Elham Saeidinezhad
Department of Economics
Overall Rating
Based on 14 Users
Easiness 4.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 2.4 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.8 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 3.2 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Uses Slides
  • Tolerates Tardiness
  • Needs Textbook
  • Useful Textbooks

Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Clear marks

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Reviews (11)

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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+
April 4, 2020

Professor Elham S as a person is great and deserves all the appreciation but as a Professor, not. I had taken Economics Classes in High School but the credit didn't transfer and therefore for me, whether she completed one chapter of all the six chapters, didn't matter. She couldn't go through 6 Chapters or 300 Slides in 10 Weeks! All the students who will take Econ 11 after taking her Class will be unprepared and screwed. This Class has permanently hit my views on UCLA as a University and the incompetent Econ Department.
Midterm 1 was extremely simple. (20 MCQs in 75 Minutes). However, thank God they screwed the printing of Midterm 2 or nobody in this Class would have scored even an A-. I don't know what happened to her and she changed track and made this incomprehensible, complex and difficult Midterm 2 that would make even a Ph.D. Student doubt his or her knowledge. The Final was of medium level difficulty and doable.
The Mindtap Homework ($100 for no value) was graded for completion and there was a Blog that you had to write for which she sent hundreds of emails which no one even read. For an Econ 1 Class a Writing Assignment was a stretch maybe but I found it a refreshing and interesting exercise. Discussion Sections were compulsory and my TA Alex Coblins was great.

Do not take this Class with her if you can, but if you have to, it's fine.


3 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A-
June 19, 2020

If you didnt take econ in high school , I would NOT recommend taking econ 1 with Saeidinezhad. She seemed nice, but she felt like just because people who had already taken Econ were doing well in her class, then she must be doing a good job herself, which is not the case. The whole econ department seems to just be out of touch teachers reading from slides made from the textbook company. It was impossible to cover all the material in 12 weeks, and she was a bit of a mess, which just did not help at all. The way these introductory classes are taught at UCLA needs to be changed.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 30, 2020

Elham is a really nice person, and I think she gets hated on for no reason. Although she isn't the best lecturer, she's more than happy to help you outside of class. Her tests were confusing and inconsistent, I found out some of the questions are written by the TA's, which probably explains this. The class has very easy content, but her tests make it harder than it needs to be.

The project in this class was a lot of work, but the TA's grade it. I started really early, 4 weeks before the deadline, so I wasn't stressed about it.

Overall, I really like Elham and I would take her class again. She is super nice, but her lectures get boring and the tests are confusing.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-
March 25, 2020

Main problem with this class was a lot of technical issues, some days the projector wasn’t working or the microphone wasn’t working, they even printed the second midterm wrong and just gave us the score from the first one. Overall the class was pretty easy. She gets hated on a lot but it seems like she’s trying her hardest to offer extra office hours or extra emails to help students with either the blog post or lecture.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 25, 2020

Overall, in lecture she was just reading off the slides and repeating the important concepts multiple times in a row (which I thought was absolutely unnecessary). Even though she can teach the basic material, sometimes she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. For example, there was one lecture where she was staring at the screen for one whole damn minute, silently, for god knows what reason. She was probably staring at the question, wondering how in the world she came up with the answer. The first midterm she gave us was actually not bad at all, I think ⅔ of the class got an A so we can’t really complain about it. However, things took a turn when we reached our second midterm. The second midterm was CANCELLED because she couldn’t print all the copies properly in time. I literally do not understand why she didn’t double check the day before because it was very frustrating. She ended up posting the midterm on CCLE and it was HARD AND CONFUSING AF. I literally don’t know how in the world she can come up with such confusingly worded questions that none of us could probably answer. She then administered the second midterm the next week, making it optional for those who wanted to take it. We had a writing project, which was hard to dealt with because she sent like 835485 emails about it and we are all super confused what to write about. But throughout the quarter, we went completely off track of the syllabus. We were supposed to go through more than six chapters but ended up barely getting through five, how are we supposed to be prepared for Econ 101? For our last two lectures, the projector broke so we ended up wasting a lot of time because she had to write out everything. Overall, even though it was easy to get an A, I was very disappointed with how the class went since we did not learn much.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+
March 27, 2020

The concept of Econ 1 is relatively easy. However, it is still very hard to wake up and go to her class. Elham is a nice person, but a below average lecturer. This class is composed of two midterms (which are easy), one paper (graded by your TA), homework, discussion participation, and a final. The final is composed of 100 questions, and you need to finish them in two hours!


