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- Mary Corey
- HIST 140C
Based on 20 Users
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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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You can tell Mary Corey wishes she was black as she walks around in her Rihanna Puma's using the N word every other sentence. Well that was in her class from Spring quarter. In this class she complained about the sensitive students who couldn't handle history (black people are getting called the N word and being shot almost everyday. This isn't just history, this is the present struggle of many Americans, and there are consequences to using words like this.) and then managed to refer to everything as "retarded," and complain about "trigger warnings" saying she does not believe in them for her classes despite the fact that two veterans with PTSD once ended up hospitalized from a book she forced them to read. Apart from that, her lectures make little sense and it really makes me wonder what this schools standards are. Pathetic.
Mary Corey you've aged too badly to ever be black. Just accept it. You're the whitest person I've met in my life.
If you need a history course take Teo Ruiz before he retires- he is a brilliant professor who fought for his education. Or take Nile Green whose passion is contagious and expertise shines through in his lectures. Or take Geoffrey Robinson whose lectures are more engrossing than any action movie I've ever watched and will make you want to join the peace corps tomorrow.
Well maybe she's here to even things out a little bit because there's still some brilliant minds in this department.
Do not recommend taking this class. You cannot have a professor with a class of over 200 people with no TA's and get upset when students want them to hold more office hours. She is very funny, blunt, and comical during her lectures. She would use at least 10 minutes at the beginning of each lecture to figure out how to use a microphone. Class is very simple, she knows the history of the time period and does not use any slides with the information she gives. The class is 50% midterm paper and 50% final paper. The questions are literally formed to echo chamber what she believes. What if you do not necessarily agree with her views? Well, your grade might suffer. She is getting old and even though she still enjoys being a professor that knows a lot about US History, its either time to get people (TA's) to help her or its time to throw in the towel.
I really enjoyed Mary's class. She is an old school type of professor and does not use slides. Instead she uses pure lecture to get the material across. She's been around UCLA since the 60s and has a lot of interesting tidbits about her time here as it relates to U.S. History, e.g. her meeting Malcolm X at Ackerman in the early 60s. She is also hilarious. She does not care about trigger warnings and it is the first thing she says at the beginning of her class. The class was pretty straight forward. There was one take home midterm and one final. They were composed of three mini-essays: 8 pages (minimum) total for both the midterm and final. Listen, if you are offended by her language the problem lies with you. This is college, get over it. I love the fact that she doesn't tailor the lecture to the soft-snowflake crowd. And I say this as someone who's liberal, which she is as well but acknowledges other points of view, too.
The books are all available on reserve at the library. You are also expected to show up to office hours twice and one midterm and one final review session: that makes up your participation grade. The TAs are pretty helpful in that they give you a rubric on how to write a good paper.
Overall, the class was excellent. However, during lectures, the professor would occasionally jump around from topic to topic, and the prompts for the midterm and final exams were disorganized and even difficult to understand.
Just note that you are required (you're grade depends on it) to attend 3 (1 hour) TA office hours, 2 (1 hour) midterm and final review sessions, and 1 (1 hour) writing workshop, including lecture. The class spends the first 2 weeks talking about the post war era, and then 5 weeks discussing the '60s. You'll get one (very brief) lecture on: Nixon/the '70s and one lecture on Rondal Reagan/ the '80s. Midterm and final are both 10 page essays. If you're interested in modern American history sans the '60s, then this class isn't for you.
One of the best history lecturers I've taken. All the information is so succinct & there's no fluff. She also does a great job of creating a clear narrative, which makes it all easy to follow.
I'm not sure how she did her other 140C classes, but in this Winter 2014 quarter version she barely touched at all on anything after 1970. The VAST majority of the material was focused on the 1960's & social movements in them. I didn't necessarily have a problem with that because she did a great job of presenting it, but I would've preferred for the class to be titled US in the 1960's or US Social Movements instead, since she almost seemed obligated to give the last 2 lectures as extremely bare bones surveys of the 70's & 80's (basically what you'd find in a lower div course).
The Midterm & Final were alright. I'm much more into writing in class exams as opposed to doing take home exams because TA's tend to focus on grading the writing as opposed to the analysis more when it's a take home. The midterm consisted of 3 separate essays totaling 8-11 pages, and the final consisted of 2 separate essays totaling 6-8 pages. You only have to use the primary sources from class and lecture notes (no need to buy the textbook).
Section was great because the sources we had to read were on the short side, and were very easy to discuss.
