Delroy A Baugh
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Overall Rating
Based on 27 Users
Easiness 2.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 2.0 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.4 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 2.4 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Tolerates Tardiness
  • Uses Slides
  • Useful Textbooks
  • Tough Tests
  • Appropriately Priced Materials
  • Often Funny

Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Clear marks

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Reviews (20)

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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A
April 2, 2018

Don't believe him if he says the exam is open book.


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Quarter: Winter 2015
Grade: A+
Sept. 12, 2017

Unfortunately the student demographic has suffered an increase in students with personalities of a spoiled-middle-class child. For some reason a lot of these negative reviews come from students who expect the teacher just to give them the answer without working for it. What are they afraid of? A little hard work? Maybe if they bother is concentrate and use their brains for more than 43 seconds they would make some progress. Baugh is a fine and passionate teacher. It's sad to see shit students ruin his Bruinwalk page


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A
April 3, 2018

Hooooo boy, let me tell you the story of Chem 110A with Delroy. Delroy is, probably, most likely, definitely....the most mysterious man in this entire department. Does the man do research for UCLA? I can't find a single paper he has published since 2003. He talks a lot about Berlin and his research there. Does the man have a single graduate student working for him? Doubtful. Where does he live?

At this rate I'm pretty sure Delroy is a ghost that haunts Young Hall and seeks to teach thermodynamics to students and fuck students up the last second AFTER teacher evaluations are submitted. He doesn't exist.

Let me give him some slack though. The man is a fucking genius. Genius. I actually really liked him in the beginning. He is a funny old man that loves chemistry and physics and is excited to talk about it. I actually had a good time with him asking him what a physical chemist does and he talked about his work and other peoples work a bit. The next lecture he showed us STM images of Benzene because I talked to him about it, after that he knew me and said hi to me every time I walked past him in the halls. He also really knows his stuff and is actually pretty good at lecturing about CONCEPTUAL stuff. When he got to chapter 3 in Engel and it got heavily math based, lecture was a fucking drag.

However, the man is UNBELIEVABLY disorganized. This is his downfall and the downfall of the class and why I ended up so frustrated with him. I think it is physically, mentally, and spiritually impossible to be this disorganized. His brains are hanging out of his head. The first inclination that something wasn't right was that his CCLE profile picture is sideways. I had friends that had midterm conflicts because he kept changing the dates and they were unable to make up their tests because the man DOES NOT REPLY TO EMAILS. He made the final open book at 12:30 AM when our exam was in about 11 hours. Apparently no one knew, not even the TAs. TA's cancelled this open book when we walked in and wouldn't talk about what happened with me. Grades were uploaded at the last second so it was a painful wait. Also TA's wrote the tests this quarter, so don't believe bruinwalk reviews from the past. Be ready for anything.

The best thing about this class is his grading scheme. Most bizarre ass shit I've seen, but basically every point you lose on your midterm adds to the denominator of your final. Class is straight scale out of 1000, so if I just didn't do the midterms, my final is 800 points and if I ace that I get an A+. This is so fucking generous, which explains his ridiculous grading schemes.

Ah Delroy. He's the kind of prof that makes for a good story. Did I learn thermodynamics? Sure. Although most of it was me working carefully through the book. Did we get to all the topics we should have covered? Heck no, Delroy took 6 weeks to get past 3 chapters.

Its honestly a shame. I feel bad for the guy because he has to teach a dispassionate group of students who enter because they fear him for being awful. Its a positive feedback loop. Perhaps people can turn it around if they try to ask him questions beyond the material and get him excited again. Maybe he'll care.


3 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A+
April 2, 2018

This class was a roller coaster for me just trying to figure out what the professor wanted us to learn and know for the exam. At first I said to myself that he must want us to know what he emphasizes in class thoroughly - wrong. Then I said that his old exams must give clues on what he wants us to know - wrong (he changed his exams completely). Now, the TA's write the exam (at least this quarter). So i did not know how to study for the exam. But, he did say "based on the homework". While this was true, there was a question on the exam that had NOTHING to do with what we spoke of in class or discussion/tutorial sections.

BUT, even though this class has a massive communication problem between the TA's and the professor, the exams technically were not crazy hard - you just had to prepare for them correctly. The TA's i had were amazing and explained things so well, they made me do well on my exams. If he continues with this kind of testing, just by doing the homework and more problems from the book for each chapter so you are familiar with the chapter well, you should be just fine. And his grading style!!!!! SO different - you get whatever points you lose on the midterms transferred to the total points on the final. So basically, if you do well on the final, you do well in the class.

