Dean Buonomano
Most Helpful Review
Dr. Buonomano is quite a nice guy, but Psych 119S wasn't that interesting. Also I never knew how to study for this class, and I didn't like how students were supposed to do presentations, on which tests might be based(??). There was a course reader, and my impression, upon reading it, was that the readings would be easier to tackle if one first took Neuro M101A. Nonetheless, I know people who hadn't, and got A's in the class. So it's possible he's an easy grader. I think classes that spend weeks 4-10 with student presentations lack organization. It's like there's no set material to learn, and they pick amongst themselves what to study. Many students are busy with other classes, too, so they just want to get the presentation over with; hence, you end up not learning as well as you might want to... Anyway, I exchanged Psych 119S for Butcher's Neuroscience of Aging by the end of week 2.
Dr. Buonomano is quite a nice guy, but Psych 119S wasn't that interesting. Also I never knew how to study for this class, and I didn't like how students were supposed to do presentations, on which tests might be based(??). There was a course reader, and my impression, upon reading it, was that the readings would be easier to tackle if one first took Neuro M101A. Nonetheless, I know people who hadn't, and got A's in the class. So it's possible he's an easy grader. I think classes that spend weeks 4-10 with student presentations lack organization. It's like there's no set material to learn, and they pick amongst themselves what to study. Many students are busy with other classes, too, so they just want to get the presentation over with; hence, you end up not learning as well as you might want to... Anyway, I exchanged Psych 119S for Butcher's Neuroscience of Aging by the end of week 2.