Hui-shu Lee
Most Helpful Review
Although Professor Lee isn't the greatest lecturer, she is very passionate about Chinese art, which makes the class worthwhile. He TA's are pretty easy graders and generous when it comes to the essays. They let us rewrite one to improve our grade. Options for essay questions for tests are given beforehand so you can prepare. Slide IDs are easy points. I'm taking another one of her courses. She might be a bit hard to understand sometimes, but the overall class is good.
Although Professor Lee isn't the greatest lecturer, she is very passionate about Chinese art, which makes the class worthwhile. He TA's are pretty easy graders and generous when it comes to the essays. They let us rewrite one to improve our grade. Options for essay questions for tests are given beforehand so you can prepare. Slide IDs are easy points. I'm taking another one of her courses. She might be a bit hard to understand sometimes, but the overall class is good.
Most Helpful Review
Professor Lee is a kind, small woman who needs to learn how to lecture properly. It was really hard to stay awake in this class. Some of the material was boring but others were interesting. The midterm and final consist of two short essays and slide identifications in which you must know: -Name of the object -Type of object -Dynasty and the date it was created -Location and Province There were three papers (the second was a rewrite of the first). But the biggest piece of advice I can offer is DO NOT take Evan. Although he's very knowledgable of the subject, he is a harsh grader. On the positive side, though, there is no textbook for this class, just readings that are posted on the class website (She usually posts two per week and are about 20 or more pages). I took this as a GE and regret it.
Professor Lee is a kind, small woman who needs to learn how to lecture properly. It was really hard to stay awake in this class. Some of the material was boring but others were interesting. The midterm and final consist of two short essays and slide identifications in which you must know: -Name of the object -Type of object -Dynasty and the date it was created -Location and Province There were three papers (the second was a rewrite of the first). But the biggest piece of advice I can offer is DO NOT take Evan. Although he's very knowledgable of the subject, he is a harsh grader. On the positive side, though, there is no textbook for this class, just readings that are posted on the class website (She usually posts two per week and are about 20 or more pages). I took this as a GE and regret it.
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She is a very sweet woman who is very well versed and loves her subject, although she is very difficult to follow and gives a lot of information that is not needed. If it is important information she will usually repeat it many times, which is nice. I got an A in the class which is definitely not that difficult to do, just do the reading for the quizzes and make sure you go into her office hours for your papers so she can tell you all the specifics she wants. If you don't she will take off a lot of points to "get your attention" for things like not italicizing Chinese words or not making a thought-out title.
She is a very sweet woman who is very well versed and loves her subject, although she is very difficult to follow and gives a lot of information that is not needed. If it is important information she will usually repeat it many times, which is nice. I got an A in the class which is definitely not that difficult to do, just do the reading for the quizzes and make sure you go into her office hours for your papers so she can tell you all the specifics she wants. If you don't she will take off a lot of points to "get your attention" for things like not italicizing Chinese words or not making a thought-out title.
Most Helpful Review
I took Professor Lee's Chinese Garden's course. The breakdown of the class was really simple: 2 in class quizzes (5% each), two essays (25%) each, and an in-class final OR 4-8 page research paper (40%). Her class really isn't that hard. Everything she goes over can be learned in the readings without going to class. But I found if you just skimmed the reading and went to class, you'd learn all she wanted to you. The two quizzes were supposed to 'keep us on track' for our readings, but they were done by like the 4th week of the quarter. She is a pretty harsh grader when it comes to the essays, since she's writing her book and all, but she's SUPER helpful if you do go talk to her about the essay, and she'll even read you're draft and give you advice on it. The subject wasn't too bad, especially since she says she'd never taught it in an actual class before. This is the second time I've taken her, and I would definitely take her again. She may be a big hard to follow in lecture since she's a bit all over the place and sometimes switches to Chinese, but.. I really enjoyed her.
I took Professor Lee's Chinese Garden's course. The breakdown of the class was really simple: 2 in class quizzes (5% each), two essays (25%) each, and an in-class final OR 4-8 page research paper (40%). Her class really isn't that hard. Everything she goes over can be learned in the readings without going to class. But I found if you just skimmed the reading and went to class, you'd learn all she wanted to you. The two quizzes were supposed to 'keep us on track' for our readings, but they were done by like the 4th week of the quarter. She is a pretty harsh grader when it comes to the essays, since she's writing her book and all, but she's SUPER helpful if you do go talk to her about the essay, and she'll even read you're draft and give you advice on it. The subject wasn't too bad, especially since she says she'd never taught it in an actual class before. This is the second time I've taken her, and I would definitely take her again. She may be a big hard to follow in lecture since she's a bit all over the place and sometimes switches to Chinese, but.. I really enjoyed her.
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I'm not the best student but I've never failed a class before. But I think I might fail this one. :/ it'll be my first F at UCLA. Unless you're super good at doing all your readings on time and have great memorization skills, don't take this class. Her lectures are dry and boring. She knows her subject very well but the way she lectures puts me to sleep. She has power points but her power points don't have much written on them or usually nothing at all. Her grading scale was 40% midterm, 20% in-class writing, and 40% final. 90% of your final is a take home paper to write which are 2 essays, 2 pages each. 10% in class final ID. Do not take this class if you're looking for an easy A or if you are lazy.
I'm not the best student but I've never failed a class before. But I think I might fail this one. :/ it'll be my first F at UCLA. Unless you're super good at doing all your readings on time and have great memorization skills, don't take this class. Her lectures are dry and boring. She knows her subject very well but the way she lectures puts me to sleep. She has power points but her power points don't have much written on them or usually nothing at all. Her grading scale was 40% midterm, 20% in-class writing, and 40% final. 90% of your final is a take home paper to write which are 2 essays, 2 pages each. 10% in class final ID. Do not take this class if you're looking for an easy A or if you are lazy.
Most Helpful Review
Actually i took her C115B class. Dont ever take her class. if you think you have a good knowledge of the chinese art, it is easy for you. she gives too much reading for students, this seems like the whole quarter just only her class. Final exam is horrible. Divided into THREE partsssss. first two are in-class, and the last one is take home essays. She thinks all the student should have a very very good understand of what she mention in class. If you just want a easy class, a fuckin bad choice for you!
Actually i took her C115B class. Dont ever take her class. if you think you have a good knowledge of the chinese art, it is easy for you. she gives too much reading for students, this seems like the whole quarter just only her class. Final exam is horrible. Divided into THREE partsssss. first two are in-class, and the last one is take home essays. She thinks all the student should have a very very good understand of what she mention in class. If you just want a easy class, a fuckin bad choice for you!