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- Monica L Smith
Based on 47 Users
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- Is Podcasted
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- Engaging Lectures
- Gives Extra Credit
- Useful Textbooks
- Often Funny
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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This class is not hard. If you're a freshman it may be a bit difficult because of the amount of reading, but not much. She assigns two essays which are very straightforward. She gives a detailed prompts with exactly what she wants in the papers. There is a midterm and a final which are both multiple choice. The midterm was not too hard just pay close attention to the questions. Discussion is mandatory but there are no graded assignments for them. Overall the class is interesting.
I loved the material in this class but if you're looking for an easy GE this is not it. It is not just a memorize and spit it out on the test type of class. You'll need to study the material and be able to connect the material based on the essay question. She offered extra credit which saved my grade since I'd done poorly on the midterm. For the paper, definitely take your rough drafts to the TAs to have proofread. If you're interested in this I'd say take the class but be prepared for lots of reading and tough exams. It is definitely not an easy GE.
Definitely use flashcards for the material of this class since there is a lot to cover. I find that very useful although other people may vary. There were 3 midterms and no final and all were pretty spaced out. There are readings for the class but I'm pretty sure that you don't need to read all of them since she recaps them in lecture and gives you the gists of it. If however, you have time, it does help. For the paper, it would be in your best interest to see the TA's seeing that they know the rubrics and are the ones grading. Lastly, the final is cumulative but should be easy if you review all the big concepts. This class is basically memory based. If you're good at that, then you should enjoy this class and ace it. Best of luck!
I've wanted to take an archaeology class for a while now, so my review might be biased by my interest in the material.
Professor Smith is a very good professor in that she does her best to make sure you have the materials to succeed if you put in the work. Her lectures are very organized and I found them engaging (again I'm interested in the material, though, you have to want to learn about ancient cultures and how ancient people behaved/looked like, etc.). She puts up most of the lecture slides online and Bruincasts all her lectures which is helpful if you miss a few and in reviewing for the midterms and final.
The class was broken down very evenly into: 20% midterm 1, 20% midterm 2, 20% final, 20% paper, and 20% discussion participation. Because of this the final wasn't a huge stress, but you have to go to every discussion if you want that easy 100. Also her tests are cumulative so that's very helpful and definitely makes the tests easier (although I still wouldn't call them easy, they're definitely challenging). All the tests were broken down into 10 mc, 15 short answer, and an essay in the 50 minute class period. It's doable, but a bit tricky. I recommend making index cards on the big ideas, and definitely DEFINITELY take notes on the bullets she opens every class with on the previous lecture!
The 5pg essay was also fairly easy to do well on if you followed the prompt and met with a TA to get feedback. The TA will basically tell you exactly what you're missing or need to do to get a decent grade, so really the essay isn't something to worry about. Also my TA was amazing (Katelyn Bishop) so if you get her you're lucky!
Hardest part of the course was the number of readings assigned. There is a reading due for EVERY lecture, and they aren't usually short. On top of my other reading heavy classes this is definitely where I struggled to keep up. Keep in mind you could be spending 10+ hours on the readings alone every week.
Finally, she gives extra credit for the final at the beginning of the quarter. The earlier you hand it in, the more extra points you get on the final. You have to visit one the museums she lists and then write a 3-4 page paper answering a few questions about it. I didn't do it, but I judging by the grade distribution of the final compared to the other tests, it was a really helpful boost.
Overall I would highly recommend the class to anyone with any interest in archaeology or ancient history, or heritage. Otherwise, it might not be the best GE for you to take as it can be a lot of work to keep up with, and the tests can be pretty hard.
Sorry for the huge ass review, I just know I was super nervous to take this class, but I had to for my major. Hoping to make it seem less daunting!
Professor Smith is AMAZING in my opinion. She comes to class every day with a smile, eager to teach. You can tell she loves her job and the subject. She goes above and beyond for her students. The lectures are podcasted, she extends office hours for projects, and she is always at her office hours. she is super nice and easy to talk to, even funny! She is also very organized. The class and tests follow the same routine, and she explains every day what will be talked about, and even reviews from the previous lecture. EVERY. TIME. There is quite a bit of reading to do for this class, and the tests can be a bit tricky. The T.A.s can be vague and kind of unhelpful, but the class and what is expected of you is pretty straightforward. I enjoyed this class very much!
Interesting class
I am selling my textbook The Human Past 2nd edition by Scarre (pretty much same as 3rd) . No notes or highlights, and in mint condition. Text me at (818) 585-4397 I can meet on or around campus. Selling for $20 with price negotiable.
Professor Smith seems like a genuinely nice lady who is passionate about what she is teaching, but DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS. It is absolutely awful, the TA's are complete savages when they grade. I literally got a 20/50 on one of the essays and it completely ruined my grade for the class. You can do as well as you want on the midterm and finals, but the essays will still destroy your grade. The TA's are not willing to review grades and help the students. When I tried to go in for help, my TA lowered my grade even further. I hated this class and I 100% would not recommend taking it as an easy GE. While Professor Smith is a nice lady, her awkward sense of humor and monotone voice both bored and disgusted me throughout lecture. I have major regrets about taking this class. DO NOT TAKE IT I'M SERIOUS.
I really enjoyed Professor Smith's lectures and the class material was actually interesting.
However, the midterm and the final, especially, require mass amounts of memorization that you are responsible to find in the giant book.
Also, the 2 papers have potential to ruin a grade. I get A's in other UCLA English classes, but for this GE class my TA would not give me anything higher than a B-. Some TA's are just meticulous and it's obnoxious.
