
Nathan Wilson

Overall Ratings
Based on 31 Users
Easiness 1.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.0 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 2.8 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 2.5 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (31)

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Dec. 22, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

I really enjoyed this class. Professor Wilson is really funny and we used engaging methods to learn (e.g. startup simulations and discussing the business news).
We had weekly quizzes that were pretty brutal tbh. They were usually almost identical to the practice quizzes but we had barely any time to complete them. I think barely anyone finished the first quiz. We all woke up after that lol. (Thankfully he’s drops your lowest grade). Also, you’re expected to know the answers from the readings word-for-word. On the positive side, you do get used to them by the third quiz at the latest. Also, studying properly for the quizzes is really great preparation for the final, which is pretty much a very long quiz.
The final was long (122 multiple choice and 40-something? short answer questions) and tricky. But it’s doable as long as you put significant effort into studying. Also be sure to read all the readings and slides fully at least once, because a few small details show up on the exam.
There are cases and a presentation that you will have to work on in groups. They aren’t very difficult or long.
Overall, this is a great class with heavy but doable workload. Would recommend taking Wilson.


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April 2, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A+

I am an engineering major and I took this class for my tech breadth. I really enjoyed the class, you learn some valuable stuff. I like talking about the current events at the start of every class.
For the class, the workload is quite heavy, there are assigned readings and a quiz every week. The quizzes are usually similar to the practice ones he posts, but you need to read the reading, make a summary, and a quizlet to be successful.
The group project is not too bad, you create your own product and pitch it.
The final is very long and hard. 36 short answer free response and 153 multiple choice in the 180 minutes. It is doable, but you need to pace yourself.
Overall, I highly recommend this class as it is one of the few I've taken where I learned something useful


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Sept. 9, 2019
Quarter: Summer 2019
Grade: NR

Where do I begin on Professor Wilson? I admit he's funny, but at times it's sassy/sarcastic. I loved the class and thought it was a good introduction to entrepreneurship. I really only learned through the simulations, case studies, and maybe, parts of his lectures. HOWEVER, quizzes are brutal. Yes, he gives you the sample quizzes ahead of time, but it's a lot of information to memorize. Basically, he wants you to memorize the sample quizzes given, then comes quiz time in EVERY CLASS you must regurgitate that on paper EXACTLY from the text within 10-20 minutes tops. Bring an ice pack with you to every class since you'll be writing THE fastest that you can during the quizzes before the time runs out. No time to think, just write. RIP my hand. If you're shy and don't like to speak, this may not be the class for you because participation matters. So the final was 68 MC questions and 37 short answer questions. We were only given 1 hour & 50 minutes. Just so brutal...


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Dec. 12, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: NR

Not sure what my grade will be yet (just finished taking the final), but it's a very fun intro class to the entrepreneurship minor. There are weekly quizzes on readings, then also a few group case studies, one low weighted group presentation, a final, and also a 20% participation grade. The workload was pretty steady/manageable and was on quite interesting stuff as this was very much so a business class, had a lot of useful/practical information compared to the average college class so I'd definitely recommend taking it if you're interested in business or are thinking about the minor.


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Dec. 12, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: B+

They structure the entrepreneurship courses like they're regular courses for the business school, so it was pretty fun to get to go to Anderson for a class on bringing new tech to market. Very interesting class that revolves around group work and culminates in a team presentation/report on a new technology that you choose, research for most of the quarter, and evaluate whether or not it should be taken to market. Workload was pretty manageable, completing weekly group case studies and researching till the end of the quarter when you definitely have to spend a bit of time getting ready for the presentation. Definitely recommend if you're into the tech industries.


