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- Giovanni Zocchi
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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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Zocchi is eh okay. He's very smart and knows quantum like the back of his hand, but that is pretty standard for all physics professors at UCLA. He is very nice. A few times this quarter students thought their mics were muted and he did not have it in his heart to tell them to shut up while they were blabbering. Even once someone was talking crap about him and he did not say "hey your mic is not muted". I felt bad for him sometimes. His lectures are very difficult to follow along with, and the exams are not too ridiculous, but we are all studying physics at a top tier institution, what do you expect?
He does assign a lot of homework from the textbook for 115B in our experience this quarter, sometimes I would begin assignments and I would be working on them all day and still not finish. Unnecessarily long and complicated integrals, but do your best to understand the idea behind the problems. Studying the book is a good way to do great in his class as the lectures get quite messy.
Another thing I should mention is that he creates his own grading schematic. Greater than 80% in an A, greater than 60% is a B, greater than 50% is a C, and anything lower than 50% is failing. So the class is not curved in that other students' scores do not affect yours.
Lastly, I hate to say it, but I do not think Zocchi honestly cared about how we felt and our learning. I am not trying to bad mouth him, but it seemed like he never truly was concerned for us during COVID when everything has become 10x more difficult in life and on top of that, we have to learn QM online with limited help. He never inquired about what he could do differently, while many other professors have a link where we could give tips on their teaching.
All in all, Zocchi is not bad. Just do your work to keep up!!
Professor Zocchi has a heavy accent, making it difficult to understand what he's saying, and his notes aren't very clear either. Difficult to follow along to his lectures.
Considering how well you understand the basic formalism of qm determines how well you do in the following chapters, there isn't a better professor than Professor Zocchi to take this class with (he does an excellent job teaching physics 131). He sometimes likes to apply material from later chapters to earlier ones (e.g. using spin as an example in formalism), so it's important to attend every lecture.
Zocchi is eh okay. He's very smart and knows quantum like the back of his hand, but that is pretty standard for all physics professors at UCLA. He is very nice. A few times this quarter students thought their mics were muted and he did not have it in his heart to tell them to shut up while they were blabbering. Even once someone was talking crap about him and he did not say "hey your mic is not muted". I felt bad for him sometimes. His lectures are very difficult to follow along with, and the exams are not too ridiculous, but we are all studying physics at a top tier institution, what do you expect?
He does assign a lot of homework from the textbook for 115B in our experience this quarter, sometimes I would begin assignments and I would be working on them all day and still not finish. Unnecessarily long and complicated integrals, but do your best to understand the idea behind the problems. Studying the book is a good way to do great in his class as the lectures get quite messy.
Another thing I should mention is that he creates his own grading schematic. Greater than 80% in an A, greater than 60% is a B, greater than 50% is a C, and anything lower than 50% is failing. So the class is not curved in that other students' scores do not affect yours.
Lastly, I hate to say it, but I do not think Zocchi honestly cared about how we felt and our learning. I am not trying to bad mouth him, but it seemed like he never truly was concerned for us during COVID when everything has become 10x more difficult in life and on top of that, we have to learn QM online with limited help. He never inquired about what he could do differently, while many other professors have a link where we could give tips on their teaching.
All in all, Zocchi is not bad. Just do your work to keep up!!
Professor Zocchi has a heavy accent, making it difficult to understand what he's saying, and his notes aren't very clear either. Difficult to follow along to his lectures.
Considering how well you understand the basic formalism of qm determines how well you do in the following chapters, there isn't a better professor than Professor Zocchi to take this class with (he does an excellent job teaching physics 131). He sometimes likes to apply material from later chapters to earlier ones (e.g. using spin as an example in formalism), so it's important to attend every lecture.
Based on 5 Users
- Tolerates Tardiness (1)
- Needs Textbook (2)
- Useful Textbooks (2)
- Appropriately Priced Materials (2)
- Tough Tests (2)
- Engaging Lectures (2)