That being said, it's a good GE and Smith is a nice professor. I would recommend this class
This class is not hard. If you're a freshman it may be a bit difficult because of the amount of reading, but not much. She assigns two essays which are very straightforward. She gives a detailed prompts with exactly what she wants in the papers. There is a midterm and a final which are both multiple choice. The midterm was not too hard just pay close attention to the questions. Discussion is mandatory but there are no graded assignments for them. Overall the class is interesting.
I loved the material in this class but if you're looking for an easy GE this is not it. It is not just a memorize and spit it out on the test type of class. You'll need to study the material and be able to connect the material based on the essay question. She offered extra credit which saved my grade since I'd done poorly on the midterm. For the paper, definitely take your rough drafts to the TAs to have proofread. If you're interested in this I'd say take the class but be prepared for lots of reading and tough exams. It is definitely not an easy GE.
Definitely use flashcards for the material of this class since there is a lot to cover. I find that very useful although other people may vary. There were 3 midterms and no final and all were pretty spaced out. There are readings for the class but I'm pretty sure that you don't need to read all of them since she recaps them in lecture and gives you the gists of it. If however, you have time, it does help. For the paper, it would be in your best interest to see the TA's seeing that they know the rubrics and are the ones grading. Lastly, the final is cumulative but should be easy if you review all the big concepts. This class is basically memory based. If you're good at that, then you should enjoy this class and ace it. Best of luck!
I've wanted to take an archaeology class for a while now, so my review might be biased by my interest in the material.
Professor Smith is a very good professor in that she does her best to make sure you have the materials to succeed if you put in the work. Her lectures are very organized and I found them engaging (again I'm interested in the material, though, you have to want to learn about ancient cultures and how ancient people behaved/looked like, etc.). She puts up most of the lecture slides online and Bruincasts all her lectures which is helpful if you miss a few and in reviewing for the midterms and final.
The class was broken down very evenly into: 20% midterm 1, 20% midterm 2, 20% final, 20% paper, and 20% discussion participation. Because of this the final wasn't a huge stress, but you have to go to every discussion if you want that easy 100. Also her tests are cumulative so that's very helpful and definitely makes the tests easier (although I still wouldn't call them easy, they're definitely challenging). All the tests were broken down into 10 mc, 15 short answer, and an essay in the 50 minute class period. It's doable, but a bit tricky. I recommend making index cards on the big ideas, and definitely DEFINITELY take notes on the bullets she opens every class with on the previous lecture!
The 5pg essay was also fairly easy to do well on if you followed the prompt and met with a TA to get feedback. The TA will basically tell you exactly what you're missing or need to do to get a decent grade, so really the essay isn't something to worry about. Also my TA was amazing (Katelyn Bishop) so if you get her you're lucky!
Hardest part of the course was the number of readings assigned. There is a reading due for EVERY lecture, and they aren't usually short. On top of my other reading heavy classes this is definitely where I struggled to keep up. Keep in mind you could be spending 10+ hours on the readings alone every week.
Finally, she gives extra credit for the final at the beginning of the quarter. The earlier you hand it in, the more extra points you get on the final. You have to visit one the museums she lists and then write a 3-4 page paper answering a few questions about it. I didn't do it, but I judging by the grade distribution of the final compared to the other tests, it was a really helpful boost.
Overall I would highly recommend the class to anyone with any interest in archaeology or ancient history, or heritage. Otherwise, it might not be the best GE for you to take as it can be a lot of work to keep up with, and the tests can be pretty hard.
Sorry for the huge ass review, I just know I was super nervous to take this class, but I had to for my major. Hoping to make it seem less daunting!
Professor Smith is AMAZING in my opinion. She comes to class every day with a smile, eager to teach. You can tell she loves her job and the subject. She goes above and beyond for her students. The lectures are podcasted, she extends office hours for projects, and she is always at her office hours. she is super nice and easy to talk to, even funny! She is also very organized. The class and tests follow the same routine, and she explains every day what will be talked about, and even reviews from the previous lecture. EVERY. TIME. There is quite a bit of reading to do for this class, and the tests can be a bit tricky. The T.A.s can be vague and kind of unhelpful, but the class and what is expected of you is pretty straightforward. I enjoyed this class very much!
Interesting class
I am selling my textbook The Human Past 2nd edition by Scarre (pretty much same as 3rd) . No notes or highlights, and in mint condition. Text me at (818) 585-4397 I can meet on or around campus. Selling for $20 with price negotiable.
Professor Smith seems like a genuinely nice lady who is passionate about what she is teaching, but DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS. It is absolutely awful, the TA's are complete savages when they grade. I literally got a 20/50 on one of the essays and it completely ruined my grade for the class. You can do as well as you want on the midterm and finals, but the essays will still destroy your grade. The TA's are not willing to review grades and help the students. When I tried to go in for help, my TA lowered my grade even further. I hated this class and I 100% would not recommend taking it as an easy GE. While Professor Smith is a nice lady, her awkward sense of humor and monotone voice both bored and disgusted me throughout lecture. I have major regrets about taking this class. DO NOT TAKE IT I'M SERIOUS.
I really enjoyed Professor Smith's lectures and the class material was actually interesting.
However, the midterm and the final, especially, require mass amounts of memorization that you are responsible to find in the giant book.
Also, the 2 papers have potential to ruin a grade. I get A's in other UCLA English classes, but for this GE class my TA would not give me anything higher than a B-. Some TA's are just meticulous and it's obnoxious.
That being said, it's a good GE and Smith is a nice professor. I would recommend this class
Based on 47 Users
- Uses Slides (8)
- Needs Textbook (7)
- Is Podcasted (6)
- Appropriately Priced Materials (7)
- Engaging Lectures (6)
- Gives Extra Credit (6)
- Useful Textbooks (5)
- Often Funny (5)