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- Dahlia W Zaidel
- PSYCH 119V
Based on 8 Users
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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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I never post bruin walk reviews but the past reviews were so skewed that I had to provide more insight. This course is a mix of art history, cognitive psychology, and neuroscience. By far the coolest class I've taken at UCLA providing topics on the intersection of science and art in ways that I've never seen presented for. It was worth it taking this class just because of how unique the content is and I would recommend it. I enjoyed the small class size I wish I didn't have to take it over zoom but it was cool to find others that enjoyed these topics. The workload is pretty light because it is only 3 exams. You're not graded for participation (but you have to go because the professor doesn't post slides) and there's no discussion so it's not too hard to take along with other classes. You just need to be attentive and study your notes from lecture for the exams and you will be fine, although sometimes the exam questions are nuanced and specific or from the readings. Word of caution, the exams are only 18 questions each, and since nothing else is graded, you can only miss 5 questions in total to get an A-. The majority of the class did well despite this, and there would be a few students that would get perfect scores on her exams. Go to her office hour review sessions because she will give hints. Also, it should be noted that the professor is very blunt and it takes some getting used to and it's not coming from a bad place. She gives you the answers right after the exam and you go through it together which is so weird lol no other class I've taken has done this. She is old-fashioned in the sense that lectures aren't recorded or posted so you have to write everything down (this is kind of annoying for when you're looking at art or brain structures). Despite the small annoyances, this is the one class whose topics will stay in my head and conversations forever. We talked about Van Gogh, Degas, Dali, and all these other famous artists and how their health conditions affected their art. Professor Zaidel even gave us some museum recommendations.
Professor Zaidel has incredible insight into pressing issues for psychology and neuroscience. Previous reviews commented about her exam questions, but I always felt like they were fair and super straightforward. To do poorly in this class you need to give it some effort. Come to class, take notes, read the articles, and go to her office hours before the exams because she will give you the scoop on questions that will come up. If you do the basic requirements, you will do extremely well and be engaged by her topics.,
Worst psych class I've ever taken at UCLA. She is SO boring to listen to and her lectures are so drawn out - each two hour lecture could be condensed to 30 minutes. The course is graded based on two exams, 25 q each so if you have no room for error. Don't take this class. It's more of an art history class than a psych class and I didn't learn anything useful.
DO NOT TAKE THIS PROFESSOR!! I'm warning you now as do many of the other reviews! She's completely disorganzied, and wouldn't post her Slides or record her lectures even though we were quarantined and my wifi kept cutting out!! It's totally unfair. Her exams focused on the stupidest most miniscule concepts that were so hard to remember and her final was so HARD based on literally just 2 tests. I hate this class especially because exams were given via respondus and my internet sucked.
About the class: she gives you 2 25Q exams. Attendance isn't mandatory, but she doesn't post her slides or lectures so you have to attend. If you try asking her a question, she will turn it back on you and not answer it; she also took REALLY LONG pauses and then other times would have a whole paragraph on a slide be up for 2 seconds. Her class was so boring. Nothing connected and it was all so disorganized. Her readings were just papers that she wrote. 10/10 regret taking this class and won't take another class with Zaidel again. The current bruinwalk reviews are just being too nice but she's not even a nice lady. Anytime I tried emailing her about my grade she would tell me to look at the syllabus (which I had already done) and she never clarified anything.
MAYBE SHE'S JUST TOO OLD TO BE TEACHING @UCLA. Seriously, I hated that class, the most boring 4 hours of my week and I am so glad its done. Had I not taken it pass/no pass; I missed a total of 6 questions across both exams (44/50) and would have ended up with a B because of that. WHAT KIND OF CLASS DOES THAT? I've missed more on chem exams and still got an A. It's literally based off 2 tests which is SO STUPID>
It's ridiculous; anyway, I took it as P/NP. Really sucks that she was sooo inconsderate over online school when we had NO WAY OF accessing the files if we missed something due to someothing out of our control. Shame on you Zaidel.
