. Homeworks were hard, but I ended up getting pretty much full credit on all of them.
this class is bull shit. you can get 20 points on the first two midterms, skip hw and ec, and still end up with an A
This was a challenging class without having taken some of the lower divs that offer a primer on some of the topics. The class moved fairly quickly. Homeworks generally take a long time if you are doing them by yourself. I thought it was necessary to go to lecture because the notes helped a lot on the problem sets. Her lectures follow a logical progression through the topics. Overall a positive experience I definitely learned something in the process.
Fragouli is a good professor. There are no pre-requisites for this class. Every lecture, she goes over a different concept of graph theory, roughly following the chapters in Graph Theory with Applications by Bondy and Murty. The textbook is not required: she posts PDFs of relevant sections. She starts off by describing the mathematical theory, sometimes proving a theorem, and demonstrating how the theorem can be applied in real life. Homeworks were mostly similar to graph-theory questions you might find in the GTWA text. There was one coding homework, and two graph-theory projects. The project guidelines weren't totally clear and getting started can be tough if you don't have experience with coding. Osama the TA was a bit slow to respond. Fragouli herself is a very good lecturer, though the class was recorded at 8AM and by the end of the quarter fewer than ten students were showing up to live lecture...
We had two quizzes, but the second one had a technical issue and the professor gave everyone full points. The projects seemed to be graded pretty leniently.
Highly recommended for any engineering major who is thinking of taking an EE tech breadth.
Honestly... she's probably the best you're going to get for 113. Her curve is set so that median is a high B+, pushing to an A-.
But the way she runs her classes is problematic. Her examples and lecture notes are too simple, and are designed to teach you definitions and to present formulas to solve questions with (e.g. determining if a system is linear, TI, casual, stable). The homeworks and discussion sections are designed with similar principles, but much harder.
Then you realize the goddamn midterms are EVEN HARDER, but on top of that, a large portion will usually involve proving some crazyass property and the questions related to homework and discussions make up maybe only 30% of the exam. And to nobody's surprise, the class got absolutely dumpstered.
So on the final, the focus was on stuff similar to homework questions, which is good! But the test is now 36. FUCKING. PAGES. Just endless questions (i.e. endless torture). So that's already bad design. But on top of that, because of her grading scheme, and the fact that the midterm averages were so low and unrelated to the design of her final exam, it made me realize that I totally didn't need to even take any of the midterms. That's not a good outlook on the class, just fyi.
Anyway she has an extra credit project. Do it lol.
This class, and the prof frankly, were a mess from start to finish. The book that the entire class is based on is from the 70's and is horrible at explaining the concepts taught in class, and the professor does the same along with it. Expectations for the class are extremely vague, with lessons barely correlating with any of the exams or homework. Additionally, there are two group projects that you are required to work on, and the first project was horribly explained and it took over a week to get clarification answers, with the project taking an excessive amount of man-hours with no clarity on how grading worked. Finally, as stated earlier, the homework and exams had almost nothing to do with what was taught in class, often asking very obscure questions that would often take much longer to decipher than to answer.
Summary: The book, lectures, assignments, and the class as a whole are extremely unorganized and I would recommend avoiding this class unless you have a good understanding of graph theroy previously
People have polarized opinions about this class, possibly due to the fact that the contents were quite "quirky." The homework problems were mostly proof-based, but the exam problems geared more towards application, so most students were surprised and had a hard time decipher what those problems meant. Overall, I feel like the lectures were well-explained, and the professor was super nice during office hours. What I liked the most about this class were the open ended projects that allowed us to apply the theoretical concepts on real-world problems. Even though the first project was a mess due to some floppy wordings, the overall experience was enjoyable. My only complaint was about the TA, who seldom answered questions, and was super lazy. I would recommend taking this class with this professor, but just be aware of who your TA is.
I loved this class! She's a great lecturer who explains clearly and is very willing to answer questions/repeat concepts. Her tests were interesting and very fair. Though the final exam was significantly harder than the midterm, I suspect the curving was generous for the final grades. The homework was also interesting and short with the exception of the first couple Matlab assignments, but even these were reasonable. Not to mention she has a very nice, almost motherly personality! I honestly would take her just for her personality, but the wonderfully balanced homework and tests are the icing on the cake!
Take her! If not for this class, then for something else, because I bet she'll be great for other courses, too. (And from what I heard, she has been!)
DO NOT GIVE UP IN THIS CLASS!!!! I got a very bad grade on the first mid-term, however, the professor takes the highest among the three tests including the final so if you do bad on the first mid-term, don't get panicked, just prepare for the second mid-term, if do bad on this, prepare for the final, no matter what do not give up in this class, you have a good chance of improving your grade. The professor assigns extra-credit project , DO IT!!, it is very helpful, especially if you have bad grade from the first or the second mid-term. Exams are very though, but as long as you do the homework and the exercises you will be fine. GOOD LUCK!!!
Material was quite straight forward, almost a mirror to the material covered in EE102. But damn were the exams hard. Averages for the exams were always in the 50-60 range. The homeworks were pretty balanced in difficulty and I found it helpful to go over homeworks and discussion problems for exams. She also gives an extra credit assignment at the end of the class and is something you should definitely do seeing the exam averages were quite low.
I got a score in the low 70s on the first midterm, which was a little bit above the average of 66. For the second midterm, I got slightly below average, which was a 52. For the final, I got in the low 70s which was around the top 30% with an average of about mid 50s.
HWs = 10 points, Midterm1 = 15 points, Midterm2 = 25 points, Final = 50 points,
Bonus Project = 5 points.
One, or both of your midterms can be replaced by the final exam. Your grade is the best of the grading schemes.
The midterms often involved a few questions that were math/proof heavy. About 1/3 of the points would be determined by easier/more fair problems, but then 2/3 of the grade would be determined by a tricky proof like question, which was a bit unfair. The final exam was a little better and a little less weighted on the proofs and by then, we were a bit more used to the proofs.
Overall, the professor explains things pretty clearly. She is probably the best out of all the professors that teach this class and is probably the most generous in terms of grading. I know people who did average in the class or slightly below average and got a B+. The only thing I'd say I didn't like about the class was that the midterms were very math/proof heavy. Homeworks were hard, but I ended up getting pretty much full credit on all of them.
This was a challenging class without having taken some of the lower divs that offer a primer on some of the topics. The class moved fairly quickly. Homeworks generally take a long time if you are doing them by yourself. I thought it was necessary to go to lecture because the notes helped a lot on the problem sets. Her lectures follow a logical progression through the topics. Overall a positive experience I definitely learned something in the process.
Fragouli is a good professor. There are no pre-requisites for this class. Every lecture, she goes over a different concept of graph theory, roughly following the chapters in Graph Theory with Applications by Bondy and Murty. The textbook is not required: she posts PDFs of relevant sections. She starts off by describing the mathematical theory, sometimes proving a theorem, and demonstrating how the theorem can be applied in real life. Homeworks were mostly similar to graph-theory questions you might find in the GTWA text. There was one coding homework, and two graph-theory projects. The project guidelines weren't totally clear and getting started can be tough if you don't have experience with coding. Osama the TA was a bit slow to respond. Fragouli herself is a very good lecturer, though the class was recorded at 8AM and by the end of the quarter fewer than ten students were showing up to live lecture...
We had two quizzes, but the second one had a technical issue and the professor gave everyone full points. The projects seemed to be graded pretty leniently.
Highly recommended for any engineering major who is thinking of taking an EE tech breadth.