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 23, 2020

The breakdown of this class is 10% discussion attendance, 10% Mindtap homework, 15% midterm 1, 15% midterm 2, 20% final blog, 30% final. In my opinion, the final blog/paper shouldn't be a thing especially since I feel like she sent out so many emails that it was hard to tell what she even wanted us to write about anymore. The tests were fair and straightforward. The Mindtap homework was also straightforward, but it just sucked that we had to pay about $100 for it. She shares her slides online, and you don't have to go to lecture if you just follow the slides. Her lectures were clear, but slow and boring. Overall, easy and straightforward class .


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 23, 2020

Her class was a lot easier than my high school microeconomics class, and the professor goes at a really slow pace. The tests were very easy if you did the MindTap homework and read her slides (which she posts online), so it isn't hard to get an A in the class. There was one blog post/essay we had to write which was surprising because I think a lot of people didn't expect to write an essay for an intro econ class. She was very helpful in terms of the essay and material we learned in class, making sure to host office hours and writing sessions, and she was very nice too. I will say the TA helps a lot too with reviewing concepts (depends on the TA, but I had Tim).

However, the professor went at a slow pace (combined with a midterm printing mishap), which set us back a few chapters. Because of the easiness of the class, I didn't feel like I learned the concepts in as great of depth as I would've liked to. With the tests being multiple choice rather than free response, I didn't have to expend too much energy to think of the right answer. She does go over some real-world situations and calls on some people in class, but sometimes it applied to macro rather than micro concepts.

Overall, this was a pretty good class, but I just didn't learn as much as I wanted to.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+
March 23, 2020

Let me start by saying that this class was very easy. As someone who had never taken any econ besides the base requirement for highschool graduation, succeeding was a breeze. She isnt the most clear in lecture and often drones on about the same topic for way too long, but the slides she uses are very easy to learn from and her tests are pretty easy. Take this course.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 22, 2020

If you can avoid taking ECON 1 with Saeidinezhad, I'd recommend doing so. Her lectures are so slow that they nearly put me to sleep, and we got through only 4.5 out of the 6 chapters we were supposed to cover. When asked, our TA said that we will have to do a lot of self studying because of Saeidinezhad's poor pacing. The professor also goes off on tangents during lecture, often discussing macroeconomic concepts and upper-level microeconomic concepts which the students have absolutely no hope of understanding.
The class is relatively easy - there are online homework sets every couple of weeks, and the tests require minimal preparation. Getting an A isn't hard, but it's definitely not worth it - with Saeidinezhad you don't learn anywhere close to enough, and even what you do learn is often superficial. After having taken this course, I'd imagine ECON 11 will be an even more hellish experience than it's already made out to be.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+
April 4, 2020

Professor Elham S as a person is great and deserves all the appreciation but as a Professor, not. I had taken Economics Classes in High School but the credit didn't transfer and therefore for me, whether she completed one chapter of all the six chapters, didn't matter. She couldn't go through 6 Chapters or 300 Slides in 10 Weeks! All the students who will take Econ 11 after taking her Class will be unprepared and screwed. This Class has permanently hit my views on UCLA as a University and the incompetent Econ Department.
Midterm 1 was extremely simple. (20 MCQs in 75 Minutes). However, thank God they screwed the printing of Midterm 2 or nobody in this Class would have scored even an A-. I don't know what happened to her and she changed track and made this incomprehensible, complex and difficult Midterm 2 that would make even a Ph.D. Student doubt his or her knowledge. The Final was of medium level difficulty and doable.
The Mindtap Homework ($100 for no value) was graded for completion and there was a Blog that you had to write for which she sent hundreds of emails which no one even read. For an Econ 1 Class a Writing Assignment was a stretch maybe but I found it a refreshing and interesting exercise. Discussion Sections were compulsory and my TA Alex Coblins was great.

Do not take this Class with her if you can, but if you have to, it's fine.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A-
June 19, 2020

If you didnt take econ in high school , I would NOT recommend taking econ 1 with Saeidinezhad. She seemed nice, but she felt like just because people who had already taken Econ were doing well in her class, then she must be doing a good job herself, which is not the case. The whole econ department seems to just be out of touch teachers reading from slides made from the textbook company. It was impossible to cover all the material in 12 weeks, and she was a bit of a mess, which just did not help at all. The way these introductory classes are taught at UCLA needs to be changed.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-
March 30, 2020

Elham is a really nice person, and I think she gets hated on for no reason. Although she isn't the best lecturer, she's more than happy to help you outside of class. Her tests were confusing and inconsistent, I found out some of the questions are written by the TA's, which probably explains this. The class has very easy content, but her tests make it harder than it needs to be.

The project in this class was a lot of work, but the TA's grade it. I started really early, 4 weeks before the deadline, so I wasn't stressed about it.

