
Raymond Spearrin

Overall Ratings
Based on 7 Users
Easiness 2.7 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.1 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.4 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.4 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (7)

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June 10, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A-

Professor Spearrin makes his classes purposely difficult and pushes students to learn the material thoroughly, but is a fair grader. There's a separate curve for undergrads and grad students, and generally curves the class to around a B/B+ average (I think). He has direct experience in propulsion from his time at Rocketdyne and teaches the course material with enough context to make the lectures relevant and meaningful. Also a cool dude outside of class, and really helpful in office hours.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 9, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: N/A

Great lecturer, cool examples, gives opportunity for extra credit. Exam fair and straightforward (but not easy), he tells you what to study, no tricks or surprises. The homeworks were long and involved but I have heard they were better in previous quarters so that may be TA dependent.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 9, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: N/A

Great lecturer, cool examples, gives opportunity for extra credit. Exam fair and straightforward (but not easy), he tells you what to study, no tricks or surprises. The homeworks were long and involved but I have heard they were better in previous quarters so that may fluctuate.


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Dec. 20, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A-

An enjoyable class overall, and pretty forgiving if you're willing to put in the work. The tests were tough, but they were pretty generous on grading. If you pay attention in class and listen to the professor and TAs, they give a lot of useful information that helps on the tests. The homeworks are really challenging and take forever. This makes the workload pretty heavy. The material itself was interesting and Spearrin is a pretty good lecturer, so that made the class worth it. The TAs have a pretty big impact on the class, and I really liked the ones for our quarter so that helped a lot. I wouldn't recommend this class if you already have a heavy workload, but if you can try to take it in a lighter quarter then its pretty enjoyable.


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Dec. 31, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A-

I enjoyed the class and thought the subject was taught well by Prof. Spearrin and the TAs (Dante and Joel). The homeworks were pretty damn hard and time-consuming. The tests were also quite difficult but they were pretty generous with partial credit. Prof Spearrin also offered an extra credit final project that is worth 5% of the whole grade, which you should definitely take advantage of. At least when I took the class the TAs were very helpful and offered a lot of homework hints during discussions and OHs. I agree with the previous reviewer: you should only take this class if you have a light courseload. I spent the majority of my time studying/doing homework for this class, and I didn’t do too hot in my other classes. But that’s my fault. The class was pretty cool though, and Prof Spearrin posting lectures/discussions/slides online was very helpful.


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Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A-
June 10, 2018

Professor Spearrin makes his classes purposely difficult and pushes students to learn the material thoroughly, but is a fair grader. There's a separate curve for undergrads and grad students, and generally curves the class to around a B/B+ average (I think). He has direct experience in propulsion from his time at Rocketdyne and teaches the course material with enough context to make the lectures relevant and meaningful. Also a cool dude outside of class, and really helpful in office hours.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: N/A
Dec. 9, 2020

Great lecturer, cool examples, gives opportunity for extra credit. Exam fair and straightforward (but not easy), he tells you what to study, no tricks or surprises. The homeworks were long and involved but I have heard they were better in previous quarters so that may be TA dependent.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: N/A
Dec. 9, 2020

Great lecturer, cool examples, gives opportunity for extra credit. Exam fair and straightforward (but not easy), he tells you what to study, no tricks or surprises. The homeworks were long and involved but I have heard they were better in previous quarters so that may fluctuate.


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Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A-
Dec. 20, 2021

An enjoyable class overall, and pretty forgiving if you're willing to put in the work. The tests were tough, but they were pretty generous on grading. If you pay attention in class and listen to the professor and TAs, they give a lot of useful information that helps on the tests. The homeworks are really challenging and take forever. This makes the workload pretty heavy. The material itself was interesting and Spearrin is a pretty good lecturer, so that made the class worth it. The TAs have a pretty big impact on the class, and I really liked the ones for our quarter so that helped a lot. I wouldn't recommend this class if you already have a heavy workload, but if you can try to take it in a lighter quarter then its pretty enjoyable.


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Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A-
Dec. 31, 2021

I enjoyed the class and thought the subject was taught well by Prof. Spearrin and the TAs (Dante and Joel). The homeworks were pretty damn hard and time-consuming. The tests were also quite difficult but they were pretty generous with partial credit. Prof Spearrin also offered an extra credit final project that is worth 5% of the whole grade, which you should definitely take advantage of. At least when I took the class the TAs were very helpful and offered a lot of homework hints during discussions and OHs. I agree with the previous reviewer: you should only take this class if you have a light courseload. I spent the majority of my time studying/doing homework for this class, and I didn’t do too hot in my other classes. But that’s my fault. The class was pretty cool though, and Prof Spearrin posting lectures/discussions/slides online was very helpful.


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