
Justin Forlano

Overall Ratings
Based on 25 Users
Easiness 2.7 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.4 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.2 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.2 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (25)

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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Jan. 8, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: N/A

Professor Forlano was a decent professor. He was very clear and organized with his lectures and notes. He pretty much never went off topic, and his notes were very organized and neat, and they helped a lot for his exams.

The homework was straightforward and overall pretty easy to do. The TA graded them very leniently, and I always ended up with a higher grade on them than I expected. A downside to this was that the homework was not indicative at all of the exams.

2 Midterms, 1 final, pretty standard.
His first midterm was pretty difficult and long. Definitely not doable in 1 hour.
It had 5 questions with multiple parts and the average was a 68%

He responded very well to the feedback on the first midterm and the second midterm was much shorter and easier with an average of 80%

The final had 9 questions, each with multiple parts, but it was much more straightforward and doable compared to his midterms and was actually much easier than his midterms, although it took a long time to finish.

He grades relatively leniently, with a ton of partial credit, but it's also true that little mistakes can take off points too.
I lost 20% off my grade on the first midterm due to "assuming the conclusion" on a question. Don't get me wrong though, it wasn't a simple "if this then that" question, but a much more complicated proof involving showing that the intersection of intervals has a non empty intersection or something like that. Definitely not a straightforward "if, then" claim and I made the grave mistake of assuming the conclusion by mistake.
But it is a rigorous analysis course so you have to be almost perfect in your analysis and structure of your proofs, but overall, I believe he graded pretty leniently.

Overall, Professor Forlano was a decent professor to have for Analysis, his notes and lectures were clear and organized and he responded very well to feedback.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 6, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

Math 32B with Forlano was actually pretty good. I came into 32B reading online that this would be one of the worst/ hardest lower div math in the 30 series while also struggling a bit with 32A. Forlano explained things really clearly in my opinion and I often felt like I understood the topics. I never really had to rewatch lectures like I did in 32A and just going to lectures live + reviewing with the textbooks was enough to understand what was going on. His homework structure was pretty nice where he had a list of problems he would give every week but only about 5-6 problems were usually due (usually takes about 2-3 hours depending how well u knew the mateiral). Homework was a combination of textbook problems and his own problems. I never did/ looked at the extra homework problems and did okay in this class lol. I think the problems he gives are enough practice to grasp the topics. Exams wise, they were all very fair. The first midterm was super easy and the second one was definitely harder but still doable. The final was pretty straightforward though kinda long. All the exams related well to lecture material and homework problems so if you do the homework/ followed with lectures you should be fine. Quizzes were a bit more tricky since they were timed (supposed to take 30 min but he gave us 90 min to do+upload our work). He's also pretty chill and understanding. For our last quiz he forgot to put a timer and just let us have 24 hrs to take it. I'm honestly very glad I took 32b with Forlano as I learned the material well and exams were fair. 10/10 would recommend!!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 4, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: NR

32B alone is already pretty hard, but Forlano doesn't really help because He tends to mumble in lectures, making them a lot less engaging and hard to follow. He talks in such a monotonous way that makes you dizzy after a few minutes. Anyways, I am not super good at math myself, and Forlano's class was far from being enjoyable for me.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 19, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A-

Good lecture flow, however, sometimes monotone when he speaks. In the online setting, midterms and final kinda kicked my ass bc they actually took like 8 hours to do, but idk how that translates to in person.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 18, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A

Real analysis is a tough class, but Forlano gave relatively engaging and very clear lectures, so paying attention was easy. Also I think his accent is kinda cool lol. I didn't end up reading the textbook at all since his notes were good enough for me. His handwriting is a little messy, but still readable for the most part.
You definitely learn a lot doing the homeworks. The workload wasn't all that bad, only 4-6 problems are assigned out of the entire set, so it usually only took 3-6 hours to do each week.
The homeworks are weighted high, so be sure to do them carefully. Doing the non-assigned problems is recommended just to get exposure to more material.
The midterms were relatively fair, if not a bit long. The final, in my opinion, was a step up in difficulty compared to the midterms, and took me significantly longer to complete. I spent about 7 hours on the midterms and about 14-ish on the final, but I am a slow worker, so ymmv.
The grade is determined on a semi-straight scale, where >90% gets an A-, >80% gets a B-, etc., but where the cutoff for A/A+ and B/B+ is determined by Forlano.
30% is from the Final
22.5% is from the midterm you do better on
17.5% is from the midterm you do worse on
29.5% is from homework
0.5% is from end of quarter evaluation.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 17, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A+

