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- Miwon Kwon
Based on 1 User
- Gives Extra Credit
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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Professor Kwon is a very average professor but is not concerned with student's learning. She is very dismissive of concerns and not ready to accept questions. The material is good, not hard and the readings are not really necessary. We had 5 essays spaced every 2 weeks that each counted for 25% of your grade, with your lowest one dropped. So if you did well in the first 4 you didn't have to take the last one. She did give 2 extra credit opportunities which was very generous - each paper was 25 points, and each extra credit was 8 so they really boost your grade and are very simple. But overall it was very unclear what she wanted for the papers from the prompts she gave out and there was very limited feedback from the TA
Professor Kwon is a very average professor but is not concerned with student's learning. She is very dismissive of concerns and not ready to accept questions. The material is good, not hard and the readings are not really necessary. We had 5 essays spaced every 2 weeks that each counted for 25% of your grade, with your lowest one dropped. So if you did well in the first 4 you didn't have to take the last one. She did give 2 extra credit opportunities which was very generous - each paper was 25 points, and each extra credit was 8 so they really boost your grade and are very simple. But overall it was very unclear what she wanted for the papers from the prompts she gave out and there was very limited feedback from the TA
Based on 1 User
- Gives Extra Credit (1)