
Jessica Cattelino

Overall Ratings
Based on 38 Users
Easiness 2.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.5 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.2 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.2 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (38)

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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Jan. 21, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+

Prof. Cattelino is an amazing professor! I took this class because it was a pre-req for my major but afterwards, I enjoyed it so much that I decided to pick up an anthropology minor! She is extremely understanding of these "unprecedented times" and allowed students who missed quizzes (for whatever reasons) to make them up often, and she even gave everyone a 5% grade boost at the end of the quarter because she knows this was a rough few months for everyone. The readings are a lot of work and very time-consuming, so if you don't want to dedicate a lot of time to this class, maybe don't take it- but I found the readings super interesting. The essays may seem very daunting and vague at first, but my TA was extremely helpful and broke down the prompt/how to write an anthropology paper in section. I think the grade breakdown was 25% for both midterm and final papers, 30% for weekly quizzes (lowest dropped), and 20% for participation during section. Highly recommend this class!


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Dec. 3, 2014
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Dr. Cattelino is amazing! I loved her class. She is a great lecturer, and the class is very interesting. If you are looking for an interesting GE than you have found your class! This class helped me to look at the world differently and though the reading can be a bit intense at times, the class is totally worth the effort and Dr. Cattelino never fails to make lectures awesome.


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April 1, 2014
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Selling the book "Wisdom sits in places" for anthro 9 for $15. No writings or highlighting. Also selling "The Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea" book for anthro 9 with no writings or highlighting, only $15. You need both for the class. Call/text me at (818) 669 - 8152 or email at if interested.


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Jan. 8, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Cattelino is a decent professor.
I wouldn't say she is fantastic like the other evaluation says, but she is better than most GE professors around...
-pretty clear and concise
-willing to help you understand topics
-tries to keep the information we learn relative

The thing I really loved about the class was that she posts her lectures online, although to really understand what shes talking about you need to go to class, but it's easy to get a general knowledge.

Definitely do the readings though, and last thing
I honestly think that a HUGE portion your grade depends on the TAs.

Two papers and one final (one paper is a "field" paper which sucks but whatever).


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Jan. 28, 2016
Quarter: Fall 2012
Grade: B+

Professor Cattelino was super nice and always willing to help. The class material was pretty interesting and the books were all weird (but fun) reads. She also showed lots of videos and stuff in class that complemented the class well. The papers were graded kind of tough but that was more the TAs then her. Overall, a solid class.


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Dec. 18, 2012
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Cattelino is fantastic. She teaches in a conversational style, often bringing in relevant modern day examples to supplement concepts that she's teaching in class. I took Anthro 9 as a GE. It was relatively easy and I'm not considering minoring in Anthro. Definitely recommend her as a professor. I also went to office hours one time just to talk; she's extremely friendly and welcoming.


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March 28, 2016
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: N/A

It was a really interesting class and professor cattelino was super helpful if you go to her OH. selling both books: Trobrianders of papa new guinea by Weiner and Lives in Limbo by Gonzales. email me at


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March 31, 2016
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: B+

Professor Cattelino is a great professor. However this class had a tougher workload than expected and a lot of my fellow classmates agreed with that. Past that the class was an overall enjoyable experience and I felt like this class actually mattered to professor Cattelino even though it was just a GE. Usually GEs aren't high on the professor's list. The essays are graded moderately, don't expect to get an A if you don't work rather hard on them. There is a lot of reading, my TA commented that professor cattelino goes through the readings and changes them each quarter so while it is a lot she cares about what she's teaching us and wants it to something that is relevant to us. The exams weren't too tough they were fair. Review the readings and notes, the concepts are really important. I loved Lives in Limbo, it was a great book and I loved a Latino relevant book being used at UCLA in a non-chicano studies class. Overall if you don't mind a rather heavy workload then take this class, I think it was worth it. I might not have gotten the grade I wanted but I actually really enjoyed a GE for once.


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Nov. 30, 2017
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: N/A

i kind of hated this class. the work load was a bit too much for a GE. professor Cattelino is nice but her lectures are long and boring. she assigned too many readings, and you have to read them because the whole class is based on them. the midterm was pretty easy and multiple choice but i did not like the essays (there were 2) because the TAs were hard graders. overall this wasn't the worst class but definitely not worth all the effort and it is not as interesting as I thought it would be. 4/10 probably would not recommend


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Dec. 12, 2017
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: N/A

I took this class as a GE and thoroughly enjoyed this class. Prof. Cattelino is one of the best professors I've ever had; she is sweet, really concerned about students' learning, and really passionate about anthro (she tries to make it as interesting and relevant to students as she can).

Grades are based on:
Participation (15%)
Midterm - all multiple choice (20%)
Essay #1- 4 pages (20%)
Essay #2- 4 page fieldwork paper (20%)
Final Exam- multiple choice, 2 short answers, 1 essay question (25%)

There is so much reading assigned throughout the quarter and I wasn't able to do most of it. But luckily, her exams test on how well you know your concepts and how well you can apply them. The exams were relatively easy even without doing all the readings. But that's not to say that you can get a good grade without putting in work and ignoring the readings. Skim the readings, know the concepts well, go to lecture (take good notes especially on the examples she gives), know the big ideas in each of the reading, and pay attention in discussion.

The essays are a different story. The first essay wasn't too bad, but the fieldwork paper prompt was difficult because the prompt was confusing and less concrete than the first prompt. Go to your TA for help!

