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R. Rich
Based on 26 Users
Pretty straightforward GE. Rich is a nice guy, clearly cares about the material he's teaching. If you're taking this online, doing well on the tests is as simple as having extensive notes (all tests are open note). If they weren't open note, they'd honestly be pretty difficult, so I assume he compensates for this by making the tests easier when the class is in-person.
The labs are fairly easy, and if you struggle the TA's are very attentive and will usually give you answers.
The textbook helps with your understanding, but I stopped reading it towards the end of the course and did fine.
Very passionate professor, absolutely in love with astronomy, and just wants to share his knowledge and findings. Offers extra credit! Rather rudimentary astronomy knowledge, nothing too extreme. Just keep up with lecture content.
Many students do not attend his lectures (they can be a little boring for some). He does post slides. I honestly attend for snip-bits of his adorable humor about astronomy, and he points out what is or will not be on the exams.
Prof. Rich is very generous with his grading and often rounds up the exam grades higher than they should be. Cares about students' education, means for them to learn and not be too harshly restricted by exams; largely why he is also so generous with extra credit opportunities.
I recommend attending his remote observing sessions! Very interesting, and a great opportunity to see how imaging galaxies work.
Give Prof. Rich a chance, for an easy GE and a wholesome soul :')
Pretty straightforward GE. Rich is a nice guy, clearly cares about the material he's teaching. If you're taking this online, doing well on the tests is as simple as having extensive notes (all tests are open note). If they weren't open note, they'd honestly be pretty difficult, so I assume he compensates for this by making the tests easier when the class is in-person.
The labs are fairly easy, and if you struggle the TA's are very attentive and will usually give you answers.
The textbook helps with your understanding, but I stopped reading it towards the end of the course and did fine.
Very passionate professor, absolutely in love with astronomy, and just wants to share his knowledge and findings. Offers extra credit! Rather rudimentary astronomy knowledge, nothing too extreme. Just keep up with lecture content.
Many students do not attend his lectures (they can be a little boring for some). He does post slides. I honestly attend for snip-bits of his adorable humor about astronomy, and he points out what is or will not be on the exams.
Prof. Rich is very generous with his grading and often rounds up the exam grades higher than they should be. Cares about students' education, means for them to learn and not be too harshly restricted by exams; largely why he is also so generous with extra credit opportunities.
I recommend attending his remote observing sessions! Very interesting, and a great opportunity to see how imaging galaxies work.
Give Prof. Rich a chance, for an easy GE and a wholesome soul :')