At first I was a bit worried coming into the class seeing that the past reviews spoke on how hard the exams were but honestly I was pleasantly surprised. But just as a side note: I has 115A the previous quarter with a professor who did not care at ALL so I learned to self study and still did that a bit in this class just because I found the material not super intuitive at times. However with that being said, Professor Forlano and our TA Patrick really care!! The first week we went over mathematical logic and sets since it was not expected of us to know all the mathematical lingo or how to do proofs, so that was really helpful. Then after we went through the typical material in the course, with weekly homeworks that at first were a bit time consuming but shortened as we progressed through the quarter. Only ~3 problems were graded, but it was really helpful to work through all of them for practice. Forlano has OH 3 times a week as well as open contact via email to set up 1 on 1's, and he was always there to answer any questions we may have. One of the best things about the class is the grading. The professor and TA understand that this is an introductory class, so grading was surprisingly fairly lenient and I always did better than expected. However, that does not mean they were lazy and you did not receive feedback. Even for questions you did not lose points for, they would leave helpful comments about your work and what did/didn't work, so definitely looking through those were super helpful!
Overall, this wasn't a walk in the park and in all honestly I attended many OH sessions and did a lot of practice to get a good grade. However, I do think Forlano and our TA did a great job this quarter, and if you have the option to take Professor Forlano you should consider it :)


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
April 7, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

This is a tough class, but Forlano is a great choice and makes it much easier to get through. His lectures are good and explain the essential parts of the material well, and he does many relevant examples. His first two tests were pretty simple, with a lot of questions being exactly like examples from the lectures with different numbers. The final kicked it up a little bit, but not in a way that felt unfair. More like combining multiple skills from the class into one problem. Homework load was very light compared to other math classes I've been in, with 5-8 questions due every week as the only assignment. Overall, I would strongly recommend Forlano for this class.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 28, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

quizzes were tough due to the time constraint, but I was able to do well on the midterms and final due to it being 24 hours, although the second midterm and final took me well over 6 hours. Forlano is a super nice guy. His lectures were very hard for me to get through, but looking back, he is very good at explaining concepts and drawing. Class is hard, but I would recommend it.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 24, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

Dr. Forlano is very clear and helpful. His tests are very direct if you do all his homework (he gives hints for tough questions as well!). I think the homework is lengthy, but given they account for 30% of the grade I think it is okay (there are 8-12 questions per homework, so it can take very long). He is very kind and responsive to questions and emails. More so, if you find any mistakes/concerns for your scores, he is very understanding and thoughtful during office hours. Overall, I think if you are willing to take your time for the homework, I definitely recommend Dr. Forlano!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: N/A
Jan. 8, 2021

Professor Forlano was a decent professor. He was very clear and organized with his lectures and notes. He pretty much never went off topic, and his notes were very organized and neat, and they helped a lot for his exams.

The homework was straightforward and overall pretty easy to do. The TA graded them very leniently, and I always ended up with a higher grade on them than I expected. A downside to this was that the homework was not indicative at all of the exams.

2 Midterms, 1 final, pretty standard.
His first midterm was pretty difficult and long. Definitely not doable in 1 hour.
It had 5 questions with multiple parts and the average was a 68%

He responded very well to the feedback on the first midterm and the second midterm was much shorter and easier with an average of 80%

The final had 9 questions, each with multiple parts, but it was much more straightforward and doable compared to his midterms and was actually much easier than his midterms, although it took a long time to finish.

He grades relatively leniently, with a ton of partial credit, but it's also true that little mistakes can take off points too.
I lost 20% off my grade on the first midterm due to "assuming the conclusion" on a question. Don't get me wrong though, it wasn't a simple "if this then that" question, but a much more complicated proof involving showing that the intersection of intervals has a non empty intersection or something like that. Definitely not a straightforward "if, then" claim and I made the grave mistake of assuming the conclusion by mistake.
But it is a rigorous analysis course so you have to be almost perfect in your analysis and structure of your proofs, but overall, I believe he graded pretty leniently.

Overall, Professor Forlano was a decent professor to have for Analysis, his notes and lectures were clear and organized and he responded very well to feedback.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 6, 2021

Math 32B with Forlano was actually pretty good. I came into 32B reading online that this would be one of the worst/ hardest lower div math in the 30 series while also struggling a bit with 32A. Forlano explained things really clearly in my opinion and I often felt like I understood the topics. I never really had to rewatch lectures like I did in 32A and just going to lectures live + reviewing with the textbooks was enough to understand what was going on. His homework structure was pretty nice where he had a list of problems he would give every week but only about 5-6 problems were usually due (usually takes about 2-3 hours depending how well u knew the mateiral). Homework was a combination of textbook problems and his own problems. I never did/ looked at the extra homework problems and did okay in this class lol. I think the problems he gives are enough practice to grasp the topics. Exams wise, they were all very fair. The first midterm was super easy and the second one was definitely harder but still doable. The final was pretty straightforward though kinda long. All the exams related well to lecture material and homework problems so if you do the homework/ followed with lectures you should be fine. Quizzes were a bit more tricky since they were timed (supposed to take 30 min but he gave us 90 min to do+upload our work). He's also pretty chill and understanding. For our last quiz he forgot to put a timer and just let us have 24 hrs to take it. I'm honestly very glad I took 32b with Forlano as I learned the material well and exams were fair. 10/10 would recommend!!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: NR
Feb. 4, 2021