Brilliant professor. Of course, it helps if you're a liberal, as many of the other reviews will note. Yes, she's biased. But bias is history, it's in every text we read.
What's great about Corey is what you see is what you get. She's teaching about the history she lived and partook in, and it's incredible. She's so honest, so brutal, so clever. Her personal stories really make class come alive. I don't find her to be disorganized, and do find her to be tremendously engaging.
I mean, the woman through rotten tomatoes at LBJ's head herself. What more do you want from a professor in terms of living the history they teach. Fair grader, great lecturer, takes an active interest in her students.
Couldn't love her more if I tried, I wish she would adopt me.
On the first day of lecture, Professor Corey said, "Partiality has no place in historical analysis." And then commenced the most entertaining, hilarious, and wildly subjective course I have ever taken. Corey is rude and unprofessional (answers emails in incomplete sentences and disrespectful phrases like “Use common sense”), disorganized (don’t even bother printing out the syllabus; she doesn’t stick to it... except for the time she yelled at us for not reading her syllabus instructions about Turnitin.com, and then scolded us for complaining that she changed the final due date, printed on the syllabus, during tenth week), and a raging liberal (for the record, I am not conservative). Flowing gray hair, tattoos, bangles, and baggy clothes indicate that she is still stuck in the 60s, and given that she spent 7 weeks lecturing on that decade, only discussing Reagan for a measly day, her course is also stuck in the 60s. And yet, the woman has style. Even if she didn’t present history well, she performed like an actress on a stage, and I was never bored. Here is a sampling of Corey’s unique and often laugh-out-loud funny version of post-1945 U.S history:
"The Help is like 'Animal House' meets 'Roots.' It's really stupid." [Corey managed to incorporate criticisms of "The Help" into every lecture.]
"Elvis was as over-the-top sexually as Clay Aiken ... Maybe, he was a little sexy before he became the bloated blimp in the white pant suit." [comparing Elvis Presley's sex appeal to Clay Aiken is just insulting to his memory]
“When I was younger, health food stores were owned by crazy old guys with long Jesus beards, who thought ‘the end is near, but i’ll never die because I’m eating enzymes from a pig and doodoo from a goat’ ... now, there’s Whole Foods.”
"Homie don't play that." [usually said this when discussing the discontent of minorities]
"American racism is in the bone marrow— hard to leech out."
“The Nation of Islam is a bastardization of the Muslim faith.” [on Malcolm X’s religion]
“Some historians argue that ‘bra-burning’ feminism is a myth, but I’m sure there were a few bras in there.” [on radical feminist protest at the Miss American Pageant in 1968]
“[Maribel Morgan’s ‘The Total Woman’] suggested that women should greet their husbands at the door in an apron and in fishnet pantyhose with a martini in their hands. I don’t know where the kids are at this point, chained to the parking meter maybe.”
“If you don’t get along with your mother, it’s not because you’re two bitchy women. You just don’t get along with each other.” [on gender stereotypes]
“When I was growing up, I had heard of menopause, but I didn’t know a lot... I know a lot about it now.”
“White people are bad.”
"Drunk, I assume. Him, not me." [after joyfully stating that Senator Joseph McCarthy died on her birthday]
“The average schmo of this country looks at foreign policy like it’s too befuddling” [sincerely, elitist intellectual]
“There was a whack plan if there ever was one.” [on Nixon’s Vietnamization]
“So the smarter you were, the dumber you were.” [after referencing a study that showed Americans with lower education wanted immediate withdrawal from Vietnam by 1971]
"One of my TAs thinks the book is too kind to [John] Kennedy. And I told him, 'Don't worry. I'll take care of it." [so far left that she dislikes the sweetheart of the Democrats, JFK]; on JFK: "He was a major player...and I don’t mean the kind on the Senate floor. He was a player player."
George W. Bush Anecdote: Corey’s friend (half Cherokee scholarship student) roomed with George Bush, a “rich bully,” at Yale, and "G.W. used to pass out in the hall and his floor mates would use him as a doorstop." ... “I mean that sucks— the person you hated the most is the president of your country.”
"I liked Clinton. He did some bad things, but he did some bad things that probably you all have done. Not during the presidency, though.”
“He’s very hairy. His problem is that he shaves, and five minutes later, he has a five o’clock shadow.” [on the 1960 presidential debate between Nixon and John F. Kennedy]
“Nixon is like the honey badger ... a nasty creature, but tough.” [if this reference goes over your head, you need to watch more youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r7wHMg5Yjg]
“Mamie Eisenhower looked like an ottoman.”
