Nickolas Andersen
Department of Mathematics
Overall Rating
Based on 18 Users
Easiness 2.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.6 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.0 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.5 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Needs Textbook
  • Engaging Lectures
  • Appropriately Priced Materials
  • Often Funny
  • Tolerates Tardiness
  • Useful Textbooks
  • Would Take Again
  • Snazzy Dresser

Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Clear marks

Sorry, no enrollment data is available.


Reviews (15)

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Quarter: Summer 2019
Grade: B+
Sept. 20, 2021

Selling Rogawski Calculus *4th Edition* [pdf copy] for $15.

hmu @ (858)286-7245


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: N/A
May 21, 2020

I am currently selling the Calculus: Single Variable 3rd edition loose-leaf textbook by Rogawski/Adams (ISBN 9781319025397) for $30.

If interested, feel free to contact me at


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A-
Dec. 23, 2019

Nick is a really great professor. That being said I thought the class was fairly difficult as we cover a lot of material in a short period of time. Nick's lectures are very engaging and helpful to students who don't have prior experience with this class (I didn't take AP Calc BC and felt like I could mostly follow along). The exams were fairly difficult but I probably could've done better if I focused more on the worksheets we do from discussion section, as he takes a random question and puts it verbatim on the midterms (he will go over this in lecture). If you have to take this class, Andersen is a great person to do it with.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
June 13, 2019

Nick is a great professor. His lectures are clear and he often cracks a couple jokes. I would definitely say his tests are fair, but that does not mean they are easy. Each week in discussion you are given a worksheet with tough problems that are seriously hard. I went to my TA's office hours every single week because he would go over them there (thanks Talon!). The discussion worksheets are important because at least one problem from one of the worksheets WILL show up on the exam almost verbatim. So if you go to office hours and figure out how to solve it, you should be good. After taking other math professors throughout the year, I would definitely say that Nick really does give fair tests. He will only throw things on there that you have seen before, and as long as you get the gist of it, you should be good. There are, however, no cheat sheets and 31B isn't exactly a walk in the park. The average for both midterms was around 70%. It covers some pretty complicated concepts. Homework is due every Friday and the lowest two are dropped, but the homework is of a doable load. Nick as a person, however, is very funny, which was good because I took this class at 8 am and he tried his best to wake us up.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Jan. 14, 2019

Lectures were super clear and engaging. Took the class at 8am but was for sure worth it! Nick gave his students all the materials needed (practice exams, extra hw problems) to succeed and was very helpful.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Dec. 15, 2018

Professor Andersen is a stand-up guy with a good personality. He's very knowledgeable on the subject and takes as many questions as you may have. His lectures are engaging (although, he does do a lot of proofs) and are quite worth it (so don't miss lectures). His homework questions are a bit challenging but definitely not as much as his discussion questions. The discussion worksheets are ALMOST impossible to do and since one of of the questions shows up on the exam, students often memorize the answer for "free" points. I don't personally think the discussion questions actually teach anything, but others find it "intuitive." His exams...oh man..those are tough. The first midterm hit me like a wrecking ball and it caused me a good amount of pain to recover. In a nutshell, Andersen is approachable and a good teacher, but man does he make you work for your grade. Good luck, bruins.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: C
Dec. 14, 2018

He is such an AMAZING professor. He is clear and understanding if there is any confusion as he is lecturing. Nick is also pretty chill and engaging during his lectures. He will often times ask if anyone has any questions and will wait an awkward amount of time to continue, but it's funny. One thing to point out is he has 2 grading methods and honestly those are a grade changer. I struggled so much in this class but in the end, I passed. He is the professor you want to take for the 31B course!
P.S There is only so much he can lecture in the given amount of time, but he tries to get as much done as possible, as clearly as possible. Just be aware that you will have to put in some time of your own.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: C+
Dec. 11, 2018

Professor Andersen was absolutely amazing! He took his time explaining concepts and took as many questions as we needed to be able to understand a topic. He was also very funny and made lots of jokes which made an 8am calc class seem bearable. The textbook was definitely needed, as it explained the concepts very simply and the homework was all based on the book. His discussion worksheets are difficult, but the format of the section made it so we had lots of help to be able to figure them out. Make sure you understand them though because one worksheet question appears on every test! Overall, Professor Andersen was amazing and I would love to take another class with him while studying here.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A+
Dec. 11, 2018

Professor Andersen is an amazing professor. He's helpful, clear, fair, checks all the boxes you would want in a teacher. His lectures are a perfect balance between introduction to the material and example problems. This would be enough by itself, but he goes above and beyond, administrating a website through Piazza where he posts weekly assignments and suggested textbook readings/practice problems etc. This is already more than enough, but he goes even further and gives detailed descriptions of what will be covered on exams and then posts a comprehensive list of about 50 problems for each midterm and the final, and also includes a full length practice exam from previous years so you don't even need to make the trip to the SAC. All of this is way more than one can expect from their professor, but he outdoes himself yet again with his mind-bogglingly fast grading schedule. He graded both midterms within around 7 hours of them being handed in. He graded the final 6 and a half hours after it was turned in. To top it all off, he's just a genuinely funny and nice guy and I would absolutely recommend him. If you can take his class - do it. An A or A+ is well within reach for anyone willing to put in a very reasonable amount of work (no more than an hour a day or 2 hours a day closer to exams). Thank you Prof!


