Ingrid Norrmann-Vigil
Department of English Composition
Overall Rating
Based on 9 Users
Easiness 2.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 3.2 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.4 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 3.2 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Uses Slides
  • Needs Textbook
  • Participation Matters
  • Tolerates Tardiness

Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Clear marks

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Reviews (6)

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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A
June 24, 2019

Overall I'd say this class was challenging. The class/topic itself was not difficult and it was actually mildly interesting which is saying a lot considering I have 0 interest in linguistics, but the workload was pretty hefty. The class consisted of writing a 15+ page research paper, that was divided into sections that were turned in throughout the quarter. The professor requires you to buy a 200+ page course reader (***Selling course reader, price negotiable. If interested text me at (213) 529-5916***) to complete a weekly discussion post, that was actually not difficult if you just skim the readings, the only articles you actually have to read are the ones you will use for your research paper. I found the lectures were helpful at clarifying the readings although the class is 2 hours long, so it can get boring. In my experience, the professor was helpful. I would usually approach her after class with any questions and she always clarified all of them. Overall this class was not terrible, it's definitely not an easy A but an A is not impossible.


5 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: N/A
March 13, 2019

I took her for Engcomp 6W and she is literally the worst professor I've ever had in my 4 years of undergrad. I've never written a Bruinwalk review because I've never felt the need to but this professor is SO BAD that I feel the need to warn everyone about her. She's given me so much stress and anxiety through just one quarter that no one should take her if they care about their mental health. She is also a pretty terrible person, I visited her in office hours to look for help but she was so rude and makes you feel stupid and then she'll blame you for not understanding the content of the class. The content of the class is very misleading/not very helpful when you're writing your research paper, she has TOO MANY assignments, she does not accept late homework, and just not understanding of student issues/needs. Most HEARTLESS, RUDE, and INCONSIDERATE professor let alone person I've met. DO NOT TAKE HER CLASS, I'M WARNING YOU!


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: C+
June 19, 2019

I actually had to quit my job in order to keep up with the workload of the least engaging class I have ever taken. Somehow, we had a constant flow of tedious assignments, yet every single class it felt we were repeating the same material. I usually am eager at the opportunity to write or take an English class. However, there is a first time for everything. She says she wants to help, but I came to office hours multiple times, and as the other reviews on RatemyProfessor say, she treats you like you're stupid when you don't understand and ask questions.

As an assignment, we had to visit the research consultation center in order to gain credit for an essay. When I gave her my consultation slip she refused to count it because I had my consultation in a different building than Powell.

That was honestly the longest ten weeks of my life and class was only two times a week.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: C+
April 1, 2019

This is BY FAR THE WORST CLASS I have taken at UCLA. Ingrid is AWFUL, as is the subject! If analyzing clips of conversation, measuring pauses and the breaths people take, and then writing a 15 page research paper about them sounds like a good time to you, then you should definitely take this class. If not, you definitely should not take this class! Ingrid's lectures and assignments are so boring and dry. She's not fun or relatable at all, and she doesn't seem to comprehend that her students are just there to fulfill their writing II and don't actually give a shit about transcribing excerpts of conversations as a poor excuse for science. It's not an inherently difficult class, but it is a lot of work that's a complete waste of time. I never had a harder time getting myself to just sit my ass down and bullshit an assignment, leading me to miss the deadline on several assignments.

On top of how terrible the class is in general, I also got screwed over by Ingrid, and I'm pretty sure I was not the only one. I submitted a research proposal and my intro and methods weeks 3 and 4, respectively... got As on both of those. Then I submitted my results and discussion and the rest of the paper. I got my results and discussion feedback week 9, the day before the video presentation deadline, saying that my research topic was invalid and I had to redo the entire thing. WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T SHE THINK TO MENTION THAT IN WEEKS 3 OR 4 WHEN SHE LOVED MY PROPOSAL AND THESIS STATEMENT?!?! Needless to say, I didn't have much time to deal with that, so I just took the hit, did what I needed to pass, and watched my GPA take a nosedive.

