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- David Rezza Baqaee
- ECON 102
Based on 23 Users
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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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You can tell this professor knows what he is talking about but he goes much too slow. On top of this, the material is very conceptually simple, which makes this class that much more boring. However, the homework constitutes a large portion of the grade and is very easy. The midterm was also fairly easy.
If you have the option to take Baqaee for 102, take it! Yes, his lectures are boring as shit, but the problem sets, which you have WEEKS to work on, are 40% of your grade. You can find all the correct answers from reviewing his slides. Also, the midterm was decently easy and super concept-based, so when studying focus more on applying the general ideas rather than memorizing specific examples.
The one detractor for me is his wack lecturing. But all the other econ profs are just as bad if not worse, so take that with a grain of salt. If you got through Rojas, you can get through him.
The lectures were easy to follow along to and he goes pretty slowly, but he would get sidetracked sometimes by questions in the chat. The problem set questions can be confusing though, and it was really frustrating because I would just not know what exactly he was asking for so I wouldn't be able to answer the problem. It seemed like most of the class relied on TAs to clarify what some questions were asking or to work through similar examples. We had Zoom proctored, timed exams and he gave long exams. I barely finished both the midterm and final. The questions were pretty fair and he gave some practice exams, but looking at the rubric/solutions from our midterm or old midterms you can't tell exactly what gets you the point (i.e. do you need just the graph or do you have to write out and explain what shifted in the graph), so I probably wrote out more than I needed to but I was scared of not getting the points.
Taking this class just gave me too much anxiety. His midterm and final have way too many questions and he doesn't even give extra time for uploading the tests onto ccle. The textbook was helpful as I found his lectures way too confusing.
This guy is a genius, and with that in mind, his exams aren't straightforward or easy, but so are other professors' so I'm not very surprised when I took the midterm. The exam questions do require critical thinking and understanding of the materials. Because of the department curve, he was forced to make the exam a little harder with time constraint, but the curve is generous ( my raw grades are B- but got bumped up to A). He actually explains everything very clear, which makes him slow and behind the schedule but his lectures are very interesting and relevant. He's also very helpful and approachable, so don't miss out his office hours. The problem can be tough, but work with your classmates and you'll be fine. S/o to TA Chang, she's literally the best and most helpful TA!! She tried really hard to make sure she explained everything and everyone in her session understood the materials. She even made the effort to send out feedback forms to improve and spent time to discuss the midterm results and helped us improve. If that's not dedication then idk what is. So if Chang is teaching, definitely take her.
I think I learned nothing from this class. Midterm is hard, final is a little bit easier compared to the midterm. There are 4 problem sets and they really require effort to get good grades on them.
I wouldn't agree with some of the former comments. I have several activities last quarter so I was not able to attend every lecture, but I found it took me much less time if I study the materials with his lectures. He explained the slides clearly, would explain all detailed questions of the students, and added a lot of interesting side notes to the slides (while some of these side-notes might be beyond the level of the course, he made it clear that these contents wouldn't be tested in the exams).
A lot of comments mentioned how his slides are not relevant to the exam. That is simply not true as I only went over the slides, my notes, and the TA notes before midterms and finals and his exams covered nothing beyond the basic knowledge of the slides. I would suggest that do not only memorize the theorems and the graphs in this class but really, understand the logic behind it (which is also illustrated on the slides). If you get these ideas, then the exams are actually easier than the content covered by the slides - I was really worried about the section 3 of the class about the interest rate before the midterm as I couldn't well manage the slides, but the questions on the material turned out to be just fine. While yes, his exam questions were more subjective and asked less pure math questions, but after all, this is an econ class and econ is a social science subject. Plus, his exam questions are in the same style as the problem sets and the practice exams, so definitely study those materials as well and see how to apply the content in class on these questions.
Yeah this guy was alright, but when it came to final grades he was pretty unfair. He dropped the curve and made his final insanely difficult and would not round any grades. Overall I give him a C. Passing but not good at all.
I don't usually write reviews, but seeing the reviews written about Baqaee here made me feel like this guy does NOT deserve any of this. If anything, we don't deserve him. Contrary to most of the reviews here, Baqaee is absolute GOLD. He's super clear in lecture, and goes slowly because he wants us to understand the material and really encourages deep understanding of the material and not just surface stuff to pass tests. He's really understanding and patient in office hours or after lectures and tries his best to explain concepts to you. He broke down proofs for us on the slides and the math can be tricky but this guy legit broke it down into pieces and if you still don't get that then go back to 31B, seriously. There were people complaining about how he's not clear enough with the math and were super rude to him in lectures but you can't expect everything to be hand fed to you right? I mean... he even started using a whiteboard in lectures even if it meant he had to jump up and down from the stage like a million times each class. If thats not caring and accommodating, I don't know what is. His tests are more concept based, which I didn't really like if I'm to be honest because I prefer some more calculations but if you like writing a lot then he's perfect. He even made the final optional when the problem sets were worth 40% already - and people were still negotiating with him on how to get a higher score... like seriously? Honestly, probably one of the best econ prof I've had so far at UCLA. He got thrown with a fire alarm on the last lecture and he still laughed... We don't deserve this guy honestly.