All in all, Baugh is so passionate about what he does. He loves speaking about his work and you can tell his love for the field. The problem is the communication and what he expects from his students. Would I take him again? Probably, since Felker would have fked me royally....


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A
March 19, 2018

What I learned from Dr. Baugh: 1.) how to draw a potential curve 2.) solids have multiple different phases so a good business plan would be to sell the rare ones. Who would have known ice form 16 would cost so much?! Hahah! Maybe funny the first time, not so much the 9th time around....
The material covered in his lectures never found themselves on the exams or the homework... did not coordinate with the TA’s... horrible organization... and never a man of his word. I could go on forever ranting about how many things went wrong with the class, but I can strongly say that I would have had a harder time if I took this with another professor (as in Felker).
Tips: don’t worry about his lectures. He’s too conceptual for what’s on the exam and doesn’t make sense half of the time.
Go to discussion and get to know the TA’s.
Do the homework.
The midterms are not “straight from the homework” (don’t take his word for it that it is)
There could or could not be derivations on the exam (don’t take his word for it that it is).
The final is not open book (don’t take his work for it that it is)


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Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A
Dec. 19, 2017

For all Pre-Meds I'm selling custom made MCAT Full-Lengths which are custom designed with AAMC style questions. These questions mimim question packs and section bank. If you don't want to purchase the AAMC question banks separately you can get it in Full-length format to enable most important practice in your study schedule to gauge where you're at and how to improve. Contact 310-562-4353


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Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A
Feb. 2, 2017

Professor Baugh is very passionate about physical chemistry, and you can see that in the way he teaches. He focuses a lot on the physical meaning of equations, and less on the actual math (I have heard from my friends who took other professors for this class that it was very math-heavy; it was never math-heavy in Baugh's class). In fact, he skipped a lot of very complicated equations on the textbook, and also skimmed their derivations. So if you hate math and just want to concentrate on understanding the physical meaning of equations, I would say Baugh is a good choice for you!

His class may be hard, but definitely a lot more doable than other hard professors like Felker or Corbin. He is also a very fair guy. He explains at the start of the class what his midterms and final would consist of, so you'd know what to expect and study for. He also didn't test materials that he didn't cover (which is actually a good amount of material because of his poor time management skills), unlike some previous reviews said. Maybe he's a changed man, or maybe he loves our class a lot, I don't know.

My tip: go to lectures and LISTEN to what he says. He tends to repeat a lot on what he finds extremely fascinating about the class, and so, unsurprisingly, those concepts were heavily tested in the midterms. He repeats those concepts so much that he drills them into me, which ultimately helped me in the exams. So definitely pay attention to his lecture.

**((my secret tip)): get your hands on those past midterms through whatever means necessary. Then tell your TA to go through them, but (tell them not to tell Baugh you got them or he will change his questions! or maybe just don't even tell the TA it was from a past midterm).


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Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A+
Jan. 9, 2017

Baugh is a faithful professor but not efficient. Throughout the course there were poor communication between the TAs and the professor, which resulted in exams being passed out extremely late (among other issues). Baugh went over many problems and derivatives, but read through them on a poorly organized slide. It was very hard to follow.

That being said, all of the classes were podcasted, and Baugh held many office hours which were helpful for me. Most everything on Baugh's tests could be found either on old tests (testbank), homework problems, and the review session he holds before tests. During the tutorials the TAs went over all of the homework problems and answers. The textbook was unhelpful so I learned all of the material through wikipedia and a random physical chemistry textbook a friend had. Make good use of your cheat sheets. This isn't really helpful, but Baugh is a very good dresser and a pretty cool guy.
This class was a struggle, I'm not especially smart, but I still was able to do well. Good luck!


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Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A
Dec. 27, 2016

Baugh is a good person but he is not a good professor at all. I can confidently say I did not learn anything in this class and had I not used previous tests and chegg for the homework there was no way I would've got an A in this class. The class isn't necessarily hard but you just don't learn anything to answer the simple questions he asks on tests. Use your cheat sheet wisely is the best advice I can give.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
May 22, 2015

Easiest class to cheat on, you can copy the hw problem verbatim on 3 pages of cheat sheet and he uses that problem on the test.


