Nile Green
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Spring 2020 - I have the class online because of the pandemic. Dr. Green is a fantastic lecturer and wants you to enjoy the materials. The grades however depend on your Ta because your letter grade depends on three essays only. So, if you meet a harsh Ta it will NOT be an easy A. In my case I have Ha as my TA who is fantastic and lenient!
Spring 2020 - I have the class online because of the pandemic. Dr. Green is a fantastic lecturer and wants you to enjoy the materials. The grades however depend on your Ta because your letter grade depends on three essays only. So, if you meet a harsh Ta it will NOT be an easy A. In my case I have Ha as my TA who is fantastic and lenient!
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Spring 2016 - Grading: Midterm is in class essay. Final is take home paper. You get the questions for both on the first day of class. Keep in mind, the final paper is 10 pages (double space). The midterm isn't difficult per se, but if you are like me and have terrible memory make sure you make a timeline/outline essay that you can memorize and then dump on exam day. Got an A in the class, and Prof. Green is great! I was very surprised to see a British professor speaking and reading Farsi and Arabic like it was nothing! Lectures can be kind of long, but if you like architecture, history, and art you will enjoy them. Make sure you do the readings and annotate a few things as it will help for your final paper.
Spring 2016 - Grading: Midterm is in class essay. Final is take home paper. You get the questions for both on the first day of class. Keep in mind, the final paper is 10 pages (double space). The midterm isn't difficult per se, but if you are like me and have terrible memory make sure you make a timeline/outline essay that you can memorize and then dump on exam day. Got an A in the class, and Prof. Green is great! I was very surprised to see a British professor speaking and reading Farsi and Arabic like it was nothing! Lectures can be kind of long, but if you like architecture, history, and art you will enjoy them. Make sure you do the readings and annotate a few things as it will help for your final paper.
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Fall 2017 - Professor Green is a really engaging professor who really wants his students to do well. For this class the grade was made up of 50% midterm, 50% final, but he took attendance every class. For the midterm, the thursday before he gave us the midterm question prompts- and told us we we would get to choose two questions for the midterm. He doesn't surprise you at all, he just really wants you to prepare your answers beforehand. I didn't put that much effort into the preparation and only got a B- on this. For the final, he gives you the prompt in week 1 of the quarter, and it's a 10 page paper due in Finals week covering the theme of the whole course. I wrote this paper in 24 hours before it was due, and received an A- in the class. He really wants to make sure you show that you've done the reading for this class, so as long as you incorporate at least 1 or two readings from each week into your paper you should be fine. Professor Nile was a great professor and interesting lecturer. Definitely recommend this class!
Fall 2017 - Professor Green is a really engaging professor who really wants his students to do well. For this class the grade was made up of 50% midterm, 50% final, but he took attendance every class. For the midterm, the thursday before he gave us the midterm question prompts- and told us we we would get to choose two questions for the midterm. He doesn't surprise you at all, he just really wants you to prepare your answers beforehand. I didn't put that much effort into the preparation and only got a B- on this. For the final, he gives you the prompt in week 1 of the quarter, and it's a 10 page paper due in Finals week covering the theme of the whole course. I wrote this paper in 24 hours before it was due, and received an A- in the class. He really wants to make sure you show that you've done the reading for this class, so as long as you incorporate at least 1 or two readings from each week into your paper you should be fine. Professor Nile was a great professor and interesting lecturer. Definitely recommend this class!
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Actual Course Taken: 2010 Winter - HIST175C-1 Special Topics in Contemporary Indian History: Muslim Reformation? Islam, Modernity, and Empire in British India. Structure: Midterm: 50% , Final: 50% Midterm: You get to pick one question from weeks 1-5. He provides 5 questions or so and you need to answer one. His syllabus is all online with all online readings organized week by week in themes. He gives a week's advance for a 5-10 page paper. I left it till last minute (Same as I did in the other class) and received a B+ Final: He gave us one "theme" question everyone had to do and then a question chosen from 3 possibilities. He gave the questions 5 days in advance and it was on the spot bluebook. I received a B+ Overall, he is a good lecturer, he is interesting but there are NO slides or no overarching textbook to refer to. The readings every week are helpful and you don't need to read every one(Just the weeks you choose to write about). That is good because there were some weeks (Like the Christian missionaries in British India) that did not interest me. I've taken him twice, each time got a B but I would take him again. It does not demand much of you, and if you're into the subject take it! Even if you're not interested in the subject his passion and English accent will make you into it.