You can tell this professor knows what he is talking about but he goes much too slow. On top of this, the material is very conceptually simple, which makes this class that much more boring. However, the homework constitutes a large portion of the grade and is very easy. The midterm was also fairly easy.
If you have the option to take Baqaee for 102, take it! Yes, his lectures are boring as shit, but the problem sets, which you have WEEKS to work on, are 40% of your grade. You can find all the correct answers from reviewing his slides. Also, the midterm was decently easy and super concept-based, so when studying focus more on applying the general ideas rather than memorizing specific examples.
The one detractor for me is his wack lecturing. But all the other econ profs are just as bad if not worse, so take that with a grain of salt. If you got through Rojas, you can get through him.
The lectures were easy to follow along to and he goes pretty slowly, but he would get sidetracked sometimes by questions in the chat. The problem set questions can be confusing though, and it was really frustrating because I would just not know what exactly he was asking for so I wouldn't be able to answer the problem. It seemed like most of the class relied on TAs to clarify what some questions were asking or to work through similar examples. We had Zoom proctored, timed exams and he gave long exams. I barely finished both the midterm and final. The questions were pretty fair and he gave some practice exams, but looking at the rubric/solutions from our midterm or old midterms you can't tell exactly what gets you the point (i.e. do you need just the graph or do you have to write out and explain what shifted in the graph), so I probably wrote out more than I needed to but I was scared of not getting the points.
Taking this class just gave me too much anxiety. His midterm and final have way too many questions and he doesn't even give extra time for uploading the tests onto ccle. The textbook was helpful as I found his lectures way too confusing.
This guy is a genius, and with that in mind, his exams aren't straightforward or easy, but so are other professors' so I'm not very surprised when I took the midterm. The exam questions do require critical thinking and understanding of the materials. Because of the department curve, he was forced to make the exam a little harder with time constraint, but the curve is generous ( my raw grades are B- but got bumped up to A). He actually explains everything very clear, which makes him slow and behind the schedule but his lectures are very interesting and relevant. He's also very helpful and approachable, so don't miss out his office hours. The problem can be tough, but work with your classmates and you'll be fine. S/o to TA Chang, she's literally the best and most helpful TA!! She tried really hard to make sure she explained everything and everyone in her session understood the materials. She even made the effort to send out feedback forms to improve and spent time to discuss the midterm results and helped us improve. If that's not dedication then idk what is. So if Chang is teaching, definitely take her.
I think I learned nothing from this class. Midterm is hard, final is a little bit easier compared to the midterm. There are 4 problem sets and they really require effort to get good grades on them.
I wouldn't agree with some of the former comments. I have several activities last quarter so I was not able to attend every lecture, but I found it took me much less time if I study the materials with his lectures. He explained the slides clearly, would explain all detailed questions of the students, and added a lot of interesting side notes to the slides (while some of these side-notes might be beyond the level of the course, he made it clear that these contents wouldn't be tested in the exams).
A lot of comments mentioned how his slides are not relevant to the exam. That is simply not true as I only went over the slides, my notes, and the TA notes before midterms and finals and his exams covered nothing beyond the basic knowledge of the slides. I would suggest that do not only memorize the theorems and the graphs in this class but really, understand the logic behind it (which is also illustrated on the slides). If you get these ideas, then the exams are actually easier than the content covered by the slides - I was really worried about the section 3 of the class about the interest rate before the midterm as I couldn't well manage the slides, but the questions on the material turned out to be just fine. While yes, his exam questions were more subjective and asked less pure math questions, but after all, this is an econ class and econ is a social science subject. Plus, his exam questions are in the same style as the problem sets and the practice exams, so definitely study those materials as well and see how to apply the content in class on these questions.
Yeah this guy was alright, but when it came to final grades he was pretty unfair. He dropped the curve and made his final insanely difficult and would not round any grades. Overall I give him a C. Passing but not good at all.
I don't usually write reviews, but seeing the reviews written about Baqaee here made me feel like this guy does NOT deserve any of this. If anything, we don't deserve him. Contrary to most of the reviews here, Baqaee is absolute GOLD. He's super clear in lecture, and goes slowly because he wants us to understand the material and really encourages deep understanding of the material and not just surface stuff to pass tests. He's really understanding and patient in office hours or after lectures and tries his best to explain concepts to you. He broke down proofs for us on the slides and the math can be tricky but this guy legit broke it down into pieces and if you still don't get that then go back to 31B, seriously. There were people complaining about how he's not clear enough with the math and were super rude to him in lectures but you can't expect everything to be hand fed to you right? I mean... he even started using a whiteboard in lectures even if it meant he had to jump up and down from the stage like a million times each class. If thats not caring and accommodating, I don't know what is. His tests are more concept based, which I didn't really like if I'm to be honest because I prefer some more calculations but if you like writing a lot then he's perfect. He even made the final optional when the problem sets were worth 40% already - and people were still negotiating with him on how to get a higher score... like seriously? Honestly, probably one of the best econ prof I've had so far at UCLA. He got thrown with a fire alarm on the last lecture and he still laughed... We don't deserve this guy honestly.
Based on 23 Users
- Uses Slides (13)
- Tough Tests (11)
- Participation Matters (8)
- Appropriately Priced Materials (2)