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- John Papadopoulos
Based on 63 Users
- Uses Slides
- Tolerates Tardiness
- Appropriately Priced Materials
- Participation Matters
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Sorry, no enrollment data is available.
Overall, I really enjoyed this course. It's very do-able as long as you memorize the slides, show up to discussion period and turn in papers on time. The midterm was not bad; however, the final was a little trickier. There are extra credit opportunities that allows you to get above 100% on both the midterm and final. The two papers are not bad at all. As long as you follow the prompt, have a complex thesis and incorporate some solid research you should be able to receive a decent grade. It is also very clear that Prof Papadopoulos knows a lot about what he is teaching. Highly recommend as a GE!
This class was a pretty easy GE. I highly recommend it. Dr. Papadopoulos is a nice guy who really cares about the material. Also the textbook costed like 5 or 10 bucks. This class is broken down accordingly.
Participation (10%)- Go to every discussion and talk. I went to every discussion and talked a good amount and a got a low A in this category. I thought we'd all get 100's if we participated, but we didn't. I'm not mad about my score, but just be aware you need to really talk to do well in this category.
Midterm (15%)- Study the slides a few days before and memorize everything. Almost everyone I know got over a 100 on the midterm because of all the extra credit. Try to do well on this so it can be a cushion for your grade.
Papers (25% each, 2 total)- Can be tricky. I highly recommend going to TA OH and asking questions and getting feedback on an outline and/or thesis. If you work with your TA and make good use of your resources to draft a falsifiable thesis you should be good. That being said I felt like getting a B on the papers was no issue, but getting an A was somewhat difficult.
Final (25%) In my opinion a lot harder than the midterm. There was no extra credit and one slide was not even from the study images. Not bad, but try to get your grade high enough that you aren't relying on the final to bring it up.
Also, winter 2017 he offered 1% extra credit if we went to a film screening of this archeology documentary. Although this was a one time thing (I think), know he may offer other extra credit.
Also you don't have to go to lecture to do well, but it definitely helps you become more familiar with the material. You don't need to do the weekly readings either.
In total, there are two 4-5 page essays, 1 midterm and 1 final. The two essays might be tedious but won't be a problem if you do the assigned readings that are related to the prompts. Although Professor Papadopoulos gave out assigned readings for each week, I never did any of them except for the first few and was fine. The midterm and finals are purely based on memorization of the study image slides (roughly 70 to memorize for each exam); by going to all lectures for the first half of the quarter and memorizing the slides 2 days beforehand, I was able to get a 111/100 for the midterm (He gave out plenty of bonus questions for extra credit). For the second half of the quarter, I barely went to lectures and was still able to get an A for the course.
Professor Papadopoulos makes lectures optional and you don't even need to review the power points for the final or midterm. You do have to memorize slides, but there are no tricks and it's really easy to do well. You don't have to do the readings either. There are two essays, a midterm, and a final. very easy A, would recommend!
This class was probably the most annoying class I have ever taken at UCLA. Memorizing 80 slides the night before the midterm AND final was extremely painful. And pulling all nighters writing those two papers was equally painful. However, given you put all that work in you are pretty much guaranteed an A (unless you're not a very good writer or your TA grades your papers harshly). Honestly I don't understand all the fuss about how much extra credit Papadopoulous gives. The papers combined were worth 50% of your grade - which is a lot. And for my TA's section the average on the papers was 85%. Also, I'm not sure why people say there is so much extra credit. There was a good amount on the midterm and I ended up with 103.5/100 on it, but it was only worth 15% of our grade. The final, however, had no extra credit and one of the slides was NOT in the study images. Also some of the questions he asked on his midterm and final were not provided in the study images. I ended up with a 90.4/100 on the final. My overall grade was an A, but I got a 94 and a 93 on the papers. I would take him if you're really good at writing papers and memorizing. If you don't mind the excruciating pain of memorizing useless slides and writing useless papers, then take his class for an A. Otherwise you might get screwed with an A- or B+ like some of my friends.
Come on guys, Professor Papadopoulos is an AMAZING teacher! Yes I have to admit that we had to memorize 80+ study images (and details e.g. date, people involved, pictures depicted, etc) for each of the exam BUT if you have photographic memory or are willing to work hard for an A, this class is no big deal at all.
I felt really bad for him cos he puts up everything online and only like 1/5 of the people turned up to class. Man i mean, the lazy ones missed out. Professor Papa (lets make things short) is very knowledgeable and has personal connections with Greece/the archaeology field so every little story he tells, is no pseudo. He can talk about one single pottery for 5 minutes, and it's not boring at all! You'll just feel like you're 3000 thousands back in time and reliving what you're seeing in his powerpoints.
He gives a lot of bonus points in his exams so it's really easy to get high scores. Only tricky thing is although he said you didn't have to study the lecture slides for the exams, you better do. Cos he does ask subtle questions from them and oh, the map section on the finals was tricky too, cos he won't tell you which places he'll test on, just "the ones he's talked about". So yea.
