
Jared Wong

Overall Ratings
Based on 129 Users
Easiness 3.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.6 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.0 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.0 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (129)

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July 26, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Selling Psych 10 Required reading,loose leaf. Comes in black binder for convenience. $25. If interested, contact me at 714-331-4626. Thanks! (:


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March 26, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I really enjoyed taking Psych 15 with Krasne and Wong. The class wasn't the easiest but it was almost strictly memorizing powerpoint slides. Wong wasn't the most interesting lecturer but I enjoyed the material and found lectures to be decent. Another plus is that the course is bruincasted, allowing you to not have to attend class. There's two multiple choice exams that make up 90% of your grade (Midterm 36% and Final 54%) and both were completely multiple choice and not bad. Overall I thought the course was very interesting and not a bad science GE to take. I got a 30/40 on the first midterm and a 49/60 on the final and was able to pull out an A.


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Nov. 25, 2014
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

You are pointlessly risking your gpa by taking this guy. Take Abramson if you planning to take psych 10 during the fall. Abramson gives 50% solid A's while Wong gives 50% A's and B's so it's probably about less than 20% solid A's. If scheduling is a concern, that's even more reason to take Abramson. Abramson's lectures are typically at 5pm, but they are all recorded online. Wong's are not. In terms of teaching, Wong is your standard lecturer. Abramson is does something different. I think Abramson gives a psychology book rather than a textbook like Wong. Take Abramson. Better time, better gpa, and from what I have heard, a better teacher. To put things in perspective, I am most likely going to get an A- in this class. I pretty pissed off because my friend in the other class is getting a solid A without doing much work. Wong doesn't give much work either, but his tests can be tricky. I didn't have high expectations for this class which is why I didn't do as well on the midterm. I just didn't take it seriously enough, but the class really isn't outrageous or anything like that. Take Abramson. It's just a smarter decision.


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March 22, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

This class was a lot more bio-oriented than I expected. It entails an incredible amount of memorization, for me at least, which can be quite stressful if you procrastinate studying for the exams. Thank goodness the exams are multiple choice and non-cumulative, though. He also gives extra credit and curves the class (only if it will help your grade). I ended up with an "A+" in the class.

As much as I disliked the class, Professor Wong is actually a pretty nice guy. It's just the material that is boring and unlikable. My TA, Andrew, was not helpful at all. You're pretty much on your own for this class. Lectures aren't really necessary either as long as you read over and memorize the lecture slides that are posted online. If you're looking for an easy GE, this is not it.


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Jan. 6, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

He is really cute and funny! The course material's interesting overall. I think the workload is pretty fair. Every week the TA will post 10 multiple choice questions online and if you answer more than 5 of them correctly you can get full points. The exams are not easy because some questions need a second thought but not difficult either, as long as you attend his lectures and study his slides. Also, there were 3 extra credit opportunities last quarter and they were not hard to get. Anyway, I highly recommend taking his Psych15! Got an A+ by the way :P


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June 18, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

If you decide to take Wong, be extremely cautious during the midterm. The midterm is worth 45 percent of the grade, meaning that if you score an 88, you would need need to score a 92 (46/50) on the final. Make sure to attend lecture, he sometimes tests material that are not written on the slides and additionally, the slides do not contain the full notes. Some of the slides are cut off, so going to lecture will allow you add the missing information. Also, he sometimes throws in some questions from the videos he shows during class, so go to lecture. Finally, the textbook is completely pointless. Not a single piece of information is tested from the textbook so don't even bother purchasing/reading it. Overall, I ended up getting an A but I heard Abramson is a better choice for Psych 10 in the Fall since he apparently gives out 50 percent As.


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Dec. 28, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Even thought the midterm and final are worth 90% of your grade, the tests are extremely straightforward if you know the material which he conveniently puts onto the powerpoints. Readings are not necessary. The final had some questions where you had to choose the "more correct" answer, which i thought could be tricky, but if you studied, it is actually extremely obvious. He gives 3 extra credit opportunities (2 assigned in class and one if a certain percentage of the class fills out the evals) which raise your grade by 3%. I hardly ever went to class. some of the blanks he leaves on the powerpoint can be found online.

Take him!! the class is a good GPA booster and really helps you decide if you're actually interested in psychology/psychobio.


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Jan. 29, 2016
Quarter: Fall 2013
Grade: A

Professor Wong was a pretty average Psych 10 professor. His material was straightforward, you just have to put in the time and effort to memorize it. It's a lot of materials and the lectures were long.


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Feb. 1, 2016
Quarter: Fall 2013
Grade: B-

The class itself was a fairly easy class, but the tests were relatively hard. It was 50 multiple choice questions for each test. Just study and keep up on the readings and you should do perfectly fine!


