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Elizabeth Upton
Based on 105 Users
Take this class! Not only will you have a chill and amazing time, you will learn so so much about art, history, and just pop culture. I didn't really care about the beatles before this class and now i'm a huge fan. I see beatles references everywhere. This class is truly life changing
Professor Upton is truly the sweetest, most caring professor I have ever had. She deserves a 6 on bruinwalk. Upton was so accommodating with online schooling - we got 10 minute breaks during lecture, the midterm was cancelled and we were given full credit, the final was given as a 1-3 page reflection paper, and the analysis paper deadlines were often pushed a week to give us extra time. Professor Upton was very clear that she intended for this class to give us as little stress as possible and she delivered. The class material was SO engaging, and the analysis essay gave us room to pick a niche topic of interest which made the whole experience that much more enjoyable. The homework for this class is listening to the Beatles albums, movies and short readings on the Beatles. While it is not necessary to complete the readings and homework to do well in this course, I completed them all simply because they were interesting and I truly enjoyed this course. I feel so grateful to Professor Upton for making this quarter easy and enjoyable in such difficult global times.
Professor Upton was AMAZING! The Beatles were definitely a subject I didn't expect to become so invested in. Class was online, but the TAs and other students made it fun chatting and reacting to her lecture. She shows a good amount of music videos and documentaries so the slides aren't boring. Our grade consisted of weekly discussion posts with one reply, quizzes corresponding to each lecture, a research paper, and a final reflection in place of an actual final. Overall, I'd highly recommend this class as a GE. Also, Alex was the best TA I've had. Super funny and understanding when it came to deadlines!
I wrote the comment below, I just forgot to specify that I took MUSIC HIST 68 - BEATLES
"Professor Upton sucks. She has potential to be a good professor, but she goes off on random information rather often. I took the class because I was genuinely interested in learning, but Upton would consistently show up late and let breaks run too long. The amount of time we spent "learning" was not proportional to the amount of money I pay UCLA to take a 5 unit class. She could have done a lot better. I think you will enjoy the class if you take it. Try to take it with a different professor though. That said, if all you want is a gpa booster, Upton is an incredibly easy professor. I didn't read the book, nor did I study more than 3 hours for either the midterm or final, and I still received an A+ in the class. But seriously, I really dislike Upton. I wish I took it with a professor who didn't act like she was a 10 year old girl."
I took Professor Upton's Music History 68 course in the Winter 2012 quarter, and contrary to these reviews, I thought she was a fantastic professor! I was personally raised to be a huge fan of The Beatles and I learned countless things about the band that I hadn't known before. She does teach very closely to the Beatles Anthology, and you could learn much of the gist of the course by watching it and paying close attention, but I actually really enjoyed going to her lectures. She was often running late, or when she wasn't, the technology in the auditorium was acting up and class would start late anyway (the music building is notorious for this) but she was a great lecturer for what it was worth and even though people might find her to be somewhat of a ditz, I thought her personality was charming and breath of fresh air from the typical arrogant professors. She talked to us like we were human, and I appreciate that. Her exams were particularly easy. If you can remember dates and titles, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. In short, you won't find a professor as passionate or knowledgeable of the music of The Beatles as Upton is, and it's certainly not a class you'll ever forget. I would 100% recommend this class to anyone who enjoys classic rock!
I took MUS HIST 68- Beatles
Professor Upton is WONDERFUL! I came into this class knowing not even the names of the Beatles and came out obsessed. This class is easily one of my favorites and is not hard at all. Her class is very straightforward and she's a fun professor. She's always excited to come to class-which makes it fun for the students as well! I would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants a easy and fun fulfillment of a GE requirement.
I took Music History 68 with Professor Upton, that was the Beatles class. I really, really enjoyed it. I loved learning more about the Beatles and I thought her lectures, for the most part, were really interesting. She did go off on some really strange and completely irrelevant tangents (like an hour on John Cage and talking about like nineteenth century folk music), but the rest of the lecture time made up for it. She showed us all of these cool clips I wouldn't have seen otherwise. I came into this class a mild fan of the Beatles and came out sort of obsessed, so I think the class was awesome. As for the class breakdown, there were two online posts every week, one musical report type paper, one real paper, and then a midterm and a final. Most of these things were just like an A for effort. They did take attendance during discussion though, which sucked for some people. People say the reading for this class wasn't necessary, but I did the reading as I found it really interesting and I did think it helped me absorb the knowledge better. Overall, this class was not only really easy (I got an A+), but it was also just totally awesome.
