David Weisbart
Most Helpful Review
I am sad to see Dave leave. He was a great professor who inspired students to learn for the sake of furthering one's self, not to learn to get good grades and be a bitch to college/your GPA. If more professors were like him, the school would be a better place especially for south campus classes. Great man, well progressed lectures, and such a cool and awesome dude.
I am sad to see Dave leave. He was a great professor who inspired students to learn for the sake of furthering one's self, not to learn to get good grades and be a bitch to college/your GPA. If more professors were like him, the school would be a better place especially for south campus classes. Great man, well progressed lectures, and such a cool and awesome dude.
Most Helpful Review
You should definitely take him if you have the chance. His class is hard, but you learn a lot and he's a fair grader. As long as you put in a lot of effort and try your best, he'll be concerned about you doing well in his class. Go to his office hours--he's very helpful. Dave is definitely a professor that goes above and beyond to make sure his students succeed. I had him for two quarters. When I took 33B, I got an F on the first midterm, but I asked him for help and I ended up getting a B in class. If you really want to learn math with a great teacher, I highly recommend taking this class.
You should definitely take him if you have the chance. His class is hard, but you learn a lot and he's a fair grader. As long as you put in a lot of effort and try your best, he'll be concerned about you doing well in his class. Go to his office hours--he's very helpful. Dave is definitely a professor that goes above and beyond to make sure his students succeed. I had him for two quarters. When I took 33B, I got an F on the first midterm, but I asked him for help and I ended up getting a B in class. If you really want to learn math with a great teacher, I highly recommend taking this class.
Most Helpful Review
David teaches in a very natural manner that makes it easy to approach the material. Instead of copying a bunch of formulas onto the board, he derives formulas to solve general equations and shows you how other questions are really just variations of a few key equations. He is very welcoming of questions during class. He has interesting anecdotes and a consistently upbeat demeanor.
David teaches in a very natural manner that makes it easy to approach the material. Instead of copying a bunch of formulas onto the board, he derives formulas to solve general equations and shows you how other questions are really just variations of a few key equations. He is very welcoming of questions during class. He has interesting anecdotes and a consistently upbeat demeanor.
Most Helpful Review
David is a great math professor. He does not limit us to problem solving yet encourages us to think outside of box. His classes involve stories and history of the course materials which are really interesting. He's really concerned about students and made problem set session for us from week 6 and on. He's one of the best math professors that I have had at UCLA.
David is a great math professor. He does not limit us to problem solving yet encourages us to think outside of box. His classes involve stories and history of the course materials which are really interesting. He's really concerned about students and made problem set session for us from week 6 and on. He's one of the best math professors that I have had at UCLA.
Most Helpful Review
For MATH 3A: personally, weisbart's class is a total joke. he extends hw deadlines if you complain, he gives you very little hw, he gives you final exams that only take an hour as opposed to the 3 hours allotted because of their extreme level of easiness, and his tests are the biggest joke of the century. basically, take him! during the final exam, you had to show all your steps in working out problems but he said "if you're running low on time, you dont have to calculate out the final answer" even though i finished the test 2 hours early and even TOOK A NAP! and then he curves super duper well meaning the average being like an A instead of a B or C. i dont know about other classes, but math 3a is really no effort at all and im so horrible at math. the only thing is to not count on learning from lectures because he talks about some random obscure topic like physics which has nothing to do with the hw or tests. so just make sure to understand the hw and practice tests and get extra help from the TA's instead and voila
For MATH 3A: personally, weisbart's class is a total joke. he extends hw deadlines if you complain, he gives you very little hw, he gives you final exams that only take an hour as opposed to the 3 hours allotted because of their extreme level of easiness, and his tests are the biggest joke of the century. basically, take him! during the final exam, you had to show all your steps in working out problems but he said "if you're running low on time, you dont have to calculate out the final answer" even though i finished the test 2 hours early and even TOOK A NAP! and then he curves super duper well meaning the average being like an A instead of a B or C. i dont know about other classes, but math 3a is really no effort at all and im so horrible at math. the only thing is to not count on learning from lectures because he talks about some random obscure topic like physics which has nothing to do with the hw or tests. so just make sure to understand the hw and practice tests and get extra help from the TA's instead and voila
Most Helpful Review
MATH 3C Take this class with him!! definitely great professor because he really cares about the success of his students. He is also very eager to teach the material and he always makes sure you are on the same page as he is on the lectures. His exams are fair and correlate with the problems he writes. His office hours are a must! His office hours are times to go over his problems that you don't understand and to clear up things you do not understand. He is extremely helpful during office hours. He is way better than oberlin, barbaro, goldbring. And he is pretty good eye candy for an early class!
MATH 3C Take this class with him!! definitely great professor because he really cares about the success of his students. He is also very eager to teach the material and he always makes sure you are on the same page as he is on the lectures. His exams are fair and correlate with the problems he writes. His office hours are a must! His office hours are times to go over his problems that you don't understand and to clear up things you do not understand. He is extremely helpful during office hours. He is way better than oberlin, barbaro, goldbring. And he is pretty good eye candy for an early class!