
Jim Jusko

Overall Ratings
Based on 13 Users
Easiness 4.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.7 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.5 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.6 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (13)

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Feb. 16, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A

I enjoyed Comm 188A with Professor Jusko. The class consisted of a midterm paper and final paper. The midterm focused on creating your own nonscripted reality tv show and the final paper was to work out how the show would be produced. The papers were graded easily. I recommend going to office hours to ask about what to include for each section so you don't lose points. Lecture was once a week for three hours. The only downside was lecture from 6pm-8:50pm, and some weeks the lectures were tedious. Jusko takes attendance three times the entire quarter but does not tell you when. Attendance is a big chunk of your grade so make sure you go. The content of the class was interesting. Take this class if you enjoy learning about film production or just want something fun to take. Prof. Jusko also brought in guest lecturers who worked on show productions which were pretty interesting.


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Dec. 27, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B+

If you want to go into the media/entertainment/TV/Film industry take this class because you will learn about these industries and meet guest speakers that work in these fields. There are only 2 assignments 1 midterm and 1 final. The midterm is making up a fictional reality TV show and writing about what it is and why it is good. The final is writing how your TV can get sponsors, make money, and be sold to networks. If you have any ounce of creativity both assignments are easy. It was ridiculous that people didn't understand how straight forward the assignments were. People would ask about the concepts thinking that their super important but their just cool things to know about. Don't bother taking notes, because there's nothing note worthy to take notes on. Again all your learning about is the entertainment industry so taking notes is pointless. If you want to go into the entertainment industry I would advise you to record the lectures because there is a lot of valuable information from the instructor and the guest speakers. He also takes attendance sometimes which is graded. This class is super easy and it was one of my first classes as a transfer. Lectures are long and in the evening so if you fall asleep the recording will cover you, but if fall asleep and don't record your not missing out. Office hours are accessible, but you'll have a long line of people asking dumb questions about why they can't make up a TV show. Oh he doesn't round up if you have an 89.5% in the class which is a bummer. If you just need an elective this would be good to take also. Readings are lite and not necessary but they help.


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Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A
Feb. 16, 2022

I enjoyed Comm 188A with Professor Jusko. The class consisted of a midterm paper and final paper. The midterm focused on creating your own nonscripted reality tv show and the final paper was to work out how the show would be produced. The papers were graded easily. I recommend going to office hours to ask about what to include for each section so you don't lose points. Lecture was once a week for three hours. The only downside was lecture from 6pm-8:50pm, and some weeks the lectures were tedious. Jusko takes attendance three times the entire quarter but does not tell you when. Attendance is a big chunk of your grade so make sure you go. The content of the class was interesting. Take this class if you enjoy learning about film production or just want something fun to take. Prof. Jusko also brought in guest lecturers who worked on show productions which were pretty interesting.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B+
Dec. 27, 2018

If you want to go into the media/entertainment/TV/Film industry take this class because you will learn about these industries and meet guest speakers that work in these fields. There are only 2 assignments 1 midterm and 1 final. The midterm is making up a fictional reality TV show and writing about what it is and why it is good. The final is writing how your TV can get sponsors, make money, and be sold to networks. If you have any ounce of creativity both assignments are easy. It was ridiculous that people didn't understand how straight forward the assignments were. People would ask about the concepts thinking that their super important but their just cool things to know about. Don't bother taking notes, because there's nothing note worthy to take notes on. Again all your learning about is the entertainment industry so taking notes is pointless. If you want to go into the entertainment industry I would advise you to record the lectures because there is a lot of valuable information from the instructor and the guest speakers. He also takes attendance sometimes which is graded. This class is super easy and it was one of my first classes as a transfer. Lectures are long and in the evening so if you fall asleep the recording will cover you, but if fall asleep and don't record your not missing out. Office hours are accessible, but you'll have a long line of people asking dumb questions about why they can't make up a TV show. Oh he doesn't round up if you have an 89.5% in the class which is a bummer. If you just need an elective this would be good to take also. Readings are lite and not necessary but they help.


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