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- Marcus Roper
- MATH 266A
Based on 1 User
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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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I took this class as an undergraduate with background in MATH 134, 135. I really enjoyed this course overall. The things we covered is very similar to MATH 134 and 135 with a bit more rigour and a few additional topics such as Green's functions. Professor Roper is a complete delight and I have been very fortunate to have a class with him. I was very scared of the difficulty spike (and there was definitely one) but he is one of the nicest, most patient professors I have ever had. Also, his lectures are very digestible and it was a real joy showing up to class. His exams are very low stress and really focuses on the learning aspect rather than the grade. He curves the course a lot so I wouldn't worry about the grade. I have never learned more from a math course until this one. Our TA Raymond moves a bit fast through things but he is a nice grader and always happy to help. Overall, I would recommend highly recommend this course.
I took this class as an undergraduate with background in MATH 134, 135. I really enjoyed this course overall. The things we covered is very similar to MATH 134 and 135 with a bit more rigour and a few additional topics such as Green's functions. Professor Roper is a complete delight and I have been very fortunate to have a class with him. I was very scared of the difficulty spike (and there was definitely one) but he is one of the nicest, most patient professors I have ever had. Also, his lectures are very digestible and it was a real joy showing up to class. His exams are very low stress and really focuses on the learning aspect rather than the grade. He curves the course a lot so I wouldn't worry about the grade. I have never learned more from a math course until this one. Our TA Raymond moves a bit fast through things but he is a nice grader and always happy to help. Overall, I would recommend highly recommend this course.
Based on 1 User
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