
Katalin Bognar

Overall Ratings
Based on 36 Users
Easiness 2.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.5 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.8 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.5 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (36)

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June 18, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Easy (although extremely boring) class, predictable tests, fair curve. Very nice professor.


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June 9, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

What many people do not realize (like me) is that Econ 41 is a weeder course. Because of this, UCLA will give you terrible Econ professors and expect you to fight amongst your peers in order to not get weeded out of business econ.

This is one of those such teachers. She's ridiculously boring and ineffective, don't bother going to class. Final was pretty rough. If I wasn't sick for one of the midterms I probably would have done better in the class...

Having to be excused for a midterm is one of the worst things that could happen to you, as the midterms are easy compared to the final.


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June 16, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Bognar is by far the worst professor I have had yet at UCLA. While she curves the class so that the average is about a B-, she literally taught me nothing all quarter. She managed to confuse herself with her own examples, which made the material impossible to understand. Lecture is an absolute waste of time, buy the book, find a friend and work through the problems together, but don't expect your exams to look anything like the the practice exams. The types of problems for the free response are totally different; the practice exam is only a list of the topics covered, which you could have gotten in the lecture slides she posts online. It is a weeder-class, but avoid Bognar if you can help it.


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June 30, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Bognar is honestly a very sweet woman. She is so nice when you go to her office hours, but this hardly makes up for her ridiculously hard tests. I dissected each section of each chapter and memorized EVERYTHING on the practice exams, but I still couldn't get anything higher than a C. I ended up with a C in the class. I'll be completely honest and say that if I studied EVERY day, and dedicated myself fully, I would have gotten a B at the highest. The exams are not much like the practice exams, but the short answer questions are actually repeated with different values and variables, with a twist on the situation. The homeworks are a breeze, but a little time consuming. I suggest you don't take this class if you are a global studies or comm major, but if you absolutely need this class, and you are an econ major, is an absolute weeder class.


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June 16, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I took Bognar in Winter '10, and it was her first time teaching Econ 41. Actually, it was her first time teaching a huge lecture like this.
I really don't think this class was impossible, and trust me, I am no genius. I study and work hard, and this class is very doable. Sure, her homeworks and practice tests are easier than her actual tests, but what the hell do you guys expect? College isn't rote memorization and purging.
Lecture isn't necessary, so if you don't go, I recommend going to discussion just to make your intake of the material easier. I did well in this class by reading the book very, very thoroughly and doing all the odd problems of every chapter. I was able to fully understand the material that way so when the final came around(which was much harder than the two midterms), I could deconstruct the questions she asked and do well.
I think people should be easier on Bognar, she's very nice and helpful during office hours and after class, and nerves probably get to her when she's in front of a lecture hall full of rude college students


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Aug. 10, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

If you are going to this class, I suggest you to do the following:
<br>First, find out the topics she is going to cover.
<br>Second, find out where are those topics in the book and study it from the book.
<br>(memorized all the rules and applications and know how to draw the graphs exactly like how they print it.)
<br>Third, do the past exams (most important, why? the second time she taught the class which is spring 2010, the class average went up from the 60's to the 80's. That's why,) do all the homework questions (from the books)(second most important), then do her study questions.
<br>make sure your T.A. are professional about his/her job, (how? email a question to your T.A. and see how long does it takes your T.A. to get back to you (with result/ answer not just "I'll get back to you.")If you are not satisfied with the result, go to another T.A. sections.
<br>Lastly, have your fingers crossed even after you are so confident after you study all the available materials that you are going to do great, pray. (this also apply to those who has taken this class somewhere else, or to those who has tutor this class somewhere else, or to those who has digested different versions of intro stat books, yeah, pray.
<br>But at the end of the day, you must ask yourself this question: why?
<br>If you can wait for a capable person to teach this class, why not?


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Dec. 17, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Bognar is a good professor. Statistics isn't the easiest class to teach to 400 students at once. She can't really take time during the lecture to address individual questions as she sometimes tries to. She challenges you to learn the material. She is very helpful if you seek help. Read the provided lecture notes, do the homework assignments, do the provided practice tests and most importantly go to her office hours if you're confused with any of the material. She is easy to approach and is VERY willing to spend the time to help you understand the concepts. The tests can be a bit tricky... but it's just a matter of reading the question carefully.


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Jan. 20, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I think she's misunderstood by all of these people. I got an A- with no background in stats and she does a good job in explaining the stuff. people who say its hard probably dont try in school


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Feb. 16, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Bognar is not a bad instructor as some people make her out to be. While her accent can make her a bit difficult to follow during lecture, the slides more than make up for that. They are available online and self explanatory.

I rarely went to class and ended up with an A-. And I am somebody that came from an low performing high school in South Central Los Angeles. I would had received an A if I hadn't foolishly and accidentally skipped one of the questions during the first midterm.

In short, Econ 41 with Bognar is totally doable. It's just a matter of you studying hard and doing extra textbook problems just for practice.