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Nov. 9, 2018
Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: B-

Professor Wilson teaches relatively easy and straight forward material but to boost himself up, he makes the exams unreasonably difficult and long. This would be especially hard if english is not your first language. His tests were all free response and 24+ pages long, which felt extremely excessive. On the final, I really tried my best to write as efficiently and fast as I could but it was such a long exam. Its not like they are hard, it is honestly was one of the stupidest exam that I ever took, he literally tested you on 4 different definitions of .entrepreneurship One answer was citing him self, two were from the book, and the last one was from the notes; also if you missed one word you didn't get it right. He doesnt even test you on if you have any understadning of the material, it is more like a test of how fast you can write and memorize random definitions. He even tested us on his "slang" that he used in class sometimes. My favorite part was the fact that on the midterm he wrote that after this line is EXTRA CREDIT questions. But since people did pretty good on the exam, he deicded to consider the extra credit part of the grade. What if some people decided not to answer them? The class material is very easy and not very helpful to CS major. Its not going tell you anything about how a start up works. If you are a cs major and have a dream to build your own company one day, don't take this course.


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July 2, 2018
Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: A

Overall, Nathan's a pretty chill guy, funny sometimes, but he lost his sxxt when half of the class didn't show up. I guess it was pretty self explanatory as to why they didn't show up. It got boring.

The tests were all memorization based; so, it would be more practical to cram it than listen to 1 hour 45 mins long lecture without a break. They go through so many materials at once, so, it's better that you take your time to study at home. (Or cram the night before) But, if you memorize all your readings and the slides, you should definitely be fine in terms of getting an A.

If you are an engineer, which most of you will be, and want to start a business, DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS. You can do better without this class. This is a class where you learn how to put yourself in a box. It's true and I understand that you want to know the market and pre-evaluate your product before you get it in the market; but, those only hinder your ability to do, make, and invent great things. Instead of wasting your money, youth, and time on something useless like this class, use your resources to build your product first. The least you can get out of it is something to put on your resume. SO, START TODAY.


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April 24, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A

This was the first class I took for the entrepreneurship minor and I was really concerned at first because the workload can be intimidating. Professor Wilson can come off as a little cocky but over the course of the class he warms up to you and you learn that his counter questions aren't meant to belittle you but make you really think about what you say in class. He always gives a 10-15 minute break halfway through class.

As for the grading, each week you have to submit a 1-2 page group paper about a case he assigns. Instead of a midterm he gives reading quizzes every week that are pretty challenging, but the saving grace is that he provides sample quizzes online that are usually (basically) the same as the quiz in class. Then there's a final (which compiles all the quizzes, plus questions that make you apply what you learned). Then lastly, you have a group project and presentation which all hinges on upon whether you have a good or bad group (and they are randomly assigned groups).

All in all, this class has a lot of material in comparison to most classes you take at UCLA but in my opinion everything you learn is pretty useful. Plus Wilson is funny and the classroom is always nice since it's in Anderson.


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July 6, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: N/A

I am not sure what I am learning from this class honestly. I never skipped any lectures, but I just never understood what he was trying to say. His lectures were very unorganized. It seemed like he only threw random stories that had little relation to the lecture materials. Instead of trying to make it fun, he ended up bringing unrelated materials. The exam? The exams were all pure memorization. You don't have to understand anything. As long as you can memorize, that's good enough. I learn nothing from this class. There is a group project as well. Honestly though, it is completely meaningless. Everyone faked their interviews. Go take ENGR 110 or 111. These classes are more fun and better.


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MGMT 160
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Jan. 4, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: N/A

This was by far the worst class I have ever taken.

Professor Wilson is a unique professor in the worst way possible. Allow me to explain a few of the largest pain points.

1. Participation - It was agitating to have participation as a significant portion of the grade (20%) seeing as Wilson essentially treated questions and comments as something to check off a list. Rather than engage with thoughtful comments or questions - Wilson consistently glazed over them and opted to flex his surface-level knowledge on people who spoke up with very simple questions. For Wilson, our questions were not to help our understanding, they were to give him a platform to stroke his ego talking in circles about the concepts we would not ultimately be tested on. More on that later. Moreover, at the end of the course, we didn't even find out our participation grade - we got an email saying that if we want to know what our participation grade was we would have to schedule a 1 on 1 zoom meeting during the next quarter.