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Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: B+
Oct. 18, 2018

Andersen was really engaging and helpful during lectures! Definitely would recommend


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Quarter: Summer 2019
Grade: B+
Sept. 20, 2021

Selling Rogawski Calculus *4th Edition* [pdf copy] for $15.

hmu @ (858)286-7245


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: N/A
May 21, 2020

I am currently selling the Calculus: Single Variable 3rd edition loose-leaf textbook by Rogawski/Adams (ISBN 9781319025397) for $30.

If interested, feel free to contact me at


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A-
Dec. 23, 2019

Nick is a really great professor. That being said I thought the class was fairly difficult as we cover a lot of material in a short period of time. Nick's lectures are very engaging and helpful to students who don't have prior experience with this class (I didn't take AP Calc BC and felt like I could mostly follow along). The exams were fairly difficult but I probably could've done better if I focused more on the worksheets we do from discussion section, as he takes a random question and puts it verbatim on the midterms (he will go over this in lecture). If you have to take this class, Andersen is a great person to do it with.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B
June 13, 2019

Nick is a great professor. His lectures are clear and he often cracks a couple jokes. I would definitely say his tests are fair, but that does not mean they are easy. Each week in discussion you are given a worksheet with tough problems that are seriously hard. I went to my TA's office hours every single week because he would go over them there (thanks Talon!). The discussion worksheets are important because at least one problem from one of the worksheets WILL show up on the exam almost verbatim. So if you go to office hours and figure out how to solve it, you should be good. After taking other math professors throughout the year, I would definitely say that Nick really does give fair tests. He will only throw things on there that you have seen before, and as long as you get the gist of it, you should be good. There are, however, no cheat sheets and 31B isn't exactly a walk in the park. The average for both midterms was around 70%. It covers some pretty complicated concepts. Homework is due every Friday and the lowest two are dropped, but the homework is of a doable load. Nick as a person, however, is very funny, which was good because I took this class at 8 am and he tried his best to wake us up.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Jan. 14, 2019

Lectures were super clear and engaging. Took the class at 8am but was for sure worth it! Nick gave his students all the materials needed (practice exams, extra hw problems) to succeed and was very helpful.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Dec. 15, 2018

Professor Andersen is a stand-up guy with a good personality. He's very knowledgeable on the subject and takes as many questions as you may have. His lectures are engaging (although, he does do a lot of proofs) and are quite worth it (so don't miss lectures). His homework questions are a bit challenging but definitely not as much as his discussion questions. The discussion worksheets are ALMOST impossible to do and since one of of the questions shows up on the exam, students often memorize the answer for "free" points. I don't personally think the discussion questions actually teach anything, but others find it "intuitive." His exams...oh man..those are tough. The first midterm hit me like a wrecking ball and it caused me a good amount of pain to recover. In a nutshell, Andersen is approachable and a good teacher, but man does he make you work for your grade. Good luck, bruins.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: C
Dec. 14, 2018

He is such an AMAZING professor. He is clear and understanding if there is any confusion as he is lecturing. Nick is also pretty chill and engaging during his lectures. He will often times ask if anyone has any questions and will wait an awkward amount of time to continue, but it's funny. One thing to point out is he has 2 grading methods and honestly those are a grade changer. I struggled so much in this class but in the end, I passed. He is the professor you want to take for the 31B course!
P.S There is only so much he can lecture in the given amount of time, but he tries to get as much done as possible, as clearly as possible. Just be aware that you will have to put in some time of your own.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: C+
Dec. 11, 2018

Professor Andersen was absolutely amazing! He took his time explaining concepts and took as many questions as we needed to be able to understand a topic. He was also very funny and made lots of jokes which made an 8am calc class seem bearable. The textbook was definitely needed, as it explained the concepts very simply and the homework was all based on the book. His discussion worksheets are difficult, but the format of the section made it so we had lots of help to be able to figure them out. Make sure you understand them though because one worksheet question appears on every test! Overall, Professor Andersen was amazing and I would love to take another class with him while studying here.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A+
Dec. 11, 2018

Professor Andersen is an amazing professor. He's helpful, clear, fair, checks all the boxes you would want in a teacher. His lectures are a perfect balance between introduction to the material and example problems. This would be enough by itself, but he goes above and beyond, administrating a website through Piazza where he posts weekly assignments and suggested textbook readings/practice problems etc. This is already more than enough, but he goes even further and gives detailed descriptions of what will be covered on exams and then posts a comprehensive list of about 50 problems for each midterm and the final, and also includes a full length practice exam from previous years so you don't even need to make the trip to the SAC. All of this is way more than one can expect from their professor, but he outdoes himself yet again with his mind-bogglingly fast grading schedule. He graded both midterms within around 7 hours of them being handed in. He graded the final 6 and a half hours after it was turned in. To top it all off, he's just a genuinely funny and nice guy and I would absolutely recommend him. If you can take his class - do it. An A or A+ is well within reach for anyone willing to put in a very reasonable amount of work (no more than an hour a day or 2 hours a day closer to exams). Thank you Prof!


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Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: B+
Oct. 18, 2018

Andersen was really engaging and helpful during lectures! Definitely would recommend


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1 of 2
Overall Rating
Based on 18 Users
Easiness 2.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.6 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.0 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.5 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Needs Textbook
  • Engaging Lectures
  • Appropriately Priced Materials
  • Often Funny
  • Tolerates Tardiness
  • Useful Textbooks
  • Would Take Again
  • Snazzy Dresser

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