I really don't recommend taking this class. It wasn't bad necessarily or that badly taught, but there are A LOT of (easily fixable) problems. First off, the information is kind of all over the place and it comes off more like a collection of mini concepts that are loosely connected, if at all. The lectures are SLOW PACED, they aren't recorded, and the lecture slides aren't even posted!
The stupidest part is that 100% of your grade is literally 50 M/C questions (two 25 question exams) so if you miss more than 5 questions across BOTH exams you're already below an A and you kinda have to get lucky because that only tests on like 30% of the quarter's material. I studied about 2 hours a day, made flashcards, engaged in lecture, etc etc and this is my lowest grade a UCLA and I'm about to graduate!
I'd definitely recommend taking this class! You do have to go to lecture because she doesn't post slides and that is what the majority of her tests are on. This class is literally 3 exams, multiple choice, and 18 questions each, and that's it. The exams are on lecture content and 1-2 readings that are usually pretty short (definitely read them too because there will be a few questions on them that you'd only know if you read them), and you she tells you all the correct answers and posts your score right after everyone finishes. Professor Zaidel is a gem, she's funny, and very straight forward. She sets you up for success. Essentially, if you actually read the article(s), go to class, and actually put effort into studying, you'll succeed. I am definitely going to miss Professor Zaidel! Also, I ~highly~ recommend going to her review session office hours before the exams. They are super helpful! Lastly, if it were in person, it would have been nice to be a part of such a small class (~30 students).
i will never take this professor ever again. she did not post slides, or record her lectures (which were on zoom so they could have been) and i can't pay attention for that long so it was very hard for me. the only reason i got an A was that i memorized basically everything she said. i did not learn a thing. DO NOT TAKE HER. it was a good topic (not exactly psych but interesting enough i guess) but i know i would have enjoyed it more with a different professor. also she used Respondus, which i despise. it does nothing but stress out people with not as accessible wifi and noisy housholds.
25 points each for 2 midterms = 50 points total
92 was an A
I never post bruin walk reviews but the past reviews were so skewed that I had to provide more insight. This course is a mix of art history, cognitive psychology, and neuroscience. By far the coolest class I've taken at UCLA providing topics on the intersection of science and art in ways that I've never seen presented for. It was worth it taking this class just because of how unique the content is and I would recommend it. I enjoyed the small class size I wish I didn't have to take it over zoom but it was cool to find others that enjoyed these topics. The workload is pretty light because it is only 3 exams. You're not graded for participation (but you have to go because the professor doesn't post slides) and there's no discussion so it's not too hard to take along with other classes. You just need to be attentive and study your notes from lecture for the exams and you will be fine, although sometimes the exam questions are nuanced and specific or from the readings. Word of caution, the exams are only 18 questions each, and since nothing else is graded, you can only miss 5 questions in total to get an A-. The majority of the class did well despite this, and there would be a few students that would get perfect scores on her exams. Go to her office hour review sessions because she will give hints. Also, it should be noted that the professor is very blunt and it takes some getting used to and it's not coming from a bad place. She gives you the answers right after the exam and you go through it together which is so weird lol no other class I've taken has done this. She is old-fashioned in the sense that lectures aren't recorded or posted so you have to write everything down (this is kind of annoying for when you're looking at art or brain structures). Despite the small annoyances, this is the one class whose topics will stay in my head and conversations forever. We talked about Van Gogh, Degas, Dali, and all these other famous artists and how their health conditions affected their art. Professor Zaidel even gave us some museum recommendations.
Professor Zaidel has incredible insight into pressing issues for psychology and neuroscience. Previous reviews commented about her exam questions, but I always felt like they were fair and super straightforward. To do poorly in this class you need to give it some effort. Come to class, take notes, read the articles, and go to her office hours before the exams because she will give you the scoop on questions that will come up. If you do the basic requirements, you will do extremely well and be engaged by her topics.,
Worst psych class I've ever taken at UCLA. She is SO boring to listen to and her lectures are so drawn out - each two hour lecture could be condensed to 30 minutes. The course is graded based on two exams, 25 q each so if you have no room for error. Don't take this class. It's more of an art history class than a psych class and I didn't learn anything useful.