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Feb. 3, 2016
Quarter: Fall 2015
Grade: A

The professor is great, but he has a little Singapore accent, which does not matter a lot. He will present class materials with a well-designed slides every lecture, and he will post the slides online a day in advance, so you can print it out and take notes on it, during classes. It is a good class in general, there are three parts of the grade, research participation/ summary writing, a midterm and a final. Midterms and finals are all composed of 50 multiple choices, and making up of 45% of the total grades, so you had better prepare for the midterm carefully.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
July 26, 2015

Selling Psych 10 Required reading,loose leaf. Comes in black binder for convenience. $25. If interested, contact me at 714-331-4626. Thanks! (:


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 26, 2015

I really enjoyed taking Psych 15 with Krasne and Wong. The class wasn't the easiest but it was almost strictly memorizing powerpoint slides. Wong wasn't the most interesting lecturer but I enjoyed the material and found lectures to be decent. Another plus is that the course is bruincasted, allowing you to not have to attend class. There's two multiple choice exams that make up 90% of your grade (Midterm 36% and Final 54%) and both were completely multiple choice and not bad. Overall I thought the course was very interesting and not a bad science GE to take. I got a 30/40 on the first midterm and a 49/60 on the final and was able to pull out an A.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 25, 2014

You are pointlessly risking your gpa by taking this guy. Take Abramson if you planning to take psych 10 during the fall. Abramson gives 50% solid A's while Wong gives 50% A's and B's so it's probably about less than 20% solid A's. If scheduling is a concern, that's even more reason to take Abramson. Abramson's lectures are typically at 5pm, but they are all recorded online. Wong's are not. In terms of teaching, Wong is your standard lecturer. Abramson is does something different. I think Abramson gives a psychology book rather than a textbook like Wong. Take Abramson. Better time, better gpa, and from what I have heard, a better teacher. To put things in perspective, I am most likely going to get an A- in this class. I pretty pissed off because my friend in the other class is getting a solid A without doing much work. Wong doesn't give much work either, but his tests can be tricky. I didn't have high expectations for this class which is why I didn't do as well on the midterm. I just didn't take it seriously enough, but the class really isn't outrageous or anything like that. Take Abramson. It's just a smarter decision.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 22, 2015

This class was a lot more bio-oriented than I expected. It entails an incredible amount of memorization, for me at least, which can be quite stressful if you procrastinate studying for the exams. Thank goodness the exams are multiple choice and non-cumulative, though. He also gives extra credit and curves the class (only if it will help your grade). I ended up with an "A+" in the class.

As much as I disliked the class, Professor Wong is actually a pretty nice guy. It's just the material that is boring and unlikable. My TA, Andrew, was not helpful at all. You're pretty much on your own for this class. Lectures aren't really necessary either as long as you read over and memorize the lecture slides that are posted online. If you're looking for an easy GE, this is not it.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 6, 2015

He is really cute and funny! The course material's interesting overall. I think the workload is pretty fair. Every week the TA will post 10 multiple choice questions online and if you answer more than 5 of them correctly you can get full points. The exams are not easy because some questions need a second thought but not difficult either, as long as you attend his lectures and study his slides. Also, there were 3 extra credit opportunities last quarter and they were not hard to get. Anyway, I highly recommend taking his Psych15! Got an A+ by the way :P


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 18, 2015

If you decide to take Wong, be extremely cautious during the midterm. The midterm is worth 45 percent of the grade, meaning that if you score an 88, you would need need to score a 92 (46/50) on the final. Make sure to attend lecture, he sometimes tests material that are not written on the slides and additionally, the slides do not contain the full notes. Some of the slides are cut off, so going to lecture will allow you add the missing information. Also, he sometimes throws in some questions from the videos he shows during class, so go to lecture. Finally, the textbook is completely pointless. Not a single piece of information is tested from the textbook so don't even bother purchasing/reading it. Overall, I ended up getting an A but I heard Abramson is a better choice for Psych 10 in the Fall since he apparently gives out 50 percent As.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 28, 2015

Even thought the midterm and final are worth 90% of your grade, the tests are extremely straightforward if you know the material which he conveniently puts onto the powerpoints. Readings are not necessary. The final had some questions where you had to choose the "more correct" answer, which i thought could be tricky, but if you studied, it is actually extremely obvious. He gives 3 extra credit opportunities (2 assigned in class and one if a certain percentage of the class fills out the evals) which raise your grade by 3%. I hardly ever went to class. some of the blanks he leaves on the powerpoint can be found online.

Take him!! the class is a good GPA booster and really helps you decide if you're actually interested in psychology/psychobio.


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Quarter: Fall 2013
Grade: A
Jan. 29, 2016

Professor Wong was a pretty average Psych 10 professor. His material was straightforward, you just have to put in the time and effort to memorize it. It's a lot of materials and the lectures were long.


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Quarter: Fall 2013
Grade: B-
Feb. 1, 2016

The class itself was a fairly easy class, but the tests were relatively hard. It was 50 multiple choice questions for each test. Just study and keep up on the readings and you should do perfectly fine!


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Quarter: Fall 2015
Grade: A
Feb. 3, 2016

The professor is great, but he has a little Singapore accent, which does not matter a lot. He will present class materials with a well-designed slides every lecture, and he will post the slides online a day in advance, so you can print it out and take notes on it, during classes. It is a good class in general, there are three parts of the grade, research participation/ summary writing, a midterm and a final. Midterms and finals are all composed of 50 multiple choices, and making up of 45% of the total grades, so you had better prepare for the midterm carefully.


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