2. Weekly Assignments/Exams - The vast majority of time in this class was focused on us discussing the weekly case studies. Frankly, that's fine. It's fine to me that we discuss the work that we were doing every week. However, THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT THE CASE STUDIES ON THE EXAM. AKA - THE WORK WE DO AND FOCUS ON DURING THE ENTIRE LECTURE EVERY WEEK HAD ZERO TO DO WITH THE EXAMS. The exams were only on the readings which were given very very little attention every week. The exams also had very little application - the midterm was 100% based on memorization and had no multiple choice. The final was better, it had multiple choice and questions which let you try to apply concepts, but it was still a small portion in comparison to the overwhelming free-response memorization.

3. So much potential - I was very excited to take this class. I thought that this would be fun and the material would be interesting enough that the professor wouldn't matter. I was very wrong. Professor Wilson leads with a thesis that ultimately.... applying entrepreneurial skills and acting in a hands-on approach will lead to the best learning in entrepreneurship. It's crazy that he's able to acknowledge that then give a test with no multiple-choice and no concept application. For this reason, it really just left me feeling like I had nothing to gain from the material. If application is the foremost important aspect... Why are we not applying? To be fair, we applied some ideas to the case studies, but even then it was unclear what the takeaways were. For example, Wilson spent over an hour digging into Tesla and how Elon Musk was irresponsible and made horrible entrepreneurial decisions at every corner. The takeaway was to not be like Elon Musk (The man who added $120B to his net worth during a pandemic). Shouldn't we be trying to figure out what went right despite making mistakes rather than just ripping into how overvalued and stupid it is? Professor Wilson, you're missing the point of your own curriculum entirely.

In conclusion, I really really did not like this class. Read the rest of the reviews on Bruinwalk, and please don't take this if you just want to dabble in entrepreneurship because it seems like a fun course to add to your schedule. If you're doing the entrepreneurship minor, I'm sorry for you because Wilson is the head of the department and I believe this is one of the required classes.

Good luck!


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MGMT 160
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 22, 2019

I really enjoyed this class. Professor Wilson is really funny and we used engaging methods to learn (e.g. startup simulations and discussing the business news).
We had weekly quizzes that were pretty brutal tbh. They were usually almost identical to the practice quizzes but we had barely any time to complete them. I think barely anyone finished the first quiz. We all woke up after that lol. (Thankfully he’s drops your lowest grade). Also, you’re expected to know the answers from the readings word-for-word. On the positive side, you do get used to them by the third quiz at the latest. Also, studying properly for the quizzes is really great preparation for the final, which is pretty much a very long quiz.
The final was long (122 multiple choice and 40-something? short answer questions) and tricky. But it’s doable as long as you put significant effort into studying. Also be sure to read all the readings and slides fully at least once, because a few small details show up on the exam.
There are cases and a presentation that you will have to work on in groups. They aren’t very difficult or long.
Overall, this is a great class with heavy but doable workload. Would recommend taking Wilson.


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MGMT 160
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A+
April 2, 2019

I am an engineering major and I took this class for my tech breadth. I really enjoyed the class, you learn some valuable stuff. I like talking about the current events at the start of every class.
For the class, the workload is quite heavy, there are assigned readings and a quiz every week. The quizzes are usually similar to the practice ones he posts, but you need to read the reading, make a summary, and a quizlet to be successful.
The group project is not too bad, you create your own product and pitch it.
The final is very long and hard. 36 short answer free response and 153 multiple choice in the 180 minutes. It is doable, but you need to pace yourself.
Overall, I highly recommend this class as it is one of the few I've taken where I learned something useful


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MGMT 160
Quarter: Summer 2019
Grade: NR
Sept. 9, 2019

Where do I begin on Professor Wilson? I admit he's funny, but at times it's sassy/sarcastic. I loved the class and thought it was a good introduction to entrepreneurship. I really only learned through the simulations, case studies, and maybe, parts of his lectures. HOWEVER, quizzes are brutal. Yes, he gives you the sample quizzes ahead of time, but it's a lot of information to memorize. Basically, he wants you to memorize the sample quizzes given, then comes quiz time in EVERY CLASS you must regurgitate that on paper EXACTLY from the text within 10-20 minutes tops. Bring an ice pack with you to every class since you'll be writing THE fastest that you can during the quizzes before the time runs out. No time to think, just write. RIP my hand. If you're shy and don't like to speak, this may not be the class for you because participation matters. So the final was 68 MC questions and 37 short answer questions. We were only given 1 hour & 50 minutes. Just so brutal...


