Eric L Gans
Department of French
Overall Rating
Based on 23 Users
Easiness 2.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 3.6 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.8 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 3.6 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

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Reviews (18)

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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
April 2, 2013

Sell brand new course reader for FRENCH 41 at low price. My name is Huaiyao Qiu. Feel free to contact 7346047622 or email me


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Feb. 27, 2013

Professor Gans is a really nice and laid-back professor, but the TA's mainly determine your grade. If you get Jose as your TA, get out. He is extremely picky about everything in your essay. He made the class so much harder than it should've been. The final was fairly easy, just memorize the main points in the reader and the film terms.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Feb. 12, 2013



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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 22, 2012

Professor Gans is a kind old man. Sometimes a bit distracted but he means well. The class is not too challenging but do take it seriously. He plays a wide array of films that a semi-interesting but a little depressing. The is a long time consuming reading, but so long as you know the basic vocab terms it will be fine. Make sure to have a good TA because this TA determines your grade. Essays are easy enough and the Final requires a decent level of memorizing. Overall an easy GE if you do the work.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
April 20, 2009

This was a great class. The movies we watched were extremely interesting (except for one or two), and Prof. Gans had a lot of interesting things to say about each one, especially for someone who is not a film student. There was no midterm which was also a plus, and only two papers the whole quarter, for which you could choose the topic which was great. I would really recommend this class as a GE for someone looking to learn something about film, watch some pretty cool movies, and take a fairly easy class.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 18, 2008

I actually really liked this class. The movies aren't too exciting sometimes, but it's pretty simple to do well in this class. There's reading involved, but not too much. Just browse through the textbook chapters (give special attention to vocab words and diagrams), and just read the course reader articles and you'll be fine. I'd suggest definitely going to class though to watch the movies, 'cause he says a lot of important stuff, which you should write down. If you put in the time, it's a pretty easy A.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 18, 2008

Prof Gans is actually a really nice guy, although I must say I don't appreciate some of the films, such as "The Green Room", it's all about death and morbidity.. blah blah. I actually learned alot in this class about film technique. Anyway, word to the wise, if you encounter a horrible, b|tchy TA on the first day of class, drop this class and RUN. My TA was this woman who only wore black.. seems like she had a major wardrobe crisis or she had laundry problems, n she thrived on seeing her students suffer. I had the same TA as the person reviewing below. She would make all her quizes at the beginning of class, so that people who are running across from south campus fr another class would miss it and have their quiz grade anhilated from their final grade. If she was feeling happy, she would give you 5 mins on the quiz. If she was feeling nasty, she would give you 1 minute, which isn't enough to write anything. On top of that, her essay grading is completely horrendous. I have been to the writing center, worked by butt off and gotten alot of help on the paper, yet she gave me a C+, and my friend who wrote a 4 page paper (instead of 5) got a B+. It will make you wish that a pile of film would drop on her head and squash her bra_n like a squashed peanut. So take my advice, don't take a Sh}tty TA with this prof.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 1, 2008

First off the movies were enjoyable if you don't mind the timing of the class. It does run for 2-3 hours so sometimes it can really be a drag on an already long day. Gans is funny and be sure to take really detailed notes on his lecture throughout the film. On the first day of lecture he screens the film and on the second day he runs through it again w/his comments. Fridays are quizzes in discussion. The grading is totally based on your TA. My TA was such a harsh grader on one of the papers that Gans decided to raise up all the grades on the papers for this TA up by 1/3. (Her average was much lower for grades than the others.) Grading is: 10% Quizzes, 10% discussion participation, 25% Paper (able to rewrite for better grade), 25% paper, and 30% FINAL. The papers are basically analyzing scenes in films, which can be a task for some or not. Basically if you an observant eye this should be easy for you after you read the chapters in the film art book. Every week we were assigned a chapter from the textbook, we watched a movie, then we were assigned articles to read from the course reader (about the movie for that week).
The courseload isn't that bad: Just put time into your papers, pay attention to Gans in lecture (for the quizzes), and if you see your TA is really harsh, try to switch into another TA's class. My grade: A-
The final had 3 parts: ID's about film terms- basically write a paragraph for 8/11 terms from the textbook (10%).
the second part was picking 2/4 essay prompts; each prompt required analysis of themes in 2 films. (10%)
lastly: analyze one of 2 film scenes shown in class (each clip shown twice).


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 25, 2007

I was leery going into this class, but found Gans to be charming and a hoot in class (the previous comments are all right on, esp the Mr. Magoo comparison)! This class was just as easy as the other comments suggest - straightforward, but you do have to put in time reading and DEFINITELY take thorough notes on what Gans says in class. My TA Bob was excellent - he knew French cinema backwards and forwards. A neat class and one that exposed me to aspects of cinema I'd never considered previously. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Feb. 10, 2007

French 41 with Gans is an okay class. The films are pretty interesting, if you're able to stay awake for them. You have two papers that are fairly easy (one of which you can rewrite for a better grade), weekly quizzes, and an easy final. Although Gans rambles on a bit during lecture, as long as you pay attention to his discussion about following the film, you should be fine on the quizzes. As for the final, he shows a film clip which you have to write on, another free-response question, and then listing film technical terms that you have to study from one of the texts. Overall, it's a pretty GE. As long as you watch all of the films (they are also available online through eCampus) and attend lecture and discussion you should get an A.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
April 2, 2013