If I could go back in time, the first thing I would do is not take this class!


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
March 27, 2019

This class is not necessarily difficult to do well in, but it is a lot more effort than it's worth. Not to mention that linguistics is terribly boring (unless you're into it I guess?). Anyway, although some of the other reviews are a little dramatic, I agree with the sentiment. My biggest complaint is that she grades you on an entire paper about linguistic analysis without even going into much detail about the subject in lecture. This can make picking a topic really difficult because you might not really know what to look for (I felt this way, especially as a STEM major with no clue about linguistics). While she will help you out if you seek it, she is not a very approachable person. She always seemed condescending to me when I asked her questions. The workload can get pretty intense; don't take this class if you're looking to do minimal work for a writing II. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this class unless you're really into linguistics because I felt like I put in a lot of time and effort into a subject that was absolutely not worth that much of my time.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A+
March 19, 2019

A lot of people complain about her class, but it really isn't that bad. As long as you are a decent writer going into this it'll be fine. She structures the class so the entire quarter you focus on writing one research paper. by week 8 you're pretty much done with everything. Be warned that the course reader seems formidable clocking in at 400 pages but you really only need to read it in depth for the articles that you will be focusing your writing around. Everything else you can briefly skim to write your summary on, and you won't be responsible for that material anyway. I always found that she was actually helpful in office hours as long as you go in with specific questions about your writing. She is more than willing to read it over and point you in the right direction. Make sure your research topic is actually interesting to you (more importantly interesting to her as well), so you don't hate yourself for spending so much time watching it. The class is based on linguistic analysis which focuses on HOW people say something rather than just what they say which can be difficult for some to grasp. IF that's the case go to her early on and express that concern, and Im sure shell help point you in the right direction. She gives detailed rubrics for what she is going to look for, and she lectures on how to construct the various sections of the paper. Honestly, her class isn't that bad and you should be fine in it if you actually put in the effort to write well.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A
June 24, 2019

Overall I'd say this class was challenging. The class/topic itself was not difficult and it was actually mildly interesting which is saying a lot considering I have 0 interest in linguistics, but the workload was pretty hefty. The class consisted of writing a 15+ page research paper, that was divided into sections that were turned in throughout the quarter. The professor requires you to buy a 200+ page course reader (***Selling course reader, price negotiable. If interested text me at (213) 529-5916***) to complete a weekly discussion post, that was actually not difficult if you just skim the readings, the only articles you actually have to read are the ones you will use for your research paper. I found the lectures were helpful at clarifying the readings although the class is 2 hours long, so it can get boring. In my experience, the professor was helpful. I would usually approach her after class with any questions and she always clarified all of them. Overall this class was not terrible, it's definitely not an easy A but an A is not impossible.


5 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: N/A
March 13, 2019

I took her for Engcomp 6W and she is literally the worst professor I've ever had in my 4 years of undergrad. I've never written a Bruinwalk review because I've never felt the need to but this professor is SO BAD that I feel the need to warn everyone about her. She's given me so much stress and anxiety through just one quarter that no one should take her if they care about their mental health. She is also a pretty terrible person, I visited her in office hours to look for help but she was so rude and makes you feel stupid and then she'll blame you for not understanding the content of the class. The content of the class is very misleading/not very helpful when you're writing your research paper, she has TOO MANY assignments, she does not accept late homework, and just not understanding of student issues/needs. Most HEARTLESS, RUDE, and INCONSIDERATE professor let alone person I've met. DO NOT TAKE HER CLASS, I'M WARNING YOU!


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: C+
June 19, 2019

I actually had to quit my job in order to keep up with the workload of the least engaging class I have ever taken. Somehow, we had a constant flow of tedious assignments, yet every single class it felt we were repeating the same material. I usually am eager at the opportunity to write or take an English class. However, there is a first time for everything. She says she wants to help, but I came to office hours multiple times, and as the other reviews on RatemyProfessor say, she treats you like you're stupid when you don't understand and ask questions.