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MGMT 160
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: NR
Dec. 12, 2018

Not sure what my grade will be yet (just finished taking the final), but it's a very fun intro class to the entrepreneurship minor. There are weekly quizzes on readings, then also a few group case studies, one low weighted group presentation, a final, and also a 20% participation grade. The workload was pretty steady/manageable and was on quite interesting stuff as this was very much so a business class, had a lot of useful/practical information compared to the average college class so I'd definitely recommend taking it if you're interested in business or are thinking about the minor.


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MGMT 162
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: B+
Dec. 12, 2018

They structure the entrepreneurship courses like they're regular courses for the business school, so it was pretty fun to get to go to Anderson for a class on bringing new tech to market. Very interesting class that revolves around group work and culminates in a team presentation/report on a new technology that you choose, research for most of the quarter, and evaluate whether or not it should be taken to market. Workload was pretty manageable, completing weekly group case studies and researching till the end of the quarter when you definitely have to spend a bit of time getting ready for the presentation. Definitely recommend if you're into the tech industries.


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ENGR 112
Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: B-
Nov. 9, 2018

Professor Wilson teaches relatively easy and straight forward material but to boost himself up, he makes the exams unreasonably difficult and long. This would be especially hard if english is not your first language. His tests were all free response and 24+ pages long, which felt extremely excessive. On the final, I really tried my best to write as efficiently and fast as I could but it was such a long exam. Its not like they are hard, it is honestly was one of the stupidest exam that I ever took, he literally tested you on 4 different definitions of .entrepreneurship One answer was citing him self, two were from the book, and the last one was from the notes; also if you missed one word you didn't get it right. He doesnt even test you on if you have any understadning of the material, it is more like a test of how fast you can write and memorize random definitions. He even tested us on his "slang" that he used in class sometimes. My favorite part was the fact that on the midterm he wrote that after this line is EXTRA CREDIT questions. But since people did pretty good on the exam, he deicded to consider the extra credit part of the grade. What if some people decided not to answer them? The class material is very easy and not very helpful to CS major. Its not going tell you anything about how a start up works. If you are a cs major and have a dream to build your own company one day, don't take this course.


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ENGR 112
Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: A
July 2, 2018

Overall, Nathan's a pretty chill guy, funny sometimes, but he lost his sxxt when half of the class didn't show up. I guess it was pretty self explanatory as to why they didn't show up. It got boring.

The tests were all memorization based; so, it would be more practical to cram it than listen to 1 hour 45 mins long lecture without a break. They go through so many materials at once, so, it's better that you take your time to study at home. (Or cram the night before) But, if you memorize all your readings and the slides, you should definitely be fine in terms of getting an A.

If you are an engineer, which most of you will be, and want to start a business, DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS. You can do better without this class. This is a class where you learn how to put yourself in a box. It's true and I understand that you want to know the market and pre-evaluate your product before you get it in the market; but, those only hinder your ability to do, make, and invent great things. Instead of wasting your money, youth, and time on something useless like this class, use your resources to build your product first. The least you can get out of it is something to put on your resume. SO, START TODAY.


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MGMT 160
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A
April 24, 2018

This was the first class I took for the entrepreneurship minor and I was really concerned at first because the workload can be intimidating. Professor Wilson can come off as a little cocky but over the course of the class he warms up to you and you learn that his counter questions aren't meant to belittle you but make you really think about what you say in class. He always gives a 10-15 minute break halfway through class.

