John Villasenor
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2021 - OH MY GOD take this class. Brilliant discourse, and Dr. Villasenor does a fantastic job at presenting his content and his opinions. He's in public policy as well as engineering, and this class is a beautiful marriage of the two. I learned a lot and loved engaging with the content. Discussions were alas required and super not engaging on the flip side, but the lecture content was enough to make up for this (overall, I give the class 4/5). There was also a writing assignment at the end which was a bore for people with writing experience. Piece of cake, but boring nonetheless. Despite that, this is one of my most memorable college classes. hella take it. it's easy, 2 units, and a great change of pace from all the harder STEM you have to do in engineering. :)
Spring 2021 - OH MY GOD take this class. Brilliant discourse, and Dr. Villasenor does a fantastic job at presenting his content and his opinions. He's in public policy as well as engineering, and this class is a beautiful marriage of the two. I learned a lot and loved engaging with the content. Discussions were alas required and super not engaging on the flip side, but the lecture content was enough to make up for this (overall, I give the class 4/5). There was also a writing assignment at the end which was a bore for people with writing experience. Piece of cake, but boring nonetheless. Despite that, this is one of my most memorable college classes. hella take it. it's easy, 2 units, and a great change of pace from all the harder STEM you have to do in engineering. :)
Most Helpful Review
Professor Villasenor is pretty much my favorite professor in the EE department. A couple downsides about him: 1. He goes way too fast in lecture, so you have to pay real close attention to him because zoning out for even one minute may result in you getting lost during the rest of the class period. 2. His exams aren't very easy. Nevertheless, he's very effective in delivering the material, and I'd like to take him again for another course. His homework assignments aren't too bad if you go to lecture, and if you go to the TA's discussion sections, they're a piece of cake. The midterm for that class was kind of tricky, but not terribly difficult, but the final was very tricky. I felt like his midterm was more computational while the final was more conceptual. The computer assignments aren't terribly bad except for the last one, which felt like a CS 32 project, but considering the fact that this course is only offered once a year (at least during the year I took it), I highly recommend 114 with Villasenor.
Professor Villasenor is pretty much my favorite professor in the EE department. A couple downsides about him: 1. He goes way too fast in lecture, so you have to pay real close attention to him because zoning out for even one minute may result in you getting lost during the rest of the class period. 2. His exams aren't very easy. Nevertheless, he's very effective in delivering the material, and I'd like to take him again for another course. His homework assignments aren't too bad if you go to lecture, and if you go to the TA's discussion sections, they're a piece of cake. The midterm for that class was kind of tricky, but not terribly difficult, but the final was very tricky. I felt like his midterm was more computational while the final was more conceptual. The computer assignments aren't terribly bad except for the last one, which felt like a CS 32 project, but considering the fact that this course is only offered once a year (at least during the year I took it), I highly recommend 114 with Villasenor.
Most Helpful Review
Very good lecturer, highly recommended for anyone to take. So long as you read the book material before showing up to lecture, and review your notes after lecture, then his homeworks and exams should be straightforward. Also, you should review the practice midterms and practice finals beforehand, as he usually reuses one of the previous exam problems.
Very good lecturer, highly recommended for anyone to take. So long as you read the book material before showing up to lecture, and review your notes after lecture, then his homeworks and exams should be straightforward. Also, you should review the practice midterms and practice finals beforehand, as he usually reuses one of the previous exam problems.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2017 - This class is super fun and not at all difficult. It's 4 units and you meet once a week for 2 hours to discuss a current technology policy issue like autonomous vehicles or genetic engineering. Attendance is 10% of the grade but it's once a week so you should be fine. You have four policy memos due over the course of the quarter, assigned a week in advance of their due date and around 6-8 pages in length. There is a midterm and final, but all the memos are graded super easily, as long as you answer the question and come up with reasonable solutions. Probably the easiest upper-div A you can get at UCLA. Really enjoyed the class.
Winter 2017 - This class is super fun and not at all difficult. It's 4 units and you meet once a week for 2 hours to discuss a current technology policy issue like autonomous vehicles or genetic engineering. Attendance is 10% of the grade but it's once a week so you should be fine. You have four policy memos due over the course of the quarter, assigned a week in advance of their due date and around 6-8 pages in length. There is a midterm and final, but all the memos are graded super easily, as long as you answer the question and come up with reasonable solutions. Probably the easiest upper-div A you can get at UCLA. Really enjoyed the class.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2019 - One of the best professors I have taken at UCLA. Extremely multifacted background, gives extremely engaging lectures, gets class to participate and discuss. Class had a very manageable workload (two writing assignments and a debate), and was overall extremely enjoyable. Prof Villasenor focuses on recent and controversial topics in the tech space, and I definitely learned a lot from taking his class.
Fall 2019 - One of the best professors I have taken at UCLA. Extremely multifacted background, gives extremely engaging lectures, gets class to participate and discuss. Class had a very manageable workload (two writing assignments and a debate), and was overall extremely enjoyable. Prof Villasenor focuses on recent and controversial topics in the tech space, and I definitely learned a lot from taking his class.