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A
April 2, 2018

Don't believe him if he says the exam is open book.


2 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2015
Grade: A+
Sept. 12, 2017

Unfortunately the student demographic has suffered an increase in students with personalities of a spoiled-middle-class child. For some reason a lot of these negative reviews come from students who expect the teacher just to give them the answer without working for it. What are they afraid of? A little hard work? Maybe if they bother is concentrate and use their brains for more than 43 seconds they would make some progress. Baugh is a fine and passionate teacher. It's sad to see shit students ruin his Bruinwalk page


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A
April 3, 2018

Hooooo boy, let me tell you the story of Chem 110A with Delroy. Delroy is, probably, most likely, definitely....the most mysterious man in this entire department. Does the man do research for UCLA? I can't find a single paper he has published since 2003. He talks a lot about Berlin and his research there. Does the man have a single graduate student working for him? Doubtful. Where does he live?

At this rate I'm pretty sure Delroy is a ghost that haunts Young Hall and seeks to teach thermodynamics to students and fuck students up the last second AFTER teacher evaluations are submitted. He doesn't exist.

Let me give him some slack though. The man is a fucking genius. Genius. I actually really liked him in the beginning. He is a funny old man that loves chemistry and physics and is excited to talk about it. I actually had a good time with him asking him what a physical chemist does and he talked about his work and other peoples work a bit. The next lecture he showed us STM images of Benzene because I talked to him about it, after that he knew me and said hi to me every time I walked past him in the halls. He also really knows his stuff and is actually pretty good at lecturing about CONCEPTUAL stuff. When he got to chapter 3 in Engel and it got heavily math based, lecture was a fucking drag.

However, the man is UNBELIEVABLY disorganized. This is his downfall and the downfall of the class and why I ended up so frustrated with him. I think it is physically, mentally, and spiritually impossible to be this disorganized. His brains are hanging out of his head. The first inclination that something wasn't right was that his CCLE profile picture is sideways. I had friends that had midterm conflicts because he kept changing the dates and they were unable to make up their tests because the man DOES NOT REPLY TO EMAILS. He made the final open book at 12:30 AM when our exam was in about 11 hours. Apparently no one knew, not even the TAs. TA's cancelled this open book when we walked in and wouldn't talk about what happened with me. Grades were uploaded at the last second so it was a painful wait. Also TA's wrote the tests this quarter, so don't believe bruinwalk reviews from the past. Be ready for anything.

The best thing about this class is his grading scheme. Most bizarre ass shit I've seen, but basically every point you lose on your midterm adds to the denominator of your final. Class is straight scale out of 1000, so if I just didn't do the midterms, my final is 800 points and if I ace that I get an A+. This is so fucking generous, which explains his ridiculous grading schemes.

Ah Delroy. He's the kind of prof that makes for a good story. Did I learn thermodynamics? Sure. Although most of it was me working carefully through the book. Did we get to all the topics we should have covered? Heck no, Delroy took 6 weeks to get past 3 chapters.

Its honestly a shame. I feel bad for the guy because he has to teach a dispassionate group of students who enter because they fear him for being awful. Its a positive feedback loop. Perhaps people can turn it around if they try to ask him questions beyond the material and get him excited again. Maybe he'll care.


3 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A+
April 2, 2018

This class was a roller coaster for me just trying to figure out what the professor wanted us to learn and know for the exam. At first I said to myself that he must want us to know what he emphasizes in class thoroughly - wrong. Then I said that his old exams must give clues on what he wants us to know - wrong (he changed his exams completely). Now, the TA's write the exam (at least this quarter). So i did not know how to study for the exam. But, he did say "based on the homework". While this was true, there was a question on the exam that had NOTHING to do with what we spoke of in class or discussion/tutorial sections.

BUT, even though this class has a massive communication problem between the TA's and the professor, the exams technically were not crazy hard - you just had to prepare for them correctly. The TA's i had were amazing and explained things so well, they made me do well on my exams. If he continues with this kind of testing, just by doing the homework and more problems from the book for each chapter so you are familiar with the chapter well, you should be just fine. And his grading style!!!!! SO different - you get whatever points you lose on the midterms transferred to the total points on the final. So basically, if you do well on the final, you do well in the class.

All in all, Baugh is so passionate about what he does. He loves speaking about his work and you can tell his love for the field. The problem is the communication and what he expects from his students. Would I take him again? Probably, since Felker would have fked me royally....


