
Martin Monti

Overall Ratings
Based on 48 Users
Easiness 2.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.7 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.5 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.0 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (48)

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May 11, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Psych 120 was one of the harder psych classes that I've taken and it was made even harder by the fact that Monti discovered a cheating scheme during one of the midterms. From then on, he's been very vindictive in the way he interacted with the class and the way he wrote the exams. Only some people decided to take a shortcut, but he definitely put the blame on all of us even though he made a point that he would not.


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March 24, 2014
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Real Course: Psychology 120

In simple words, TAKE THIS PROFESSOR! He is funny, passionate about what he teaches and very welcoming to his student's questions or concerns. As a psych major, I worried about taking classes in Column A. However, if you are need to take this class, then take it with Professor Monti. He had students laughing at 8:00am and offered his lectures podcasted for non-early birds.
His tests were fair, but definitely prepare for them. After speaking with the TA's, they openly admitted to intentionally trying to make the tests difficult (the average being C+). Both the midterm and final are multiple choice questions with a heavy emphasis on lecture material and some on the book. There are also two papers (1 page length) due. Overall, it was a great experience and would definitely recommend it!


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March 23, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Real Course: Psychology 120A
This is not an easy class at all. I really think that Monti made the material more difficult than it needed to be. Which defeats the purpose of having a professor, it shouldn't be easier to read the textbook than following someone's lecture in my opinion. Also I think the tests had real a**hole curve balls. The amount of time I spent studying for this class it is not normal that I should have to be totally guessing for at least 15 questions on the exams. This was the case as the way the questions were formulated were completely out of left field. No similar example in the book or lecture so I and many of my classmates had no idea what the prof or TA's were referring to. It was also mindbogglingly frustrating that many topics emphasized in lecture and were most of the time was spent on were not even asked about. Instead minor details that no one paid attention to were asked. Unless you are good at mindreading and don't mind spending 20 hours + studying for this class and barely getting an A. I suggest you take this with Castel or Rissman instead. Or just consider taking 115 instead of cog psych which is and incredibly fluffy subject.


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March 23, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Psych 120 A

I would not recommend taking this class for your column A. Tests are very tricky, and quiz questions as well. It seems as if some of the TA's/prof's mission were to test us on minute details often barely mentioned. Monti made the material more confusing. I really wish i took this class with a different prof. And even though lectures are podcasted you have to go to them now due to the wonderful idea of iclickers.....! This class made me really upset as i studied so much and felt i really knew the material, but as previously mentioned i agree that the many test questions were completely unfair.


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March 28, 2016
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: B

I actually really liked Dr. Monti! I wasn't expecting to enjoy an 8am lecture, but he did a really good job of lecturing. Occasionally the slides were unclear upon review, but lectures are podcasted so it was easy to go back and listen to him again.

Grades were made up of 2 non-cumulative midterms, i>clicker and discussion section participation, a short paper, and a cumulative final. The only tricky part of this class was the test questions are ALL true/false. I was hesitant for the first exam, but my grades didn't suffer so it works as a format. Discussion sections are easy, you just have to sign in and listen to the TA give a summary of what we talked about in class.

Overall, I would take more classes with Dr. Monti. He seemed like he genuinely enjoyed the subject and his lectures were very enthusiastic!


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April 2, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A

Selling textbook Cognitive Psychology by Sternberg 7th edition
Text me at 8182920701


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Sept. 17, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A-

Selling Cognitive Psychology Seventh edition


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March 18, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A-

It's a very difficult course since the exams are true/false questions. If you don't know the material well, you won't perform well. However, Professor Monti is extremely knowledgable in the subject and it's obvious he wants his students to succeed. If you pay attention in class and relisten to his lectures through bruincast, you'll be in good shape as long as you understand the concepts. Go to class since his bruincasts are only audio and he references slides during his lecture as well which are important.


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Feb. 6, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A

I love professor Monti, and he is just so passionate when he talks about the topics of his interest. Love the class!


