
Peter Rutenberg

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Overall Rating 3.5
Easiness 3.7/ 5
Clarity 3.3/ 5
Workload 4.1/ 5
Helpfulness 3.3/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2016 - If you are looking for an easy A GE, this course is no longer the case. Last year, every student has 49% of the final grade devoted to homework portion, which is an online quiz system that can be repeated several times to get 100%. This year, 10% is for attendance and 90% is for exams. So if you don't spend time studying this course, you can't get an A. If you have some background in music, you probably end up with an A-. Here is some stats: Last year: | This year 97+ A+ 33 | 3 93+ A 85 | 58 91+ A- 39 | 59 And he misleadingly wrote to us that "If you are above 88, you are in good shape." for the first midterm. I thought he would curve the class to give the same amount of A, but it turned out that I was so wrong about this and I should really PNP this class before it was too late. Remember 5 units have a huge impact on your GPA. For every physical science and engineering majors: IT'S STUPID TO WASTE YOUR GPA ON THIS CLASS!!!!!! However, if you do PNP, you don't need to study at all to pass this course. Oh BTW, I talked about the distribution issue with the professor, and he mentioned that students from Winter 16 performed better. Wow! But students with better performance received lower grades!!!! He refuse to accept this fact. I suggest him to cap the maximum score to somewhere slightly lower than 100 to boost everyone's grade slightly. For example, if I score 90 / 100 in the exam, I would receive 94.7% of the score if the max score were set to 95. This is a very common strategy in math classes using absolute grading scheme. However, he refused to change anything. I feel sorry for myself and for every other one who took the class this quarter. You should have taken it in Winter 15. LoL.
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