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A
March 19, 2018

What I learned from Dr. Baugh: 1.) how to draw a potential curve 2.) solids have multiple different phases so a good business plan would be to sell the rare ones. Who would have known ice form 16 would cost so much?! Hahah! Maybe funny the first time, not so much the 9th time around....
The material covered in his lectures never found themselves on the exams or the homework... did not coordinate with the TA’s... horrible organization... and never a man of his word. I could go on forever ranting about how many things went wrong with the class, but I can strongly say that I would have had a harder time if I took this with another professor (as in Felker).
Tips: don’t worry about his lectures. He’s too conceptual for what’s on the exam and doesn’t make sense half of the time.
Go to discussion and get to know the TA’s.
Do the homework.
The midterms are not “straight from the homework” (don’t take his word for it that it is)
There could or could not be derivations on the exam (don’t take his word for it that it is).
The final is not open book (don’t take his work for it that it is)


3 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A
Dec. 19, 2017

For all Pre-Meds I'm selling custom made MCAT Full-Lengths which are custom designed with AAMC style questions. These questions mimim question packs and section bank. If you don't want to purchase the AAMC question banks separately you can get it in Full-length format to enable most important practice in your study schedule to gauge where you're at and how to improve. Contact 310-562-4353


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Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A
Feb. 2, 2017

Professor Baugh is very passionate about physical chemistry, and you can see that in the way he teaches. He focuses a lot on the physical meaning of equations, and less on the actual math (I have heard from my friends who took other professors for this class that it was very math-heavy; it was never math-heavy in Baugh's class). In fact, he skipped a lot of very complicated equations on the textbook, and also skimmed their derivations. So if you hate math and just want to concentrate on understanding the physical meaning of equations, I would say Baugh is a good choice for you!

His class may be hard, but definitely a lot more doable than other hard professors like Felker or Corbin. He is also a very fair guy. He explains at the start of the class what his midterms and final would consist of, so you'd know what to expect and study for. He also didn't test materials that he didn't cover (which is actually a good amount of material because of his poor time management skills), unlike some previous reviews said. Maybe he's a changed man, or maybe he loves our class a lot, I don't know.

My tip: go to lectures and LISTEN to what he says. He tends to repeat a lot on what he finds extremely fascinating about the class, and so, unsurprisingly, those concepts were heavily tested in the midterms. He repeats those concepts so much that he drills them into me, which ultimately helped me in the exams. So definitely pay attention to his lecture.

**((my secret tip)): get your hands on those past midterms through whatever means necessary. Then tell your TA to go through them, but (tell them not to tell Baugh you got them or he will change his questions! or maybe just don't even tell the TA it was from a past midterm).


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Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A+
Jan. 9, 2017

Baugh is a faithful professor but not efficient. Throughout the course there were poor communication between the TAs and the professor, which resulted in exams being passed out extremely late (among other issues). Baugh went over many problems and derivatives, but read through them on a poorly organized slide. It was very hard to follow.

That being said, all of the classes were podcasted, and Baugh held many office hours which were helpful for me. Most everything on Baugh's tests could be found either on old tests (testbank), homework problems, and the review session he holds before tests. During the tutorials the TAs went over all of the homework problems and answers. The textbook was unhelpful so I learned all of the material through wikipedia and a random physical chemistry textbook a friend had. Make good use of your cheat sheets. This isn't really helpful, but Baugh is a very good dresser and a pretty cool guy.
This class was a struggle, I'm not especially smart, but I still was able to do well. Good luck!


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Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A
Dec. 27, 2016

Baugh is a good person but he is not a good professor at all. I can confidently say I did not learn anything in this class and had I not used previous tests and chegg for the homework there was no way I would've got an A in this class. The class isn't necessarily hard but you just don't learn anything to answer the simple questions he asks on tests. Use your cheat sheet wisely is the best advice I can give.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
May 22, 2015

Easiest class to cheat on, you can copy the hw problem verbatim on 3 pages of cheat sheet and he uses that problem on the test.


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1 of 2
Overall Rating
Based on 27 Users
Easiness 2.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 2.0 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.4 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 2.4 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Tolerates Tardiness
  • Uses Slides
  • Useful Textbooks
  • Tough Tests
  • Appropriately Priced Materials
  • Often Funny

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