Music History 68: The Beatles
This class was absolutely amazing, and professor Upton was a wonderful lecturer. This class was extremely easy, the "textbook" was a best selling novel about the Beatles, and the midterm and final were very straight forward. I enjoyed attending these lectures because professor Upton is passionate about the Beatles, and incorporates songs and videos into every lecture! I cannot stress enough how fun and easy this class is! If you love the Beatles, take it! If you want to learn more about them, take it! You will not be disappointed!
beatles class
paperback and can't buy me love $20
FOR MUSIC HISTORY 68: THE BEATLES. I am selling the two required books for $20 total. The Beatles: Paperback Writer and Can't Buy Me Love. Text me if you are interested: (714) 651-5986
I really enjoyed this class
Take this class! Not only will you have a chill and amazing time, you will learn so so much about art, history, and just pop culture. I didn't really care about the beatles before this class and now i'm a huge fan. I see beatles references everywhere. This class is truly life changing
Professor Upton is truly the sweetest, most caring professor I have ever had. She deserves a 6 on bruinwalk. Upton was so accommodating with online schooling - we got 10 minute breaks during lecture, the midterm was cancelled and we were given full credit, the final was given as a 1-3 page reflection paper, and the analysis paper deadlines were often pushed a week to give us extra time. Professor Upton was very clear that she intended for this class to give us as little stress as possible and she delivered. The class material was SO engaging, and the analysis essay gave us room to pick a niche topic of interest which made the whole experience that much more enjoyable. The homework for this class is listening to the Beatles albums, movies and short readings on the Beatles. While it is not necessary to complete the readings and homework to do well in this course, I completed them all simply because they were interesting and I truly enjoyed this course. I feel so grateful to Professor Upton for making this quarter easy and enjoyable in such difficult global times.
Professor Upton was AMAZING! The Beatles were definitely a subject I didn't expect to become so invested in. Class was online, but the TAs and other students made it fun chatting and reacting to her lecture. She shows a good amount of music videos and documentaries so the slides aren't boring. Our grade consisted of weekly discussion posts with one reply, quizzes corresponding to each lecture, a research paper, and a final reflection in place of an actual final. Overall, I'd highly recommend this class as a GE. Also, Alex was the best TA I've had. Super funny and understanding when it came to deadlines!
I wrote the comment below, I just forgot to specify that I took MUSIC HIST 68 - BEATLES
"Professor Upton sucks. She has potential to be a good professor, but she goes off on random information rather often. I took the class because I was genuinely interested in learning, but Upton would consistently show up late and let breaks run too long. The amount of time we spent "learning" was not proportional to the amount of money I pay UCLA to take a 5 unit class. She could have done a lot better. I think you will enjoy the class if you take it. Try to take it with a different professor though. That said, if all you want is a gpa booster, Upton is an incredibly easy professor. I didn't read the book, nor did I study more than 3 hours for either the midterm or final, and I still received an A+ in the class. But seriously, I really dislike Upton. I wish I took it with a professor who didn't act like she was a 10 year old girl."
I took Professor Upton's Music History 68 course in the Winter 2012 quarter, and contrary to these reviews, I thought she was a fantastic professor! I was personally raised to be a huge fan of The Beatles and I learned countless things about the band that I hadn't known before. She does teach very closely to the Beatles Anthology, and you could learn much of the gist of the course by watching it and paying close attention, but I actually really enjoyed going to her lectures. She was often running late, or when she wasn't, the technology in the auditorium was acting up and class would start late anyway (the music building is notorious for this) but she was a great lecturer for what it was worth and even though people might find her to be somewhat of a ditz, I thought her personality was charming and breath of fresh air from the typical arrogant professors. She talked to us like we were human, and I appreciate that. Her exams were particularly easy. If you can remember dates and titles, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. In short, you won't find a professor as passionate or knowledgeable of the music of The Beatles as Upton is, and it's certainly not a class you'll ever forget. I would 100% recommend this class to anyone who enjoys classic rock!
I took MUS HIST 68- Beatles
Professor Upton is WONDERFUL! I came into this class knowing not even the names of the Beatles and came out obsessed. This class is easily one of my favorites and is not hard at all. Her class is very straightforward and she's a fun professor. She's always excited to come to class-which makes it fun for the students as well! I would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants a easy and fun fulfillment of a GE requirement.
I took Music History 68 with Professor Upton, that was the Beatles class. I really, really enjoyed it. I loved learning more about the Beatles and I thought her lectures, for the most part, were really interesting. She did go off on some really strange and completely irrelevant tangents (like an hour on John Cage and talking about like nineteenth century folk music), but the rest of the lecture time made up for it. She showed us all of these cool clips I wouldn't have seen otherwise. I came into this class a mild fan of the Beatles and came out sort of obsessed, so I think the class was awesome. As for the class breakdown, there were two online posts every week, one musical report type paper, one real paper, and then a midterm and a final. Most of these things were just like an A for effort. They did take attendance during discussion though, which sucked for some people. People say the reading for this class wasn't necessary, but I did the reading as I found it really interesting and I did think it helped me absorb the knowledge better. Overall, this class was not only really easy (I got an A+), but it was also just totally awesome.
Music History 68: The Beatles
This class was absolutely amazing, and professor Upton was a wonderful lecturer. This class was extremely easy, the "textbook" was a best selling novel about the Beatles, and the midterm and final were very straight forward. I enjoyed attending these lectures because professor Upton is passionate about the Beatles, and incorporates songs and videos into every lecture! I cannot stress enough how fun and easy this class is! If you love the Beatles, take it! If you want to learn more about them, take it! You will not be disappointed!
FOR MUSIC HISTORY 68: THE BEATLES. I am selling the two required books for $20 total. The Beatles: Paperback Writer and Can't Buy Me Love. Text me if you are interested: (714) 651-5986
I really enjoyed this class