I would say that going to lecture is a huge part of doing well in the class. She's an awesome lecturer- she clearly explains concepts and also keeps it engaging and relevant by relating the concepts to current events. This class is definitely not your easy A GE, but it helped me looked at the world in a different way and also gave me a new appreciation for anthro.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+
Jan. 21, 2021

Prof. Cattelino is an amazing professor! I took this class because it was a pre-req for my major but afterwards, I enjoyed it so much that I decided to pick up an anthropology minor! She is extremely understanding of these "unprecedented times" and allowed students who missed quizzes (for whatever reasons) to make them up often, and she even gave everyone a 5% grade boost at the end of the quarter because she knows this was a rough few months for everyone. The readings are a lot of work and very time-consuming, so if you don't want to dedicate a lot of time to this class, maybe don't take it- but I found the readings super interesting. The essays may seem very daunting and vague at first, but my TA was extremely helpful and broke down the prompt/how to write an anthropology paper in section. I think the grade breakdown was 25% for both midterm and final papers, 30% for weekly quizzes (lowest dropped), and 20% for participation during section. Highly recommend this class!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 3, 2014

Dr. Cattelino is amazing! I loved her class. She is a great lecturer, and the class is very interesting. If you are looking for an interesting GE than you have found your class! This class helped me to look at the world differently and though the reading can be a bit intense at times, the class is totally worth the effort and Dr. Cattelino never fails to make lectures awesome.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
April 1, 2014

Selling the book "Wisdom sits in places" for anthro 9 for $15. No writings or highlighting. Also selling "The Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea" book for anthro 9 with no writings or highlighting, only $15. You need both for the class. Call/text me at (818) 669 - 8152 or email at if interested.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 8, 2013

Professor Cattelino is a decent professor.
I wouldn't say she is fantastic like the other evaluation says, but she is better than most GE professors around...
-pretty clear and concise
-willing to help you understand topics
-tries to keep the information we learn relative

The thing I really loved about the class was that she posts her lectures online, although to really understand what shes talking about you need to go to class, but it's easy to get a general knowledge.

Definitely do the readings though, and last thing
I honestly think that a HUGE portion your grade depends on the TAs.

Two papers and one final (one paper is a "field" paper which sucks but whatever).


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Quarter: Fall 2012
Grade: B+
Jan. 28, 2016

Professor Cattelino was super nice and always willing to help. The class material was pretty interesting and the books were all weird (but fun) reads. She also showed lots of videos and stuff in class that complemented the class well. The papers were graded kind of tough but that was more the TAs then her. Overall, a solid class.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 18, 2012

Professor Cattelino is fantastic. She teaches in a conversational style, often bringing in relevant modern day examples to supplement concepts that she's teaching in class. I took Anthro 9 as a GE. It was relatively easy and I'm not considering minoring in Anthro. Definitely recommend her as a professor. I also went to office hours one time just to talk; she's extremely friendly and welcoming.


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Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: N/A
March 28, 2016

It was a really interesting class and professor cattelino was super helpful if you go to her OH. selling both books: Trobrianders of papa new guinea by Weiner and Lives in Limbo by Gonzales. email me at


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Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: B+
March 31, 2016

Professor Cattelino is a great professor. However this class had a tougher workload than expected and a lot of my fellow classmates agreed with that. Past that the class was an overall enjoyable experience and I felt like this class actually mattered to professor Cattelino even though it was just a GE. Usually GEs aren't high on the professor's list. The essays are graded moderately, don't expect to get an A if you don't work rather hard on them. There is a lot of reading, my TA commented that professor cattelino goes through the readings and changes them each quarter so while it is a lot she cares about what she's teaching us and wants it to something that is relevant to us. The exams weren't too tough they were fair. Review the readings and notes, the concepts are really important. I loved Lives in Limbo, it was a great book and I loved a Latino relevant book being used at UCLA in a non-chicano studies class. Overall if you don't mind a rather heavy workload then take this class, I think it was worth it. I might not have gotten the grade I wanted but I actually really enjoyed a GE for once.


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: N/A
Nov. 30, 2017

i kind of hated this class. the work load was a bit too much for a GE. professor Cattelino is nice but her lectures are long and boring. she assigned too many readings, and you have to read them because the whole class is based on them. the midterm was pretty easy and multiple choice but i did not like the essays (there were 2) because the TAs were hard graders. overall this wasn't the worst class but definitely not worth all the effort and it is not as interesting as I thought it would be. 4/10 probably would not recommend


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: N/A
Dec. 12, 2017

I took this class as a GE and thoroughly enjoyed this class. Prof. Cattelino is one of the best professors I've ever had; she is sweet, really concerned about students' learning, and really passionate about anthro (she tries to make it as interesting and relevant to students as she can).

Grades are based on:
Participation (15%)
Midterm - all multiple choice (20%)
Essay #1- 4 pages (20%)
Essay #2- 4 page fieldwork paper (20%)
Final Exam- multiple choice, 2 short answers, 1 essay question (25%)

There is so much reading assigned throughout the quarter and I wasn't able to do most of it. But luckily, her exams test on how well you know your concepts and how well you can apply them. The exams were relatively easy even without doing all the readings. But that's not to say that you can get a good grade without putting in work and ignoring the readings. Skim the readings, know the concepts well, go to lecture (take good notes especially on the examples she gives), know the big ideas in each of the reading, and pay attention in discussion.

The essays are a different story. The first essay wasn't too bad, but the fieldwork paper prompt was difficult because the prompt was confusing and less concrete than the first prompt. Go to your TA for help!

I would say that going to lecture is a huge part of doing well in the class. She's an awesome lecturer- she clearly explains concepts and also keeps it engaging and relevant by relating the concepts to current events. This class is definitely not your easy A GE, but it helped me looked at the world in a different way and also gave me a new appreciation for anthro.


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