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March 20, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A-

Monti is an amazing professor. He truly cares about student learning and he's also just funny and cute and makes lectures very engaging. The 2 exams are all True or False. There is a weekly paper analysis, but its usually just reading a two-page article and answering one sentence questions (very easy!) The material for the first half is 'easier' than the second half, but professor Monti and the TA's want each student to succeed so they do everything they can to make things clear and to help. If you are trying to figure out if this class is good or bad, i say it was very good!! I would take it again with Monti for sure.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
May 11, 2013

Psych 120 was one of the harder psych classes that I've taken and it was made even harder by the fact that Monti discovered a cheating scheme during one of the midterms. From then on, he's been very vindictive in the way he interacted with the class and the way he wrote the exams. Only some people decided to take a shortcut, but he definitely put the blame on all of us even though he made a point that he would not.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 24, 2014

Real Course: Psychology 120

In simple words, TAKE THIS PROFESSOR! He is funny, passionate about what he teaches and very welcoming to his student's questions or concerns. As a psych major, I worried about taking classes in Column A. However, if you are need to take this class, then take it with Professor Monti. He had students laughing at 8:00am and offered his lectures podcasted for non-early birds.
His tests were fair, but definitely prepare for them. After speaking with the TA's, they openly admitted to intentionally trying to make the tests difficult (the average being C+). Both the midterm and final are multiple choice questions with a heavy emphasis on lecture material and some on the book. There are also two papers (1 page length) due. Overall, it was a great experience and would definitely recommend it!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 23, 2015

Real Course: Psychology 120A
This is not an easy class at all. I really think that Monti made the material more difficult than it needed to be. Which defeats the purpose of having a professor, it shouldn't be easier to read the textbook than following someone's lecture in my opinion. Also I think the tests had real a**hole curve balls. The amount of time I spent studying for this class it is not normal that I should have to be totally guessing for at least 15 questions on the exams. This was the case as the way the questions were formulated were completely out of left field. No similar example in the book or lecture so I and many of my classmates had no idea what the prof or TA's were referring to. It was also mindbogglingly frustrating that many topics emphasized in lecture and were most of the time was spent on were not even asked about. Instead minor details that no one paid attention to were asked. Unless you are good at mindreading and don't mind spending 20 hours + studying for this class and barely getting an A. I suggest you take this with Castel or Rissman instead. Or just consider taking 115 instead of cog psych which is and incredibly fluffy subject.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 23, 2015

Psych 120 A

I would not recommend taking this class for your column A. Tests are very tricky, and quiz questions as well. It seems as if some of the TA's/prof's mission were to test us on minute details often barely mentioned. Monti made the material more confusing. I really wish i took this class with a different prof. And even though lectures are podcasted you have to go to them now due to the wonderful idea of iclickers.....! This class made me really upset as i studied so much and felt i really knew the material, but as previously mentioned i agree that the many test questions were completely unfair.


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Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: B
March 28, 2016

I actually really liked Dr. Monti! I wasn't expecting to enjoy an 8am lecture, but he did a really good job of lecturing. Occasionally the slides were unclear upon review, but lectures are podcasted so it was easy to go back and listen to him again.

Grades were made up of 2 non-cumulative midterms, i>clicker and discussion section participation, a short paper, and a cumulative final. The only tricky part of this class was the test questions are ALL true/false. I was hesitant for the first exam, but my grades didn't suffer so it works as a format. Discussion sections are easy, you just have to sign in and listen to the TA give a summary of what we talked about in class.

Overall, I would take more classes with Dr. Monti. He seemed like he genuinely enjoyed the subject and his lectures were very enthusiastic!


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A
April 2, 2017

Selling textbook Cognitive Psychology by Sternberg 7th edition
Text me at 8182920701


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A-
Sept. 17, 2017

Selling Cognitive Psychology Seventh edition


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A-
March 18, 2018

It's a very difficult course since the exams are true/false questions. If you don't know the material well, you won't perform well. However, Professor Monti is extremely knowledgable in the subject and it's obvious he wants his students to succeed. If you pay attention in class and relisten to his lectures through bruincast, you'll be in good shape as long as you understand the concepts. Go to class since his bruincasts are only audio and he references slides during his lecture as well which are important.


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A
Feb. 6, 2017

I love professor Monti, and he is just so passionate when he talks about the topics of his interest. Love the class!


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A-
March 20, 2018

Monti is an amazing professor. He truly cares about student learning and he's also just funny and cute and makes lectures very engaging. The 2 exams are all True or False. There is a weekly paper analysis, but its usually just reading a two-page article and answering one sentence questions (very easy!) The material for the first half is 'easier' than the second half, but professor Monti and the TA's want each student to succeed so they do everything they can to make things clear and to help. If you are trying to figure out if this class is good or bad, i say it was very good!! I would take it again with Monti for sure.


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