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- Efren Perez
- PSYCH M138
Based on 1 User
- Uses Slides
- Engaging Lectures
- Snazzy Dresser
- Gives Extra Credit
- Would Take Again
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Sorry, no enrollment data is available.
Loved this class even though it was prerecorded lectures! My TA Aeden was the best and our sections helped with the connection to the class. Dr. Perez is very thorough and I thought his lectures were really engaging. He has such a breadth and depth of knowledge relating to the topic, overall super knowledgable.
There were short quizzes based on the readings throughout the quarter. They were so short that the issue was that if you missed one question out of three it would be a terrible grade, so partway through he made them longer. There were 2 short papers (4-6 pages) based on movies, and a take-home final that was open for a while. The grading was pretty easy in my opinion.
There was an extra credit opportunity through participating in one of his studies, which was really easy and took no time at all, and is 2 points added to whatever grading category you want.
Loved this class even though it was prerecorded lectures! My TA Aeden was the best and our sections helped with the connection to the class. Dr. Perez is very thorough and I thought his lectures were really engaging. He has such a breadth and depth of knowledge relating to the topic, overall super knowledgable.
There were short quizzes based on the readings throughout the quarter. They were so short that the issue was that if you missed one question out of three it would be a terrible grade, so partway through he made them longer. There were 2 short papers (4-6 pages) based on movies, and a take-home final that was open for a while. The grading was pretty easy in my opinion.
There was an extra credit opportunity through participating in one of his studies, which was really easy and took no time at all, and is 2 points added to whatever grading category you want.
Based on 1 User
- Uses Slides (1)
- Engaging Lectures (1)
- Snazzy Dresser (1)
- Gives Extra Credit (1)
- Would Take Again (1)