Overall, I really like Elham and I would take her class again. She is super nice, but her lectures get boring and the tests are confusing.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-
March 25, 2020

Main problem with this class was a lot of technical issues, some days the projector wasn’t working or the microphone wasn’t working, they even printed the second midterm wrong and just gave us the score from the first one. Overall the class was pretty easy. She gets hated on a lot but it seems like she’s trying her hardest to offer extra office hours or extra emails to help students with either the blog post or lecture.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 25, 2020

Overall, in lecture she was just reading off the slides and repeating the important concepts multiple times in a row (which I thought was absolutely unnecessary). Even though she can teach the basic material, sometimes she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. For example, there was one lecture where she was staring at the screen for one whole damn minute, silently, for god knows what reason. She was probably staring at the question, wondering how in the world she came up with the answer. The first midterm she gave us was actually not bad at all, I think ⅔ of the class got an A so we can’t really complain about it. However, things took a turn when we reached our second midterm. The second midterm was CANCELLED because she couldn’t print all the copies properly in time. I literally do not understand why she didn’t double check the day before because it was very frustrating. She ended up posting the midterm on CCLE and it was HARD AND CONFUSING AF. I literally don’t know how in the world she can come up with such confusingly worded questions that none of us could probably answer. She then administered the second midterm the next week, making it optional for those who wanted to take it. We had a writing project, which was hard to dealt with because she sent like 835485 emails about it and we are all super confused what to write about. But throughout the quarter, we went completely off track of the syllabus. We were supposed to go through more than six chapters but ended up barely getting through five, how are we supposed to be prepared for Econ 101? For our last two lectures, the projector broke so we ended up wasting a lot of time because she had to write out everything. Overall, even though it was easy to get an A, I was very disappointed with how the class went since we did not learn much.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+
March 27, 2020

The concept of Econ 1 is relatively easy. However, it is still very hard to wake up and go to her class. Elham is a nice person, but a below average lecturer. This class is composed of two midterms (which are easy), one paper (graded by your TA), homework, discussion participation, and a final. The final is composed of 100 questions, and you need to finish them in two hours!


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 23, 2020

The breakdown of this class is 10% discussion attendance, 10% Mindtap homework, 15% midterm 1, 15% midterm 2, 20% final blog, 30% final. In my opinion, the final blog/paper shouldn't be a thing especially since I feel like she sent out so many emails that it was hard to tell what she even wanted us to write about anymore. The tests were fair and straightforward. The Mindtap homework was also straightforward, but it just sucked that we had to pay about $100 for it. She shares her slides online, and you don't have to go to lecture if you just follow the slides. Her lectures were clear, but slow and boring. Overall, easy and straightforward class .


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 23, 2020

Her class was a lot easier than my high school microeconomics class, and the professor goes at a really slow pace. The tests were very easy if you did the MindTap homework and read her slides (which she posts online), so it isn't hard to get an A in the class. There was one blog post/essay we had to write which was surprising because I think a lot of people didn't expect to write an essay for an intro econ class. She was very helpful in terms of the essay and material we learned in class, making sure to host office hours and writing sessions, and she was very nice too. I will say the TA helps a lot too with reviewing concepts (depends on the TA, but I had Tim).

However, the professor went at a slow pace (combined with a midterm printing mishap), which set us back a few chapters. Because of the easiness of the class, I didn't feel like I learned the concepts in as great of depth as I would've liked to. With the tests being multiple choice rather than free response, I didn't have to expend too much energy to think of the right answer. She does go over some real-world situations and calls on some people in class, but sometimes it applied to macro rather than micro concepts.

Overall, this was a pretty good class, but I just didn't learn as much as I wanted to.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+
March 23, 2020

Let me start by saying that this class was very easy. As someone who had never taken any econ besides the base requirement for highschool graduation, succeeding was a breeze. She isnt the most clear in lecture and often drones on about the same topic for way too long, but the slides she uses are very easy to learn from and her tests are pretty easy. Take this course.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 22, 2020

If you can avoid taking ECON 1 with Saeidinezhad, I'd recommend doing so. Her lectures are so slow that they nearly put me to sleep, and we got through only 4.5 out of the 6 chapters we were supposed to cover. When asked, our TA said that we will have to do a lot of self studying because of Saeidinezhad's poor pacing. The professor also goes off on tangents during lecture, often discussing macroeconomic concepts and upper-level microeconomic concepts which the students have absolutely no hope of understanding.
The class is relatively easy - there are online homework sets every couple of weeks, and the tests require minimal preparation. Getting an A isn't hard, but it's definitely not worth it - with Saeidinezhad you don't learn anywhere close to enough, and even what you do learn is often superficial. After having taken this course, I'd imagine ECON 11 will be an even more hellish experience than it's already made out to be.


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1 of 2
Overall Rating
Based on 14 Users
Easiness 4.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 2.4 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.8 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 3.2 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Uses Slides
  • Tolerates Tardiness
  • Needs Textbook
  • Useful Textbooks

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