NEVER attended lectures except for the 1st one and exam reviews. Got A- because my TA (who was a bitch btw) only gave me a B for one of my papers.
Memorization of slides, piece of cake. He said that he'd put IDs on final but he decided not to for some reasons (I felt so relieved to hear that since I never went to lectures and knew nothing about the material)
Easy class, recommended for GE
I'm the type of person who NEVER misses class lectures and ALWAYS does the required readings. But I had so much difficulty motivating myself to go to these lectures. I went for the first six weeks and then just stopped all together and got an A+ in the class. Professor Papadopoulos is a sweet man and you can tell he is really in to the topic and cares about the students. It's really just slides though (that he puts online), basically an art history course...something I have never been interested in. If you are good at memorization this class will be a piece of cake. I bought the course reader but felt like it was a waste of money since I only used it for the essays. My TA was nice, very approachable, but it was obvious she couldn't stand that none of us did the readings (still got an A+ in participation and As on both the papers).
Overall, I do recommend the course, just make sure you go to discussions and give yourself a couple days in advance to memorize all the slides (there are a lot of extra credit opportunities too).
I never attended lecture except for the 1st one and midterm/final review. Just memorize EVERYTHING in study slides. ~75 slides for midterm and ~75 slides for final. Midterm will only test you on slides, and I've got 104/100 (lots of extra credits) and I didn't go to lecture at all!
Final = slides + map + essay.
1.Slides no problem (but few questions aren't covered in study slides, no idea why the fuck did he include those)
2.Map, easy just memorize all the sites (11 of them)
3. Essay, 300- 500 words, questions given a week before final. Pretty easy.
I've got 91/100. I've messed up my essay I guess.
The hardest part of the course is 2 essays (each 20%). It's 4-5 pages, and if you've got a TA like mine (a bitch called Chelsey), then you're unlikely to get a good grade. (I've got 88 & 85) If it isn't her, I would've got an A.
If you are looking for an easy GE course, do not take this class! There is a lot of information to remember, including memorizing over 80 slides for the midterm and final, and 2 essays. However, this class was extremely interesting for I am fascinated with Greek culture, and I have learned a lot for Prof Pap. is intelligent, humorous, and eloquent. The only bummer was that I had a horrible TA who never replied to my emails and discussions were a waste of time (although he was pretty helpful in preparing for the midterm and the final). If you are up for the challenge, I'd recommend taking this class, but if you're looking for a snooze class, don't take it.
Overall, I really enjoyed this course. It's very do-able as long as you memorize the slides, show up to discussion period and turn in papers on time. The midterm was not bad; however, the final was a little trickier. There are extra credit opportunities that allows you to get above 100% on both the midterm and final. The two papers are not bad at all. As long as you follow the prompt, have a complex thesis and incorporate some solid research you should be able to receive a decent grade. It is also very clear that Prof Papadopoulos knows a lot about what he is teaching. Highly recommend as a GE!
This class was a pretty easy GE. I highly recommend it. Dr. Papadopoulos is a nice guy who really cares about the material. Also the textbook costed like 5 or 10 bucks. This class is broken down accordingly.
Participation (10%)- Go to every discussion and talk. I went to every discussion and talked a good amount and a got a low A in this category. I thought we'd all get 100's if we participated, but we didn't. I'm not mad about my score, but just be aware you need to really talk to do well in this category.
Midterm (15%)- Study the slides a few days before and memorize everything. Almost everyone I know got over a 100 on the midterm because of all the extra credit. Try to do well on this so it can be a cushion for your grade.
Papers (25% each, 2 total)- Can be tricky. I highly recommend going to TA OH and asking questions and getting feedback on an outline and/or thesis. If you work with your TA and make good use of your resources to draft a falsifiable thesis you should be good. That being said I felt like getting a B on the papers was no issue, but getting an A was somewhat difficult.
Final (25%) In my opinion a lot harder than the midterm. There was no extra credit and one slide was not even from the study images. Not bad, but try to get your grade high enough that you aren't relying on the final to bring it up.
Also, winter 2017 he offered 1% extra credit if we went to a film screening of this archeology documentary. Although this was a one time thing (I think), know he may offer other extra credit.
Also you don't have to go to lecture to do well, but it definitely helps you become more familiar with the material. You don't need to do the weekly readings either.
In total, there are two 4-5 page essays, 1 midterm and 1 final. The two essays might be tedious but won't be a problem if you do the assigned readings that are related to the prompts. Although Professor Papadopoulos gave out assigned readings for each week, I never did any of them except for the first few and was fine. The midterm and finals are purely based on memorization of the study image slides (roughly 70 to memorize for each exam); by going to all lectures for the first half of the quarter and memorizing the slides 2 days beforehand, I was able to get a 111/100 for the midterm (He gave out plenty of bonus questions for extra credit). For the second half of the quarter, I barely went to lectures and was still able to get an A for the course.