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June 8, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Nice professor.


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ECON 151
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 18, 2011

Easy (although extremely boring) class, predictable tests, fair curve. Very nice professor.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 9, 2010

What many people do not realize (like me) is that Econ 41 is a weeder course. Because of this, UCLA will give you terrible Econ professors and expect you to fight amongst your peers in order to not get weeded out of business econ.

This is one of those such teachers. She's ridiculously boring and ineffective, don't bother going to class. Final was pretty rough. If I wasn't sick for one of the midterms I probably would have done better in the class...

Having to be excused for a midterm is one of the worst things that could happen to you, as the midterms are easy compared to the final.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 16, 2010

Professor Bognar is by far the worst professor I have had yet at UCLA. While she curves the class so that the average is about a B-, she literally taught me nothing all quarter. She managed to confuse herself with her own examples, which made the material impossible to understand. Lecture is an absolute waste of time, buy the book, find a friend and work through the problems together, but don't expect your exams to look anything like the the practice exams. The types of problems for the free response are totally different; the practice exam is only a list of the topics covered, which you could have gotten in the lecture slides she posts online. It is a weeder-class, but avoid Bognar if you can help it.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 30, 2010

Professor Bognar is honestly a very sweet woman. She is so nice when you go to her office hours, but this hardly makes up for her ridiculously hard tests. I dissected each section of each chapter and memorized EVERYTHING on the practice exams, but I still couldn't get anything higher than a C. I ended up with a C in the class. I'll be completely honest and say that if I studied EVERY day, and dedicated myself fully, I would have gotten a B at the highest. The exams are not much like the practice exams, but the short answer questions are actually repeated with different values and variables, with a twist on the situation. The homeworks are a breeze, but a little time consuming. I suggest you don't take this class if you are a global studies or comm major, but if you absolutely need this class, and you are an econ major, is an absolute weeder class.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 16, 2010

I took Bognar in Winter '10, and it was her first time teaching Econ 41. Actually, it was her first time teaching a huge lecture like this.
I really don't think this class was impossible, and trust me, I am no genius. I study and work hard, and this class is very doable. Sure, her homeworks and practice tests are easier than her actual tests, but what the hell do you guys expect? College isn't rote memorization and purging.
Lecture isn't necessary, so if you don't go, I recommend going to discussion just to make your intake of the material easier. I did well in this class by reading the book very, very thoroughly and doing all the odd problems of every chapter. I was able to fully understand the material that way so when the final came around(which was much harder than the two midterms), I could deconstruct the questions she asked and do well.
I think people should be easier on Bognar, she's very nice and helpful during office hours and after class, and nerves probably get to her when she's in front of a lecture hall full of rude college students


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Aug. 10, 2010

If you are going to this class, I suggest you to do the following:
<br>First, find out the topics she is going to cover.
<br>Second, find out where are those topics in the book and study it from the book.
<br>(memorized all the rules and applications and know how to draw the graphs exactly like how they print it.)
<br>Third, do the past exams (most important, why? the second time she taught the class which is spring 2010, the class average went up from the 60's to the 80's. That's why,) do all the homework questions (from the books)(second most important), then do her study questions.
<br>make sure your T.A. are professional about his/her job, (how? email a question to your T.A. and see how long does it takes your T.A. to get back to you (with result/ answer not just "I'll get back to you.")If you are not satisfied with the result, go to another T.A. sections.
<br>Lastly, have your fingers crossed even after you are so confident after you study all the available materials that you are going to do great, pray. (this also apply to those who has taken this class somewhere else, or to those who has tutor this class somewhere else, or to those who has digested different versions of intro stat books, yeah, pray.
<br>But at the end of the day, you must ask yourself this question: why?
<br>If you can wait for a capable person to teach this class, why not?


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 17, 2010

Professor Bognar is a good professor. Statistics isn't the easiest class to teach to 400 students at once. She can't really take time during the lecture to address individual questions as she sometimes tries to. She challenges you to learn the material. She is very helpful if you seek help. Read the provided lecture notes, do the homework assignments, do the provided practice tests and most importantly go to her office hours if you're confused with any of the material. She is easy to approach and is VERY willing to spend the time to help you understand the concepts. The tests can be a bit tricky... but it's just a matter of reading the question carefully.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 20, 2011

I think she's misunderstood by all of these people. I got an A- with no background in stats and she does a good job in explaining the stuff. people who say its hard probably dont try in school


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Feb. 16, 2011

Bognar is not a bad instructor as some people make her out to be. While her accent can make her a bit difficult to follow during lecture, the slides more than make up for that. They are available online and self explanatory.

I rarely went to class and ended up with an A-. And I am somebody that came from an low performing high school in South Central Los Angeles. I would had received an A if I hadn't foolishly and accidentally skipped one of the questions during the first midterm.

In short, Econ 41 with Bognar is totally doable. It's just a matter of you studying hard and doing extra textbook problems just for practice.


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ECON 151
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 8, 2011

Nice professor.


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