Sell brand new course reader for FRENCH 41 at low price. My name is Huaiyao Qiu. Feel free to contact 7346047622 or email me


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Feb. 27, 2013

Professor Gans is a really nice and laid-back professor, but the TA's mainly determine your grade. If you get Jose as your TA, get out. He is extremely picky about everything in your essay. He made the class so much harder than it should've been. The final was fairly easy, just memorize the main points in the reader and the film terms.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Feb. 12, 2013



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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 22, 2012

Professor Gans is a kind old man. Sometimes a bit distracted but he means well. The class is not too challenging but do take it seriously. He plays a wide array of films that a semi-interesting but a little depressing. The is a long time consuming reading, but so long as you know the basic vocab terms it will be fine. Make sure to have a good TA because this TA determines your grade. Essays are easy enough and the Final requires a decent level of memorizing. Overall an easy GE if you do the work.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
April 20, 2009

This was a great class. The movies we watched were extremely interesting (except for one or two), and Prof. Gans had a lot of interesting things to say about each one, especially for someone who is not a film student. There was no midterm which was also a plus, and only two papers the whole quarter, for which you could choose the topic which was great. I would really recommend this class as a GE for someone looking to learn something about film, watch some pretty cool movies, and take a fairly easy class.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 18, 2008

I actually really liked this class. The movies aren't too exciting sometimes, but it's pretty simple to do well in this class. There's reading involved, but not too much. Just browse through the textbook chapters (give special attention to vocab words and diagrams), and just read the course reader articles and you'll be fine. I'd suggest definitely going to class though to watch the movies, 'cause he says a lot of important stuff, which you should write down. If you put in the time, it's a pretty easy A.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 18, 2008

Prof Gans is actually a really nice guy, although I must say I don't appreciate some of the films, such as "The Green Room", it's all about death and morbidity.. blah blah. I actually learned alot in this class about film technique. Anyway, word to the wise, if you encounter a horrible, b|tchy TA on the first day of class, drop this class and RUN. My TA was this woman who only wore black.. seems like she had a major wardrobe crisis or she had laundry problems, n she thrived on seeing her students suffer. I had the same TA as the person reviewing below. She would make all her quizes at the beginning of class, so that people who are running across from south campus fr another class would miss it and have their quiz grade anhilated from their final grade. If she was feeling happy, she would give you 5 mins on the quiz. If she was feeling nasty, she would give you 1 minute, which isn't enough to write anything. On top of that, her essay grading is completely horrendous. I have been to the writing center, worked by butt off and gotten alot of help on the paper, yet she gave me a C+, and my friend who wrote a 4 page paper (instead of 5) got a B+. It will make you wish that a pile of film would drop on her head and squash her bra_n like a squashed peanut. So take my advice, don't take a Sh}tty TA with this prof.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 1, 2008

First off the movies were enjoyable if you don't mind the timing of the class. It does run for 2-3 hours so sometimes it can really be a drag on an already long day. Gans is funny and be sure to take really detailed notes on his lecture throughout the film. On the first day of lecture he screens the film and on the second day he runs through it again w/his comments. Fridays are quizzes in discussion. The grading is totally based on your TA. My TA was such a harsh grader on one of the papers that Gans decided to raise up all the grades on the papers for this TA up by 1/3. (Her average was much lower for grades than the others.) Grading is: 10% Quizzes, 10% discussion participation, 25% Paper (able to rewrite for better grade), 25% paper, and 30% FINAL. The papers are basically analyzing scenes in films, which can be a task for some or not. Basically if you an observant eye this should be easy for you after you read the chapters in the film art book. Every week we were assigned a chapter from the textbook, we watched a movie, then we were assigned articles to read from the course reader (about the movie for that week).
The courseload isn't that bad: Just put time into your papers, pay attention to Gans in lecture (for the quizzes), and if you see your TA is really harsh, try to switch into another TA's class. My grade: A-
The final had 3 parts: ID's about film terms- basically write a paragraph for 8/11 terms from the textbook (10%).
the second part was picking 2/4 essay prompts; each prompt required analysis of themes in 2 films. (10%)
lastly: analyze one of 2 film scenes shown in class (each clip shown twice).


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 25, 2007

I was leery going into this class, but found Gans to be charming and a hoot in class (the previous comments are all right on, esp the Mr. Magoo comparison)! This class was just as easy as the other comments suggest - straightforward, but you do have to put in time reading and DEFINITELY take thorough notes on what Gans says in class. My TA Bob was excellent - he knew French cinema backwards and forwards. A neat class and one that exposed me to aspects of cinema I'd never considered previously. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Feb. 10, 2007

French 41 with Gans is an okay class. The films are pretty interesting, if you're able to stay awake for them. You have two papers that are fairly easy (one of which you can rewrite for a better grade), weekly quizzes, and an easy final. Although Gans rambles on a bit during lecture, as long as you pay attention to his discussion about following the film, you should be fine on the quizzes. As for the final, he shows a film clip which you have to write on, another free-response question, and then listing film technical terms that you have to study from one of the texts. Overall, it's a pretty GE. As long as you watch all of the films (they are also available online through eCampus) and attend lecture and discussion you should get an A.


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1 of 2
Overall Rating
Based on 23 Users
Easiness 2.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 3.6 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.8 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 3.6 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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