Robert Brown
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2017 - I ADORED this class! I'm a south campus major who hates writing, but this class was painless. The professor is fairly interesting, but personally I loved this class because I really liked the material. You definitely have an advantage if you are Southeast Asian, just because it's easier to remember names/details. Midterm/Final: Both were super fair! The professor gives out a study guide, so if you can answer ALL of the questions/define all the terms on the guide in detail, you're golden for the exam. Some questions were word for word from the study guide. It's important to remember what the art is, when/where it's from, because during the test he projects an image of the art from class on the screen. Attendance is pretty important imo. That's how you see the photos that can be asked. He posts lecture notes towards the end of the quarter if I remember right. Make sure to know everything in it. Discussion was fine. My TA covered all the key concepts from class. There are quizzes, but they are pretty easy. All you need to do is pay attention during lecture/discussion to do fine. For the paper, make sure you get your TA to skim through it once before you submit it. Also you get a free ticket to go to the LACMA to see the art you'll write about.
Spring 2017 - I ADORED this class! I'm a south campus major who hates writing, but this class was painless. The professor is fairly interesting, but personally I loved this class because I really liked the material. You definitely have an advantage if you are Southeast Asian, just because it's easier to remember names/details. Midterm/Final: Both were super fair! The professor gives out a study guide, so if you can answer ALL of the questions/define all the terms on the guide in detail, you're golden for the exam. Some questions were word for word from the study guide. It's important to remember what the art is, when/where it's from, because during the test he projects an image of the art from class on the screen. Attendance is pretty important imo. That's how you see the photos that can be asked. He posts lecture notes towards the end of the quarter if I remember right. Make sure to know everything in it. Discussion was fine. My TA covered all the key concepts from class. There are quizzes, but they are pretty easy. All you need to do is pay attention during lecture/discussion to do fine. For the paper, make sure you get your TA to skim through it once before you submit it. Also you get a free ticket to go to the LACMA to see the art you'll write about.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2018 - The professor is really knowledgeable about the course material. The required reading was all uploaded onto CCLE, so I didn't have to spend extra money on reading materials (which more professors should do). The workload was manageable with six 3-page essays. There isn't a clear rubric of how the professor grades the papers, but I think he just checks for a few things. If you attend lectures and utilize the online reading, pretty sure you can get an A in this class. He's not too harsh of a grader on the essays, and there isn't a particular format that he wants it in. There are no midterms nor a final! What's not to love?
Winter 2018 - The professor is really knowledgeable about the course material. The required reading was all uploaded onto CCLE, so I didn't have to spend extra money on reading materials (which more professors should do). The workload was manageable with six 3-page essays. There isn't a clear rubric of how the professor grades the papers, but I think he just checks for a few things. If you attend lectures and utilize the online reading, pretty sure you can get an A in this class. He's not too harsh of a grader on the essays, and there isn't a particular format that he wants it in. There are no midterms nor a final! What's not to love?