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Jesse Zamudio
Based on 5 Users
I took this class with Professors Zamudio and Khankan. They're both honestly really cool professors and are great at lecturing. Professor Zamudio seems intimidating but he's really helpful and very passionate about the material. I'd definitely recommend taking the class with them
Dr. Zamudio is really cool! He did pre-recorded lectures for this class in Spring 2020. The exams were pretty difficult and they included short answers. He was very understanding of his students. He could be a little unclear, but he tries his best.
Prof. Zamudio taught the second half of my LS7C class. Unlike Prof. Khankan, Prof. Zamudio pre-recorded lectures that could be watched asynchronously and instead of clickers, we had short CCLE participation quizzes due 24 hrs after lecture. Prof. Zamudio was a clear professor and pretty decent overall. The last 3 weeks review and build directly on 7A material, so it's helpful to review topics like DNA beforehand. Discussions were synchronous and mandatory for the whole quarter. The Launchpad assignments were similar in length to 7A. One big difference for online vs in-person classes was that the midterms were a combination of multiple choice and free response (throwback to AP Bio) instead of all multiple choice. The first midterm was broken down into 60 pts MC and 30 pts FRQ, but after receiving feedback the second midterm was 70 pts MC and 20 pts FRQ to reduce the time crunch. Exams were open from 4pm to 8pm, and we had an hour to do each portion of the exam. We were given full credit for the final due to protests.
Grading breakdown:
Midterm 1 - 90 pts
Midterm 2 - 90 pts
Final - 180 pts
Discussion - 72 pts
Lecture Participation - 54 pts
Launchpad Activities - 45 pts
PCRQs - 45 pts
PEQs - 45 pts
Total - 621 pts
I took this class with Professors Zamudio and Khankan. They're both honestly really cool professors and are great at lecturing. Professor Zamudio seems intimidating but he's really helpful and very passionate about the material. I'd definitely recommend taking the class with them
Dr. Zamudio is really cool! He did pre-recorded lectures for this class in Spring 2020. The exams were pretty difficult and they included short answers. He was very understanding of his students. He could be a little unclear, but he tries his best.
Prof. Zamudio taught the second half of my LS7C class. Unlike Prof. Khankan, Prof. Zamudio pre-recorded lectures that could be watched asynchronously and instead of clickers, we had short CCLE participation quizzes due 24 hrs after lecture. Prof. Zamudio was a clear professor and pretty decent overall. The last 3 weeks review and build directly on 7A material, so it's helpful to review topics like DNA beforehand. Discussions were synchronous and mandatory for the whole quarter. The Launchpad assignments were similar in length to 7A. One big difference for online vs in-person classes was that the midterms were a combination of multiple choice and free response (throwback to AP Bio) instead of all multiple choice. The first midterm was broken down into 60 pts MC and 30 pts FRQ, but after receiving feedback the second midterm was 70 pts MC and 20 pts FRQ to reduce the time crunch. Exams were open from 4pm to 8pm, and we had an hour to do each portion of the exam. We were given full credit for the final due to protests.
Grading breakdown:
Midterm 1 - 90 pts
Midterm 2 - 90 pts
Final - 180 pts
Discussion - 72 pts
Lecture Participation - 54 pts
Launchpad Activities - 45 pts
PCRQs - 45 pts
PEQs - 45 pts
Total - 621 pts