
Gayle Northrop

Overall Ratings
Based on 1 User
Easiness 3.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.0 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.0 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 5.0 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (1)

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June 24, 2018
Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: A

For people who have taken MGMT classes before, this class is similar in workload and style (weekly readings and quizzes, midterm, and final project). For those who have not taken any MGMT classes, this course may seem like a lot of work, however it is totally worth it!

She brings in a guest speaker every week that shares their experience in the nonprofit world, some of which are pretty high up, and all of which are pretty interesting. You have weekly reading quizzes that test the big picture ideas in the readings. The midterm was actually challenging so make sure you understand how to apply the information they've given you to that point. The final project gets done in increments, as sections of it are due as assignments, so by the end you have a pretty clear picture on how to create your presentation.

You get to choose your group, but you're asked to form your group based on the topics you are interested in. They can be strict on using laptops so bring a notepad just to be safe. Lastly, make sure you participate-- this is a huge portion of your grade.

With that said, I am very happy I took this class. I had never given the nonprofit sector much thought but Gayle really widened my perspective and helped me realize how much opportunity there is within it. I have never had a professor like Gayle before, she is so inspiring and tries to really make you aware of the nonprofit sector in ways that most people aren't aware. It was a really rewarding class and I liked that it was so different than the other MGMT courses available.


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MGMT 167
Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: A
June 24, 2018

For people who have taken MGMT classes before, this class is similar in workload and style (weekly readings and quizzes, midterm, and final project). For those who have not taken any MGMT classes, this course may seem like a lot of work, however it is totally worth it!

She brings in a guest speaker every week that shares their experience in the nonprofit world, some of which are pretty high up, and all of which are pretty interesting. You have weekly reading quizzes that test the big picture ideas in the readings. The midterm was actually challenging so make sure you understand how to apply the information they've given you to that point. The final project gets done in increments, as sections of it are due as assignments, so by the end you have a pretty clear picture on how to create your presentation.

You get to choose your group, but you're asked to form your group based on the topics you are interested in. They can be strict on using laptops so bring a notepad just to be safe. Lastly, make sure you participate-- this is a huge portion of your grade.

With that said, I am very happy I took this class. I had never given the nonprofit sector much thought but Gayle really widened my perspective and helped me realize how much opportunity there is within it. I have never had a professor like Gayle before, she is so inspiring and tries to really make you aware of the nonprofit sector in ways that most people aren't aware. It was a really rewarding class and I liked that it was so different than the other MGMT courses available.


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