Lothar von Falkenhausen
Most Helpful Review
I took Chinese Art with him in the Fall. He's unfortunately boring and pauses a lot when he speaks. The readings for this class were a bit excessive, but it was overall doable for me. Technically, you COULD miss lecture, but just to secure the A, it's great to write down everything he says. I was able to get an A in this class (make sure to consult with the TAs about the essays, by the way), but I would not recommend it. I had to memorize 50+ paintings (including the artist name, time period, and title), which is just not worth all the time. Overall: interesting subject, boring professor, possible to get an A with standard effort.
I took Chinese Art with him in the Fall. He's unfortunately boring and pauses a lot when he speaks. The readings for this class were a bit excessive, but it was overall doable for me. Technically, you COULD miss lecture, but just to secure the A, it's great to write down everything he says. I was able to get an A in this class (make sure to consult with the TAs about the essays, by the way), but I would not recommend it. I had to memorize 50+ paintings (including the artist name, time period, and title), which is just not worth all the time. Overall: interesting subject, boring professor, possible to get an A with standard effort.
Most Helpful Review
I took this class fall quarter of my freshman year and I almost never went to lecture, just discussion. I got a B+ with minimal effort. Maybe it was because I took AP Art History in high school or that my TA was awesome (Julia). Anyway, when I did go to lecture I almost always fell asleep or didn't pay attention- soooo boring and I'm an Art History major. If you want this for an interesting GE or requirement for your major you have to bank on getting a good TA or else it will be a really boring class.
I took this class fall quarter of my freshman year and I almost never went to lecture, just discussion. I got a B+ with minimal effort. Maybe it was because I took AP Art History in high school or that my TA was awesome (Julia). Anyway, when I did go to lecture I almost always fell asleep or didn't pay attention- soooo boring and I'm an Art History major. If you want this for an interesting GE or requirement for your major you have to bank on getting a good TA or else it will be a really boring class.