32B alone is already pretty hard, but Forlano doesn't really help because He tends to mumble in lectures, making them a lot less engaging and hard to follow. He talks in such a monotonous way that makes you dizzy after a few minutes. Anyways, I am not super good at math myself, and Forlano's class was far from being enjoyable for me.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A-
June 19, 2021

Good lecture flow, however, sometimes monotone when he speaks. In the online setting, midterms and final kinda kicked my ass bc they actually took like 8 hours to do, but idk how that translates to in person.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A
June 18, 2021

Real analysis is a tough class, but Forlano gave relatively engaging and very clear lectures, so paying attention was easy. Also I think his accent is kinda cool lol. I didn't end up reading the textbook at all since his notes were good enough for me. His handwriting is a little messy, but still readable for the most part.
You definitely learn a lot doing the homeworks. The workload wasn't all that bad, only 4-6 problems are assigned out of the entire set, so it usually only took 3-6 hours to do each week.
The homeworks are weighted high, so be sure to do them carefully. Doing the non-assigned problems is recommended just to get exposure to more material.
The midterms were relatively fair, if not a bit long. The final, in my opinion, was a step up in difficulty compared to the midterms, and took me significantly longer to complete. I spent about 7 hours on the midterms and about 14-ish on the final, but I am a slow worker, so ymmv.
The grade is determined on a semi-straight scale, where >90% gets an A-, >80% gets a B-, etc., but where the cutoff for A/A+ and B/B+ is determined by Forlano.
30% is from the Final
22.5% is from the midterm you do better on
17.5% is from the midterm you do worse on
29.5% is from homework
0.5% is from end of quarter evaluation.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A+
June 17, 2021

At first I was a bit worried coming into the class seeing that the past reviews spoke on how hard the exams were but honestly I was pleasantly surprised. But just as a side note: I has 115A the previous quarter with a professor who did not care at ALL so I learned to self study and still did that a bit in this class just because I found the material not super intuitive at times. However with that being said, Professor Forlano and our TA Patrick really care!! The first week we went over mathematical logic and sets since it was not expected of us to know all the mathematical lingo or how to do proofs, so that was really helpful. Then after we went through the typical material in the course, with weekly homeworks that at first were a bit time consuming but shortened as we progressed through the quarter. Only ~3 problems were graded, but it was really helpful to work through all of them for practice. Forlano has OH 3 times a week as well as open contact via email to set up 1 on 1's, and he was always there to answer any questions we may have. One of the best things about the class is the grading. The professor and TA understand that this is an introductory class, so grading was surprisingly fairly lenient and I always did better than expected. However, that does not mean they were lazy and you did not receive feedback. Even for questions you did not lose points for, they would leave helpful comments about your work and what did/didn't work, so definitely looking through those were super helpful!
Overall, this wasn't a walk in the park and in all honestly I attended many OH sessions and did a lot of practice to get a good grade. However, I do think Forlano and our TA did a great job this quarter, and if you have the option to take Professor Forlano you should consider it :)


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
April 7, 2021

This is a tough class, but Forlano is a great choice and makes it much easier to get through. His lectures are good and explain the essential parts of the material well, and he does many relevant examples. His first two tests were pretty simple, with a lot of questions being exactly like examples from the lectures with different numbers. The final kicked it up a little bit, but not in a way that felt unfair. More like combining multiple skills from the class into one problem. Homework load was very light compared to other math classes I've been in, with 5-8 questions due every week as the only assignment. Overall, I would strongly recommend Forlano for this class.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 28, 2021

quizzes were tough due to the time constraint, but I was able to do well on the midterms and final due to it being 24 hours, although the second midterm and final took me well over 6 hours. Forlano is a super nice guy. His lectures were very hard for me to get through, but looking back, he is very good at explaining concepts and drawing. Class is hard, but I would recommend it.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Dec. 24, 2020

Dr. Forlano is very clear and helpful. His tests are very direct if you do all his homework (he gives hints for tough questions as well!). I think the homework is lengthy, but given they account for 30% of the grade I think it is okay (there are 8-12 questions per homework, so it can take very long). He is very kind and responsive to questions and emails. More so, if you find any mistakes/concerns for your scores, he is very understanding and thoughtful during office hours. Overall, I think if you are willing to take your time for the homework, I definitely recommend Dr. Forlano!


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