Based on 7 Users
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- Spring 2010
- Fall 2009
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Sorry, no enrollment data is available.
Class taken: ***FILM 122B***
Professor Nuse is great; he truly cares about student learning and knows A LOT.
I heard that the class was easy, as I am sure most of you have. Well, it was easy about 2 years ago. Now there is an essay (used to be extra credit) anywhere between 5 - 12 pages. Also, the final is now multiple choice and part essay. However, he does give extra credit for exceptional papers and some extra credit on the final. He doesn't take attendance so most of the students don't show up. However, I found the class to be very interesting and the clips/movies to be very entertaining. There is a good amount of material and you will have to study to get an A, but the material is not hard. Overall, I really enjoyed this class and I recommend that you take it!
FILM TV 188B is now labeled as FILM 122B.
Nuse is a great professor. He's clear and detailed. He had study guides he would post before each class that outlined his main points.
There were 3 exams including the final. 2 multiple choice exams and the final was multiple choice plus an essay.
He gives extra credit which really helps. Plus he counts attendance, which helps as well.
The material isn't difficult, just make sure you study it and you'll be fine.
Nuse was so nice! he really concerns about students and it it def easy to get an a class!
3 exams are given 2 were consist of multiple questions and 1 had short essay questions. he gives you study guide but u need to study study guide with ppt and online reading then you will get an A i got A+
Class taken: ***FILM 122B***
Professor Nuse is great; he truly cares about student learning and knows A LOT.
I heard that the class was easy, as I am sure most of you have. Well, it was easy about 2 years ago. Now there is an essay (used to be extra credit) anywhere between 5 - 12 pages. Also, the final is now multiple choice and part essay. However, he does give extra credit for exceptional papers and some extra credit on the final. He doesn't take attendance so most of the students don't show up. However, I found the class to be very interesting and the clips/movies to be very entertaining. There is a good amount of material and you will have to study to get an A, but the material is not hard. Overall, I really enjoyed this class and I recommend that you take it!
FILM TV 188B is now labeled as FILM 122B.
Nuse is a great professor. He's clear and detailed. He had study guides he would post before each class that outlined his main points.
There were 3 exams including the final. 2 multiple choice exams and the final was multiple choice plus an essay.
He gives extra credit which really helps. Plus he counts attendance, which helps as well.
The material isn't difficult, just make sure you study it and you'll be fine.
Nuse was so nice! he really concerns about students and it it def easy to get an a class!
3 exams are given 2 were consist of multiple questions and 1 had short essay questions. he gives you study guide but u need to study study guide with ppt and online reading then you will get an A i got A+
Based on 7 Users
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