Professor Papadopoulos makes lectures optional and you don't even need to review the power points for the final or midterm. You do have to memorize slides, but there are no tricks and it's really easy to do well. You don't have to do the readings either. There are two essays, a midterm, and a final. very easy A, would recommend!
This class was probably the most annoying class I have ever taken at UCLA. Memorizing 80 slides the night before the midterm AND final was extremely painful. And pulling all nighters writing those two papers was equally painful. However, given you put all that work in you are pretty much guaranteed an A (unless you're not a very good writer or your TA grades your papers harshly). Honestly I don't understand all the fuss about how much extra credit Papadopoulous gives. The papers combined were worth 50% of your grade - which is a lot. And for my TA's section the average on the papers was 85%. Also, I'm not sure why people say there is so much extra credit. There was a good amount on the midterm and I ended up with 103.5/100 on it, but it was only worth 15% of our grade. The final, however, had no extra credit and one of the slides was NOT in the study images. Also some of the questions he asked on his midterm and final were not provided in the study images. I ended up with a 90.4/100 on the final. My overall grade was an A, but I got a 94 and a 93 on the papers. I would take him if you're really good at writing papers and memorizing. If you don't mind the excruciating pain of memorizing useless slides and writing useless papers, then take his class for an A. Otherwise you might get screwed with an A- or B+ like some of my friends.
Come on guys, Professor Papadopoulos is an AMAZING teacher! Yes I have to admit that we had to memorize 80+ study images (and details e.g. date, people involved, pictures depicted, etc) for each of the exam BUT if you have photographic memory or are willing to work hard for an A, this class is no big deal at all.
I felt really bad for him cos he puts up everything online and only like 1/5 of the people turned up to class. Man i mean, the lazy ones missed out. Professor Papa (lets make things short) is very knowledgeable and has personal connections with Greece/the archaeology field so every little story he tells, is no pseudo. He can talk about one single pottery for 5 minutes, and it's not boring at all! You'll just feel like you're 3000 thousands back in time and reliving what you're seeing in his powerpoints.
He gives a lot of bonus points in his exams so it's really easy to get high scores. Only tricky thing is although he said you didn't have to study the lecture slides for the exams, you better do. Cos he does ask subtle questions from them and oh, the map section on the finals was tricky too, cos he won't tell you which places he'll test on, just "the ones he's talked about". So yea.
NEVER attended lectures except for the 1st one and exam reviews. Got A- because my TA (who was a bitch btw) only gave me a B for one of my papers.
Memorization of slides, piece of cake. He said that he'd put IDs on final but he decided not to for some reasons (I felt so relieved to hear that since I never went to lectures and knew nothing about the material)
Easy class, recommended for GE
I'm the type of person who NEVER misses class lectures and ALWAYS does the required readings. But I had so much difficulty motivating myself to go to these lectures. I went for the first six weeks and then just stopped all together and got an A+ in the class. Professor Papadopoulos is a sweet man and you can tell he is really in to the topic and cares about the students. It's really just slides though (that he puts online), basically an art history course...something I have never been interested in. If you are good at memorization this class will be a piece of cake. I bought the course reader but felt like it was a waste of money since I only used it for the essays. My TA was nice, very approachable, but it was obvious she couldn't stand that none of us did the readings (still got an A+ in participation and As on both the papers).
Overall, I do recommend the course, just make sure you go to discussions and give yourself a couple days in advance to memorize all the slides (there are a lot of extra credit opportunities too).
I never attended lecture except for the 1st one and midterm/final review. Just memorize EVERYTHING in study slides. ~75 slides for midterm and ~75 slides for final. Midterm will only test you on slides, and I've got 104/100 (lots of extra credits) and I didn't go to lecture at all!
Final = slides + map + essay.
1.Slides no problem (but few questions aren't covered in study slides, no idea why the fuck did he include those)
2.Map, easy just memorize all the sites (11 of them)
3. Essay, 300- 500 words, questions given a week before final. Pretty easy.
I've got 91/100. I've messed up my essay I guess.
The hardest part of the course is 2 essays (each 20%). It's 4-5 pages, and if you've got a TA like mine (a bitch called Chelsey), then you're unlikely to get a good grade. (I've got 88 & 85) If it isn't her, I would've got an A.
If you are looking for an easy GE course, do not take this class! There is a lot of information to remember, including memorizing over 80 slides for the midterm and final, and 2 essays. However, this class was extremely interesting for I am fascinated with Greek culture, and I have learned a lot for Prof Pap. is intelligent, humorous, and eloquent. The only bummer was that I had a horrible TA who never replied to my emails and discussions were a waste of time (although he was pretty helpful in preparing for the midterm and the final). If you are up for the challenge, I'd recommend taking this class, but if you're looking for a snooze class, don't take it.
Based on 63 Users
- Uses Slides (22)
- Tolerates Tardiness (18)
- Appropriately Priced Materials (16)
- Participation Matters (16)