DO NOT TAKE THIS PROFESSOR!! I'm warning you now as do many of the other reviews! She's completely disorganzied, and wouldn't post her Slides or record her lectures even though we were quarantined and my wifi kept cutting out!! It's totally unfair. Her exams focused on the stupidest most miniscule concepts that were so hard to remember and her final was so HARD based on literally just 2 tests. I hate this class especially because exams were given via respondus and my internet sucked.
About the class: she gives you 2 25Q exams. Attendance isn't mandatory, but she doesn't post her slides or lectures so you have to attend. If you try asking her a question, she will turn it back on you and not answer it; she also took REALLY LONG pauses and then other times would have a whole paragraph on a slide be up for 2 seconds. Her class was so boring. Nothing connected and it was all so disorganized. Her readings were just papers that she wrote. 10/10 regret taking this class and won't take another class with Zaidel again. The current bruinwalk reviews are just being too nice but she's not even a nice lady. Anytime I tried emailing her about my grade she would tell me to look at the syllabus (which I had already done) and she never clarified anything.
MAYBE SHE'S JUST TOO OLD TO BE TEACHING @UCLA. Seriously, I hated that class, the most boring 4 hours of my week and I am so glad its done. Had I not taken it pass/no pass; I missed a total of 6 questions across both exams (44/50) and would have ended up with a B because of that. WHAT KIND OF CLASS DOES THAT? I've missed more on chem exams and still got an A. It's literally based off 2 tests which is SO STUPID>
It's ridiculous; anyway, I took it as P/NP. Really sucks that she was sooo inconsderate over online school when we had NO WAY OF accessing the files if we missed something due to someothing out of our control. Shame on you Zaidel.
I really don't recommend taking this class. It wasn't bad necessarily or that badly taught, but there are A LOT of (easily fixable) problems. First off, the information is kind of all over the place and it comes off more like a collection of mini concepts that are loosely connected, if at all. The lectures are SLOW PACED, they aren't recorded, and the lecture slides aren't even posted!
The stupidest part is that 100% of your grade is literally 50 M/C questions (two 25 question exams) so if you miss more than 5 questions across BOTH exams you're already below an A and you kinda have to get lucky because that only tests on like 30% of the quarter's material. I studied about 2 hours a day, made flashcards, engaged in lecture, etc etc and this is my lowest grade a UCLA and I'm about to graduate!
I'd definitely recommend taking this class! You do have to go to lecture because she doesn't post slides and that is what the majority of her tests are on. This class is literally 3 exams, multiple choice, and 18 questions each, and that's it. The exams are on lecture content and 1-2 readings that are usually pretty short (definitely read them too because there will be a few questions on them that you'd only know if you read them), and you she tells you all the correct answers and posts your score right after everyone finishes. Professor Zaidel is a gem, she's funny, and very straight forward. She sets you up for success. Essentially, if you actually read the article(s), go to class, and actually put effort into studying, you'll succeed. I am definitely going to miss Professor Zaidel! Also, I ~highly~ recommend going to her review session office hours before the exams. They are super helpful! Lastly, if it were in person, it would have been nice to be a part of such a small class (~30 students).
i will never take this professor ever again. she did not post slides, or record her lectures (which were on zoom so they could have been) and i can't pay attention for that long so it was very hard for me. the only reason i got an A was that i memorized basically everything she said. i did not learn a thing. DO NOT TAKE HER. it was a good topic (not exactly psych but interesting enough i guess) but i know i would have enjoyed it more with a different professor. also she used Respondus, which i despise. it does nothing but stress out people with not as accessible wifi and noisy housholds.
25 points each for 2 midterms = 50 points total
92 was an A
Based on 8 Users
There are no relevant tags for this professor yet.