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- Julie Ann Gardner-Treloar
Based on 4 Users
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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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Professor Gardner is indeed a very good teacher. She knows what she's talking about. Her tests, however, are not that easy because tests are time-pressured. Still, it's better to take Gardner than to take Ravetch for 1B for sure.
I took this class with Professor Gardner online due to COVID, and she pre-records all her lecture videos and posts them on ccle for us to watch on our own time. In terms of the actual lecturing, I really quite enjoyed it - she's a very clear lecturer, and explains all the concepts very well. It was also a plus this quarter too because we didn't have to buy her course reader (which for Mgmt 1A was about $80) and she simply provided all the pdfs for us, but her course reader in my opinion is REALLY helpful, informative, and clear.
In terms of her exams, the midterm was a bit harder and the class average was a bit low, and I think she got a lot of emails from students worrying about their grade, so the final was visibly easier. However for both exams I feel like they're all relatively fair (nothing was too unreasonable), and I think the class average in the end was pretty decent too.
In general, definitely would take her class again!
Professor Gardner does not care about teaching or her students. She showed up late to every single class and by talking to MANY other students in my class I concluded that she does not respond to emails--ever--so if you have a question you better figure it out on your own. She does provide some interesting information about Warren Buffet and Apple, but wastes significant class time to do it. You also have to buy a course reader for $60 which is virtually useless, but necessary to follow what's going on in class. The majority of her tests are multiple choice with an overwhelming number of questions. I honestly stopped trying in her class because I hated her so much and still pulled off a B by only studying for the final the night before. I would say its easy to past her class, but I would not recommend her. Take Ravetch instead.
Professor Gardner is indeed a very good teacher. She knows what she's talking about. Her tests, however, are not that easy because tests are time-pressured. Still, it's better to take Gardner than to take Ravetch for 1B for sure.
I took this class with Professor Gardner online due to COVID, and she pre-records all her lecture videos and posts them on ccle for us to watch on our own time. In terms of the actual lecturing, I really quite enjoyed it - she's a very clear lecturer, and explains all the concepts very well. It was also a plus this quarter too because we didn't have to buy her course reader (which for Mgmt 1A was about $80) and she simply provided all the pdfs for us, but her course reader in my opinion is REALLY helpful, informative, and clear.
In terms of her exams, the midterm was a bit harder and the class average was a bit low, and I think she got a lot of emails from students worrying about their grade, so the final was visibly easier. However for both exams I feel like they're all relatively fair (nothing was too unreasonable), and I think the class average in the end was pretty decent too.
In general, definitely would take her class again!
Professor Gardner does not care about teaching or her students. She showed up late to every single class and by talking to MANY other students in my class I concluded that she does not respond to emails--ever--so if you have a question you better figure it out on your own. She does provide some interesting information about Warren Buffet and Apple, but wastes significant class time to do it. You also have to buy a course reader for $60 which is virtually useless, but necessary to follow what's going on in class. The majority of her tests are multiple choice with an overwhelming number of questions. I honestly stopped trying in her class because I hated her so much and still pulled off a B by only studying for the final the night before. I would say its easy to past her class, but I would not recommend her. Take Ravetch instead.
Based on 4 Users
- Needs Textbook (1)
- Useful Textbooks (1)
- Would Take Again (1)