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Puneet Gupta
Based on 32 Users
He clearly knows what he's talking about, so his explanations are pretty good. The lectures tend to drag on and get fairly boring, but he usually ends much before the 2 hours are up anyway.
The midterms and final are mostly comprised of problems from past years' tests, so if you can get a hold of those, you should be fine.
Some of the material towards the end of the course gets a little tricky, but it's nothing an EE major won't be able to handle.
Overall: Decent teacher, nice guy, the homework sets really help you learn the material. I would recommend this professor.
Couldn't agree more with previous post. I had Puneet last winter and he was great! He's a very humble guy and his lectures are clear and straightforward. His accent is not bad at all though his handwriting was hard to read at some times. His pacing was slow (mostly in a good way), and he would take plenty of time to reiterate concepts that people were confused about, and never got frustrated at the people that never understood anything. I didn't use the podcasts much because I felt like it was much more beneficial just to go to class though they were nice to have because on several occasions I regrettably yet unavoidably dozed off due to the soothing sound of Puneet's voice. His TA's (Tanaya & Vikrant) were also amazing, and I really appreciated that there were so many opportunities to get help. His tests were tricky but not unfair. If you try hard you should be able to do very well in the class.
EE10 is a hit-or-miss kinda class that boils down to how well you can see the tricks or the shortcuts in the exams. Fortunately for me, Gupta's questions are one of those where there are tons of ways to solve them -- even if you don't know how to get past the trick (albeit a ton more complex to solve, but still doable).
As a professor, Gupta's lectures are paced pretty fine, although there were some lectures where he arrived about 10~15 minutes late. We did however managed to finish the syllabus. The examples he gives in lectures are pretty much reflective of what's going to be tested in the exams, though the homework is far more difficult than what's given.
He teaches the materials by doing simpler examples. Its adequate enough to understand the material, but it doesn't prepare you for the homework or exams. It has been difficult to get good scores (about 80% and up) on the homework unless you attend office hours. The homework are full of tricks you need to know and methods you haven't seen before. So attend the office hours and you should be fine. Also with enough practice, you can do well on the exams.
He is a very nice person as well as a pretty generous grader. I thought I was stuck with a B with my ranking, but i got the plus. My friend got a C+ believing she was gonna fail, being below the average multiple times. It shouldn't be hard to ace this class if you put effort into it, which I wish I did.
He clearly knows what he's talking about, so his explanations are pretty good. The lectures tend to drag on and get fairly boring, but he usually ends much before the 2 hours are up anyway.
The midterms and final are mostly comprised of problems from past years' tests, so if you can get a hold of those, you should be fine.
Some of the material towards the end of the course gets a little tricky, but it's nothing an EE major won't be able to handle.
Overall: Decent teacher, nice guy, the homework sets really help you learn the material. I would recommend this professor.
Couldn't agree more with previous post. I had Puneet last winter and he was great! He's a very humble guy and his lectures are clear and straightforward. His accent is not bad at all though his handwriting was hard to read at some times. His pacing was slow (mostly in a good way), and he would take plenty of time to reiterate concepts that people were confused about, and never got frustrated at the people that never understood anything. I didn't use the podcasts much because I felt like it was much more beneficial just to go to class though they were nice to have because on several occasions I regrettably yet unavoidably dozed off due to the soothing sound of Puneet's voice. His TA's (Tanaya & Vikrant) were also amazing, and I really appreciated that there were so many opportunities to get help. His tests were tricky but not unfair. If you try hard you should be able to do very well in the class.
EE10 is a hit-or-miss kinda class that boils down to how well you can see the tricks or the shortcuts in the exams. Fortunately for me, Gupta's questions are one of those where there are tons of ways to solve them -- even if you don't know how to get past the trick (albeit a ton more complex to solve, but still doable).
As a professor, Gupta's lectures are paced pretty fine, although there were some lectures where he arrived about 10~15 minutes late. We did however managed to finish the syllabus. The examples he gives in lectures are pretty much reflective of what's going to be tested in the exams, though the homework is far more difficult than what's given.
He teaches the materials by doing simpler examples. Its adequate enough to understand the material, but it doesn't prepare you for the homework or exams. It has been difficult to get good scores (about 80% and up) on the homework unless you attend office hours. The homework are full of tricks you need to know and methods you haven't seen before. So attend the office hours and you should be fine. Also with enough practice, you can do well on the exams.
He is a very nice person as well as a pretty generous grader. I thought I was stuck with a B with my ranking, but i got the plus. My friend got a C+ believing she was gonna fail, being below the average multiple times. It shouldn't be hard to ace this class if you put effort into it, which I wish I did.