As an assignment, we had to visit the research consultation center in order to gain credit for an essay. When I gave her my consultation slip she refused to count it because I had my consultation in a different building than Powell.

That was honestly the longest ten weeks of my life and class was only two times a week.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: C+
April 1, 2019

This is BY FAR THE WORST CLASS I have taken at UCLA. Ingrid is AWFUL, as is the subject! If analyzing clips of conversation, measuring pauses and the breaths people take, and then writing a 15 page research paper about them sounds like a good time to you, then you should definitely take this class. If not, you definitely should not take this class! Ingrid's lectures and assignments are so boring and dry. She's not fun or relatable at all, and she doesn't seem to comprehend that her students are just there to fulfill their writing II and don't actually give a shit about transcribing excerpts of conversations as a poor excuse for science. It's not an inherently difficult class, but it is a lot of work that's a complete waste of time. I never had a harder time getting myself to just sit my ass down and bullshit an assignment, leading me to miss the deadline on several assignments.

On top of how terrible the class is in general, I also got screwed over by Ingrid, and I'm pretty sure I was not the only one. I submitted a research proposal and my intro and methods weeks 3 and 4, respectively... got As on both of those. Then I submitted my results and discussion and the rest of the paper. I got my results and discussion feedback week 9, the day before the video presentation deadline, saying that my research topic was invalid and I had to redo the entire thing. WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T SHE THINK TO MENTION THAT IN WEEKS 3 OR 4 WHEN SHE LOVED MY PROPOSAL AND THESIS STATEMENT?!?! Needless to say, I didn't have much time to deal with that, so I just took the hit, did what I needed to pass, and watched my GPA take a nosedive.

If I could go back in time, the first thing I would do is not take this class!


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
March 27, 2019

This class is not necessarily difficult to do well in, but it is a lot more effort than it's worth. Not to mention that linguistics is terribly boring (unless you're into it I guess?). Anyway, although some of the other reviews are a little dramatic, I agree with the sentiment. My biggest complaint is that she grades you on an entire paper about linguistic analysis without even going into much detail about the subject in lecture. This can make picking a topic really difficult because you might not really know what to look for (I felt this way, especially as a STEM major with no clue about linguistics). While she will help you out if you seek it, she is not a very approachable person. She always seemed condescending to me when I asked her questions. The workload can get pretty intense; don't take this class if you're looking to do minimal work for a writing II. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this class unless you're really into linguistics because I felt like I put in a lot of time and effort into a subject that was absolutely not worth that much of my time.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A+
March 19, 2019

A lot of people complain about her class, but it really isn't that bad. As long as you are a decent writer going into this it'll be fine. She structures the class so the entire quarter you focus on writing one research paper. by week 8 you're pretty much done with everything. Be warned that the course reader seems formidable clocking in at 400 pages but you really only need to read it in depth for the articles that you will be focusing your writing around. Everything else you can briefly skim to write your summary on, and you won't be responsible for that material anyway. I always found that she was actually helpful in office hours as long as you go in with specific questions about your writing. She is more than willing to read it over and point you in the right direction. Make sure your research topic is actually interesting to you (more importantly interesting to her as well), so you don't hate yourself for spending so much time watching it. The class is based on linguistic analysis which focuses on HOW people say something rather than just what they say which can be difficult for some to grasp. IF that's the case go to her early on and express that concern, and Im sure shell help point you in the right direction. She gives detailed rubrics for what she is going to look for, and she lectures on how to construct the various sections of the paper. Honestly, her class isn't that bad and you should be fine in it if you actually put in the effort to write well.


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Overall Rating
Based on 9 Users
Easiness 2.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 3.2 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.4 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 3.2 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Uses Slides
  • Needs Textbook
  • Participation Matters
  • Tolerates Tardiness

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