Actual Course Taken: 2010 Winter - HIST175C-1 Special Topics in Contemporary Indian History: Muslim Reformation? Islam, Modernity, and Empire in British India. Structure: Midterm: 50% , Final: 50% Midterm: You get to pick one question from weeks 1-5. He provides 5 questions or so and you need to answer one. His syllabus is all online with all online readings organized week by week in themes. He gives a week's advance for a 5-10 page paper. I left it till last minute (Same as I did in the other class) and received a B+ Final: He gave us one "theme" question everyone had to do and then a question chosen from 3 possibilities. He gave the questions 5 days in advance and it was on the spot bluebook. I received a B+ Overall, he is a good lecturer, he is interesting but there are NO slides or no overarching textbook to refer to. The readings every week are helpful and you don't need to read every one(Just the weeks you choose to write about). That is good because there were some weeks (Like the Christian missionaries in British India) that did not interest me. I've taken him twice, each time got a B but I would take him again. It does not demand much of you, and if you're into the subject take it! Even if you're not interested in the subject his passion and English accent will make you into it.
Most Helpful Review
Prof Green is very charming and well-spoken. The lecture: Some key dates, places and people hand written on the chalkboard then he lectures for the rest of the class. Most of the class is his verbal lecturing so if you are not there to take down verbatim what he says-it'll get confusing to borrow notes from someone who just wrote a few dates that he wrote on the board. There are no slides or lectures posted online but he assigns weekly readings that include primary sources. You don't HAVE to read them but if you go through them the class makes so much more sense so if you skip a day you won't be totally confused. His midterm was a take home paper. He provided 2 questions from each of the weeks 1-5 and we had to choose one and write a paper on it using that weeks primary sources, readings and lectures. I did not try my hardest on it and was a little scatterbrained and I got a B. He writes e-mails back very fast and I've been to his office hrs once and he seemed approachable. He can come off a tad intimidating but you can tell he just wants students to learn. I am in week 9 but the final is the same format of the midterm except it is in class. He is going to give us a week in advance to look and study the question so on final day we come in and write the essay on the spot. Overall, he is a good prof and very passionate and colorful in his teaching style. He is also very open-minded and provides all different historical views! Good prof, take him if the actual subject matter is of slight interest to you. So if you can handle a class that has no online post of lectures-no slides, only a midterm/final essay style but with a good prof relaying it to you-then take it!
Prof Green is very charming and well-spoken. The lecture: Some key dates, places and people hand written on the chalkboard then he lectures for the rest of the class. Most of the class is his verbal lecturing so if you are not there to take down verbatim what he says-it'll get confusing to borrow notes from someone who just wrote a few dates that he wrote on the board. There are no slides or lectures posted online but he assigns weekly readings that include primary sources. You don't HAVE to read them but if you go through them the class makes so much more sense so if you skip a day you won't be totally confused. His midterm was a take home paper. He provided 2 questions from each of the weeks 1-5 and we had to choose one and write a paper on it using that weeks primary sources, readings and lectures. I did not try my hardest on it and was a little scatterbrained and I got a B. He writes e-mails back very fast and I've been to his office hrs once and he seemed approachable. He can come off a tad intimidating but you can tell he just wants students to learn. I am in week 9 but the final is the same format of the midterm except it is in class. He is going to give us a week in advance to look and study the question so on final day we come in and write the essay on the spot. Overall, he is a good prof and very passionate and colorful in his teaching style. He is also very open-minded and provides all different historical views! Good prof, take him if the actual subject matter is of slight interest to you. So if you can handle a class that has no online post of lectures-no slides, only a midterm/final essay style but with a good prof relaying it to you-then take it!