As for the grading, each week you have to submit a 1-2 page group paper about a case he assigns. Instead of a midterm he gives reading quizzes every week that are pretty challenging, but the saving grace is that he provides sample quizzes online that are usually (basically) the same as the quiz in class. Then there's a final (which compiles all the quizzes, plus questions that make you apply what you learned). Then lastly, you have a group project and presentation which all hinges on upon whether you have a good or bad group (and they are randomly assigned groups).

All in all, this class has a lot of material in comparison to most classes you take at UCLA but in my opinion everything you learn is pretty useful. Plus Wilson is funny and the classroom is always nice since it's in Anderson.


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ENGR 112
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: N/A
July 6, 2017

I am not sure what I am learning from this class honestly. I never skipped any lectures, but I just never understood what he was trying to say. His lectures were very unorganized. It seemed like he only threw random stories that had little relation to the lecture materials. Instead of trying to make it fun, he ended up bringing unrelated materials. The exam? The exams were all pure memorization. You don't have to understand anything. As long as you can memorize, that's good enough. I learn nothing from this class. There is a group project as well. Honestly though, it is completely meaningless. Everyone faked their interviews. Go take ENGR 110 or 111. These classes are more fun and better.


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MGMT 160
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: N/A
Jan. 4, 2021

This was by far the worst class I have ever taken.

Professor Wilson is a unique professor in the worst way possible. Allow me to explain a few of the largest pain points.

1. Participation - It was agitating to have participation as a significant portion of the grade (20%) seeing as Wilson essentially treated questions and comments as something to check off a list. Rather than engage with thoughtful comments or questions - Wilson consistently glazed over them and opted to flex his surface-level knowledge on people who spoke up with very simple questions. For Wilson, our questions were not to help our understanding, they were to give him a platform to stroke his ego talking in circles about the concepts we would not ultimately be tested on. More on that later. Moreover, at the end of the course, we didn't even find out our participation grade - we got an email saying that if we want to know what our participation grade was we would have to schedule a 1 on 1 zoom meeting during the next quarter.

2. Weekly Assignments/Exams - The vast majority of time in this class was focused on us discussing the weekly case studies. Frankly, that's fine. It's fine to me that we discuss the work that we were doing every week. However, THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT THE CASE STUDIES ON THE EXAM. AKA - THE WORK WE DO AND FOCUS ON DURING THE ENTIRE LECTURE EVERY WEEK HAD ZERO TO DO WITH THE EXAMS. The exams were only on the readings which were given very very little attention every week. The exams also had very little application - the midterm was 100% based on memorization and had no multiple choice. The final was better, it had multiple choice and questions which let you try to apply concepts, but it was still a small portion in comparison to the overwhelming free-response memorization.

3. So much potential - I was very excited to take this class. I thought that this would be fun and the material would be interesting enough that the professor wouldn't matter. I was very wrong. Professor Wilson leads with a thesis that ultimately.... applying entrepreneurial skills and acting in a hands-on approach will lead to the best learning in entrepreneurship. It's crazy that he's able to acknowledge that then give a test with no multiple-choice and no concept application. For this reason, it really just left me feeling like I had nothing to gain from the material. If application is the foremost important aspect... Why are we not applying? To be fair, we applied some ideas to the case studies, but even then it was unclear what the takeaways were. For example, Wilson spent over an hour digging into Tesla and how Elon Musk was irresponsible and made horrible entrepreneurial decisions at every corner. The takeaway was to not be like Elon Musk (The man who added $120B to his net worth during a pandemic). Shouldn't we be trying to figure out what went right despite making mistakes rather than just ripping into how overvalued and stupid it is? Professor Wilson, you're missing the point of your own curriculum entirely.

In conclusion, I really really did not like this class. Read the rest of the reviews on Bruinwalk, and please don't take this if you just want to dabble in entrepreneurship because it seems like a fun course to add to your schedule. If you're doing the entrepreneurship minor, I'm sorry for you because Wilson is the head of the department and I believe this is one of the required classes.

Good luck!


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