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- CHIN 60
Based on 16 Users
- Tolerates Tardiness
- Needs Textbook
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Religion of China in Practice & Boxers and Saints (both books)
Contact me at eva.newman22@gmail.com
This course really is not that difficult. She tends to throw a lot of information at you during lectures, which can kind of be all over the place. She does use an app called TopHat, which if you time it right and keep hitting your refresh button, you don't have to be in the class room to use. Theres weekly readings (very easy) and short paragraph responses (all easy points). The final was mostly essay style also some matching (based on knowing the general timeline of major history of the religions) but, again, not too difficult if you remotely pay attention in class.
Good Luck!!
***SELLING: Religion of China in Practice & Boxers and Saints set
I took her for Chinese M60.We have to submit a weekly response to our TA's every friday in our discussion session. Each response paper worths 9% so the accumulation of response papers from 9 weeks makes up of 54% of your overall grade. So i would say it really depends on your TA and if he or she grades loosely or strictly. The course overall is not that hard but it might require quite a bit reading.
The is a horrible lecture. The material should be interesting but Natasha jut ruined it. Usually in the class she would just reading her handout in a monotonous voice. Most of the students have no idea what the class is going on and I don't know why somebody said this is the best GE because as far as I know, no one like it. There is not even a guideline for the final and the questions in the final is questionable. Most of the class was talking about the most important religions in China: Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism but there are half of the essay questions in the final are about Fa Lun Gong and Christian which are seldom taught in the lectures.
I took this course in Winter quarter and I'll try to be as accurate as possible.
Weekly essay: 54%
you write 9 essay (1 page) and highest score for each essay is 6. Which make weekly essay SUPER important. Each TA has his/her own style, so If you go and talk to your TA you should be okay. Remember, if you get 5 out of 6 every week, that's already 9% of your total grade.
4 Quiz: 16%
Pretty straight forward, no surprise. If you study, you'll get 10/10 easily. seems like Prof. has several different versions. sometimes she let you grade your own quiz, yet it's up to her decision.
Participation: 15%
Go to discussion and participate. Y'all know what to do in discussion. SPEAK!
There is no Midterm. Just final.
She gives outlines before class. And These outlines help a lot. Organizing questions are good guide preparing for final.
Chinese M60
Still selling!!!
- Boxers and Saints boxed set
- Religions of China in Practice
- Sources of Chinese Tradition (Vol 1, 2nd Edition)
All books in good condition; Boxers and Saints like new
Contact: jenniferep@ucla.edu
Horribly disorganized professor, lectures are complete tangents that 30 minutes in, no one is bothering to take notes. Does not allow you to bring computer for notes and her Prezis are a complete joke. Class was a waste of time and the interesting course material was wasted on Natasha.
Religion of China in Practice & Boxers and Saints (both books)
Contact me at eva.newman22@gmail.com
This course really is not that difficult. She tends to throw a lot of information at you during lectures, which can kind of be all over the place. She does use an app called TopHat, which if you time it right and keep hitting your refresh button, you don't have to be in the class room to use. Theres weekly readings (very easy) and short paragraph responses (all easy points). The final was mostly essay style also some matching (based on knowing the general timeline of major history of the religions) but, again, not too difficult if you remotely pay attention in class.
Good Luck!!
***SELLING: Religion of China in Practice & Boxers and Saints set
I took her for Chinese M60.We have to submit a weekly response to our TA's every friday in our discussion session. Each response paper worths 9% so the accumulation of response papers from 9 weeks makes up of 54% of your overall grade. So i would say it really depends on your TA and if he or she grades loosely or strictly. The course overall is not that hard but it might require quite a bit reading.
The is a horrible lecture. The material should be interesting but Natasha jut ruined it. Usually in the class she would just reading her handout in a monotonous voice. Most of the students have no idea what the class is going on and I don't know why somebody said this is the best GE because as far as I know, no one like it. There is not even a guideline for the final and the questions in the final is questionable. Most of the class was talking about the most important religions in China: Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism but there are half of the essay questions in the final are about Fa Lun Gong and Christian which are seldom taught in the lectures.
I took this course in Winter quarter and I'll try to be as accurate as possible.
Weekly essay: 54%
you write 9 essay (1 page) and highest score for each essay is 6. Which make weekly essay SUPER important. Each TA has his/her own style, so If you go and talk to your TA you should be okay. Remember, if you get 5 out of 6 every week, that's already 9% of your total grade.
4 Quiz: 16%
Pretty straight forward, no surprise. If you study, you'll get 10/10 easily. seems like Prof. has several different versions. sometimes she let you grade your own quiz, yet it's up to her decision.
Participation: 15%
Go to discussion and participate. Y'all know what to do in discussion. SPEAK!
There is no Midterm. Just final.
She gives outlines before class. And These outlines help a lot. Organizing questions are good guide preparing for final.
Chinese M60
Still selling!!!
- Boxers and Saints boxed set
- Religions of China in Practice
- Sources of Chinese Tradition (Vol 1, 2nd Edition)
All books in good condition; Boxers and Saints like new
Contact: jenniferep@ucla.edu
Horribly disorganized professor, lectures are complete tangents that 30 minutes in, no one is bothering to take notes. Does not allow you to bring computer for notes and her Prezis are a complete joke. Class was a waste of time and the interesting course material was wasted on Natasha.
Based on 16 Users
- Tolerates Tardiness (1)
- Needs Textbook (1)