“How does [Newt Gingrich] get anyone to have sex with him? I’m blind to Newt’s charms. ... This is an interesting country we live in.”
Lyndon Johnson anecdotes: “He clung rebelliously to [the] most galootish behavior ... He invited female journalists from the Washington establishment to his ranch in Texas” and took them to his “bull mating with a calf.” He showed a scar from a gall bladder surgery to the media during a White House conference. During White House dinner parties, he wiped his greasy hands on the back of people’s jackets. He burped during cocktail parties and talked to journalists on the toilet. “He flaunted his crudeness.”
“Nixon’s version of the War on Poverty consisted of killing and incarcerating people ... [His] War on Drugs was taken to the ghetto junkies but not to the Wall Street elites, snorting coke off glass coffee tables.”
“Nixon refused to release the tapes. That’s when the fecal matter hit the fan.” [on the Watergate scandal]
“[Gerald] Ford was a pleasant, good-natured doofus ... not necessarily an idiot, but he suffered concussions from football.”
“[Jimmy] Carter wasn’t an efficient president, but he wasn’t swine or a pig. He had a moral code.”
“This country is largely ungovernable.”
“Where’s the rest of me?” [joke about Ronald Reagan’s Alzheimer’s]
“In the movies, [Ronald Reagan] played tepid nice guys who didn’t get the girl in the end.”
“Reagan believed the rich would invest, production would increase, employment would increase, and prosperity would result, but most rich people went on holiday or bought French perfume, and they didn’t make valuable investments for societal improvement ... George Bush called this voodoo— put on a mask, dance around on one foot, and it’ll all be fine.” [on Reaganomics, trickle-down theory]
"What time is it? [looks at watch] 1:10 ... When does this class end? 1:45? Oh god." [first day of class]
"I don't know if you're checking your favorite website to say if Adam Levine looks good naked ... I've done that, and it was pretty good actually." [addressing students who were not paying attention; also recounted a time when two students had sex in her classroom]
“When I was living in a commune in the mountains of Colorado, I was an auto-mechanic.
And that’s Mary Corey in a nutshell. Your grade depends on your TA. If you want facts, read “Present Tense.” Take Corey if you have a sense of humor and are not a radical Republican.
You can tell Mary Corey wishes she was black as she walks around in her Rihanna Puma's using the N word every other sentence. Well that was in her class from Spring quarter. In this class she complained about the sensitive students who couldn't handle history (black people are getting called the N word and being shot almost everyday. This isn't just history, this is the present struggle of many Americans, and there are consequences to using words like this.) and then managed to refer to everything as "retarded," and complain about "trigger warnings" saying she does not believe in them for her classes despite the fact that two veterans with PTSD once ended up hospitalized from a book she forced them to read. Apart from that, her lectures make little sense and it really makes me wonder what this schools standards are. Pathetic.
Mary Corey you've aged too badly to ever be black. Just accept it. You're the whitest person I've met in my life.
If you need a history course take Teo Ruiz before he retires- he is a brilliant professor who fought for his education. Or take Nile Green whose passion is contagious and expertise shines through in his lectures. Or take Geoffrey Robinson whose lectures are more engrossing than any action movie I've ever watched and will make you want to join the peace corps tomorrow.
Well maybe she's here to even things out a little bit because there's still some brilliant minds in this department.
Do not recommend taking this class. You cannot have a professor with a class of over 200 people with no TA's and get upset when students want them to hold more office hours. She is very funny, blunt, and comical during her lectures. She would use at least 10 minutes at the beginning of each lecture to figure out how to use a microphone. Class is very simple, she knows the history of the time period and does not use any slides with the information she gives. The class is 50% midterm paper and 50% final paper. The questions are literally formed to echo chamber what she believes. What if you do not necessarily agree with her views? Well, your grade might suffer. She is getting old and even though she still enjoys being a professor that knows a lot about US History, its either time to get people (TA's) to help her or its time to throw in the towel.
I really enjoyed Mary's class. She is an old school type of professor and does not use slides. Instead she uses pure lecture to get the material across. She's been around UCLA since the 60s and has a lot of interesting tidbits about her time here as it relates to U.S. History, e.g. her meeting Malcolm X at Ackerman in the early 60s. She is also hilarious. She does not care about trigger warnings and it is the first thing she says at the beginning of her class. The class was pretty straight forward. There was one take home midterm and one final. They were composed of three mini-essays: 8 pages (minimum) total for both the midterm and final. Listen, if you are offended by her language the problem lies with you. This is college, get over it. I love the fact that she doesn't tailor the lecture to the soft-snowflake crowd. And I say this as someone who's liberal, which she is as well but acknowledges other points of view, too.
