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- James A Schultz
Based on 1 User
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- Issues PTEs
- Spring 2016
- Winter 2015
- Winter 2013
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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This is a pretty interesting subject but it's NOT the easy A you might be expecting. There is homework due before every class as well as three reading responses, a short paper and a term paper. He is a stickler for attendance and participation. You must do all the readings (about 4 per week) to stand a chance at getting a passing grade and even then, you might fail. Schultz is a pretty harsh grader, and he provides ample comments on every paper where he will basically rip your argument to shreds.... I liked this class a lot at first but by the end I hated it.
This is a pretty interesting subject but it's NOT the easy A you might be expecting. There is homework due before every class as well as three reading responses, a short paper and a term paper. He is a stickler for attendance and participation. You must do all the readings (about 4 per week) to stand a chance at getting a passing grade and even then, you might fail. Schultz is a pretty harsh grader, and he provides ample comments on every paper where he will basically rip your argument to shreds.... I liked this class a lot at first but by the end I hated it.
Based on 1 User
- Uses Slides (1)
- Tolerates Tardiness (1)
- Needs Textbook (1)
- Useful Textbooks (1)
- Appropriately Priced Materials (1)
- Often Funny (1)
- Participation Matters (1)
- Issues PTEs (1)