Herbert Kaesz
Most Helpful Review
Like everyone said, this man cannot teach. He's a nice guy, and he'll try to help you, but as far as instructor-student communication, I place no faith in it. His lectures are very short and unorganized; it gets confusing, especially when he's doing calculations -- seems like he's pulling numbers out of thin air. Maybe he's more effective with a one-on-one (I mean, during OH; he ends class early and has it right after), but really, it was a quarter of pure frustration.
Like everyone said, this man cannot teach. He's a nice guy, and he'll try to help you, but as far as instructor-student communication, I place no faith in it. His lectures are very short and unorganized; it gets confusing, especially when he's doing calculations -- seems like he's pulling numbers out of thin air. Maybe he's more effective with a one-on-one (I mean, during OH; he ends class early and has it right after), but really, it was a quarter of pure frustration.
Most Helpful Review
I took his fiat lux course on Serendipity in Science. It was entertaining. For the first couple weeks you just show and he talks about various anecdotal discoveries. Then you put together a power point and give a fifteen minute presentation about serendipitous discovery that interests you. Then you just show up once a week for an hour, hope for free food, pass the class and get one unit of honors credit. Good deal all in all.
I took his fiat lux course on Serendipity in Science. It was entertaining. For the first couple weeks you just show and he talks about various anecdotal discoveries. Then you put together a power point and give a fifteen minute presentation about serendipitous discovery that interests you. Then you just show up once a week for an hour, hope for free food, pass the class and get one unit of honors credit. Good deal all in all.