The books are all available on reserve at the library. You are also expected to show up to office hours twice and one midterm and one final review session: that makes up your participation grade. The TAs are pretty helpful in that they give you a rubric on how to write a good paper.
Overall, the class was excellent. However, during lectures, the professor would occasionally jump around from topic to topic, and the prompts for the midterm and final exams were disorganized and even difficult to understand.
Just note that you are required (you're grade depends on it) to attend 3 (1 hour) TA office hours, 2 (1 hour) midterm and final review sessions, and 1 (1 hour) writing workshop, including lecture. The class spends the first 2 weeks talking about the post war era, and then 5 weeks discussing the '60s. You'll get one (very brief) lecture on: Nixon/the '70s and one lecture on Rondal Reagan/ the '80s. Midterm and final are both 10 page essays. If you're interested in modern American history sans the '60s, then this class isn't for you.
One of the best history lecturers I've taken. All the information is so succinct & there's no fluff. She also does a great job of creating a clear narrative, which makes it all easy to follow.
I'm not sure how she did her other 140C classes, but in this Winter 2014 quarter version she barely touched at all on anything after 1970. The VAST majority of the material was focused on the 1960's & social movements in them. I didn't necessarily have a problem with that because she did a great job of presenting it, but I would've preferred for the class to be titled US in the 1960's or US Social Movements instead, since she almost seemed obligated to give the last 2 lectures as extremely bare bones surveys of the 70's & 80's (basically what you'd find in a lower div course).
The Midterm & Final were alright. I'm much more into writing in class exams as opposed to doing take home exams because TA's tend to focus on grading the writing as opposed to the analysis more when it's a take home. The midterm consisted of 3 separate essays totaling 8-11 pages, and the final consisted of 2 separate essays totaling 6-8 pages. You only have to use the primary sources from class and lecture notes (no need to buy the textbook).
Section was great because the sources we had to read were on the short side, and were very easy to discuss.
Brilliant professor. Of course, it helps if you're a liberal, as many of the other reviews will note. Yes, she's biased. But bias is history, it's in every text we read.
What's great about Corey is what you see is what you get. She's teaching about the history she lived and partook in, and it's incredible. She's so honest, so brutal, so clever. Her personal stories really make class come alive. I don't find her to be disorganized, and do find her to be tremendously engaging.
I mean, the woman through rotten tomatoes at LBJ's head herself. What more do you want from a professor in terms of living the history they teach. Fair grader, great lecturer, takes an active interest in her students.
Couldn't love her more if I tried, I wish she would adopt me.
On the first day of lecture, Professor Corey said, "Partiality has no place in historical analysis." And then commenced the most entertaining, hilarious, and wildly subjective course I have ever taken. Corey is rude and unprofessional (answers emails in incomplete sentences and disrespectful phrases like “Use common sense”), disorganized (don’t even bother printing out the syllabus; she doesn’t stick to it... except for the time she yelled at us for not reading her syllabus instructions about Turnitin.com, and then scolded us for complaining that she changed the final due date, printed on the syllabus, during tenth week), and a raging liberal (for the record, I am not conservative). Flowing gray hair, tattoos, bangles, and baggy clothes indicate that she is still stuck in the 60s, and given that she spent 7 weeks lecturing on that decade, only discussing Reagan for a measly day, her course is also stuck in the 60s. And yet, the woman has style. Even if she didn’t present history well, she performed like an actress on a stage, and I was never bored. Here is a sampling of Corey’s unique and often laugh-out-loud funny version of post-1945 U.S history:
"The Help is like 'Animal House' meets 'Roots.' It's really stupid." [Corey managed to incorporate criticisms of "The Help" into every lecture.]
"Elvis was as over-the-top sexually as Clay Aiken ... Maybe, he was a little sexy before he became the bloated blimp in the white pant suit." [comparing Elvis Presley's sex appeal to Clay Aiken is just insulting to his memory]
“When I was younger, health food stores were owned by crazy old guys with long Jesus beards, who thought ‘the end is near, but i’ll never die because I’m eating enzymes from a pig and doodoo from a goat’ ... now, there’s Whole Foods.”
"Homie don't play that." [usually said this when discussing the discontent of minorities]
"American racism is in the bone marrow— hard to leech out."
