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- Kathleen McGarry
- ECON 19
Based on 1 User
- Uses Slides
- Tolerates Tardiness
- Engaging Lectures
- Snazzy Dresser
- Often Funny
- Participation Matters
- Would Take Again
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Mcgarry is a really fun and easy to talk to professor. She really tries to get to know her students and make her freshmen participate in this fiat lux. The fiax lux itself is extremely easy and interesting. I felt like I learned a lot about federal spending. The class requires you to create and give a presentation at some point but the class only meets 5 times and then it's done so it's super easy and quick.
Mcgarry is a really fun and easy to talk to professor. She really tries to get to know her students and make her freshmen participate in this fiat lux. The fiax lux itself is extremely easy and interesting. I felt like I learned a lot about federal spending. The class requires you to create and give a presentation at some point but the class only meets 5 times and then it's done so it's super easy and quick.
Based on 1 User
- Uses Slides (1)
- Tolerates Tardiness (1)
- Engaging Lectures (1)
- Snazzy Dresser (1)
- Often Funny (1)
- Participation Matters (1)
- Would Take Again (1)