“The Nation of Islam is a bastardization of the Muslim faith.” [on Malcolm X’s religion]
“Some historians argue that ‘bra-burning’ feminism is a myth, but I’m sure there were a few bras in there.” [on radical feminist protest at the Miss American Pageant in 1968]
“[Maribel Morgan’s ‘The Total Woman’] suggested that women should greet their husbands at the door in an apron and in fishnet pantyhose with a martini in their hands. I don’t know where the kids are at this point, chained to the parking meter maybe.”
“If you don’t get along with your mother, it’s not because you’re two bitchy women. You just don’t get along with each other.” [on gender stereotypes]
“When I was growing up, I had heard of menopause, but I didn’t know a lot... I know a lot about it now.”
“White people are bad.”
"Drunk, I assume. Him, not me." [after joyfully stating that Senator Joseph McCarthy died on her birthday]
“The average schmo of this country looks at foreign policy like it’s too befuddling” [sincerely, elitist intellectual]
“There was a whack plan if there ever was one.” [on Nixon’s Vietnamization]
“So the smarter you were, the dumber you were.” [after referencing a study that showed Americans with lower education wanted immediate withdrawal from Vietnam by 1971]
"One of my TAs thinks the book is too kind to [John] Kennedy. And I told him, 'Don't worry. I'll take care of it." [so far left that she dislikes the sweetheart of the Democrats, JFK]; on JFK: "He was a major player...and I don’t mean the kind on the Senate floor. He was a player player."
George W. Bush Anecdote: Corey’s friend (half Cherokee scholarship student) roomed with George Bush, a “rich bully,” at Yale, and "G.W. used to pass out in the hall and his floor mates would use him as a doorstop." ... “I mean that sucks— the person you hated the most is the president of your country.”
"I liked Clinton. He did some bad things, but he did some bad things that probably you all have done. Not during the presidency, though.”
“He’s very hairy. His problem is that he shaves, and five minutes later, he has a five o’clock shadow.” [on the 1960 presidential debate between Nixon and John F. Kennedy]
“Nixon is like the honey badger ... a nasty creature, but tough.” [if this reference goes over your head, you need to watch more youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r7wHMg5Yjg]
“Mamie Eisenhower looked like an ottoman.”
“How does [Newt Gingrich] get anyone to have sex with him? I’m blind to Newt’s charms. ... This is an interesting country we live in.”
Lyndon Johnson anecdotes: “He clung rebelliously to [the] most galootish behavior ... He invited female journalists from the Washington establishment to his ranch in Texas” and took them to his “bull mating with a calf.” He showed a scar from a gall bladder surgery to the media during a White House conference. During White House dinner parties, he wiped his greasy hands on the back of people’s jackets. He burped during cocktail parties and talked to journalists on the toilet. “He flaunted his crudeness.”
“Nixon’s version of the War on Poverty consisted of killing and incarcerating people ... [His] War on Drugs was taken to the ghetto junkies but not to the Wall Street elites, snorting coke off glass coffee tables.”
“Nixon refused to release the tapes. That’s when the fecal matter hit the fan.” [on the Watergate scandal]
“[Gerald] Ford was a pleasant, good-natured doofus ... not necessarily an idiot, but he suffered concussions from football.”
“[Jimmy] Carter wasn’t an efficient president, but he wasn’t swine or a pig. He had a moral code.”
“This country is largely ungovernable.”
“Where’s the rest of me?” [joke about Ronald Reagan’s Alzheimer’s]
“In the movies, [Ronald Reagan] played tepid nice guys who didn’t get the girl in the end.”
“Reagan believed the rich would invest, production would increase, employment would increase, and prosperity would result, but most rich people went on holiday or bought French perfume, and they didn’t make valuable investments for societal improvement ... George Bush called this voodoo— put on a mask, dance around on one foot, and it’ll all be fine.” [on Reaganomics, trickle-down theory]
"What time is it? [looks at watch] 1:10 ... When does this class end? 1:45? Oh god." [first day of class]
"I don't know if you're checking your favorite website to say if Adam Levine looks good naked ... I've done that, and it was pretty good actually." [addressing students who were not paying attention; also recounted a time when two students had sex in her classroom]
“When I was living in a commune in the mountains of Colorado, I was an auto-mechanic.
And that’s Mary Corey in a nutshell. Your grade depends on your TA. If you want facts, read “Present Tense.” Take Corey if you have a sense of humor and are not a radical Republican.
Based on 20 Users
- Needs Textbook (5)
- Appropriately Priced Materials (5)
- Snazzy Dresser (4)
- Often Funny (4)
- Tolerates Tardiness (4)
- Engaging Lectures (4)
- Useful Textbooks (3)