Robert Fink
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2018 - Professor Fink is great. Take this class whether you love EDM or your just curious about it. It is really interesting and professor Fink does a great job explaining the material. Don't expect to focus entirely on todays EDM scene because the bulk of the class is about the very beginning of it in the US and the UK. Overall the class was easy in my opinion. Two assignments one in which you create your drum rhythm and the other is a short essay about your experience watching an edm set in person. A midterm and final with essay portions. Discussion is mandatory since its a part of your grade but all the TA's were pretty chill. overall a really interesting and fun class.
Spring 2018 - Professor Fink is great. Take this class whether you love EDM or your just curious about it. It is really interesting and professor Fink does a great job explaining the material. Don't expect to focus entirely on todays EDM scene because the bulk of the class is about the very beginning of it in the US and the UK. Overall the class was easy in my opinion. Two assignments one in which you create your drum rhythm and the other is a short essay about your experience watching an edm set in person. A midterm and final with essay portions. Discussion is mandatory since its a part of your grade but all the TA's were pretty chill. overall a really interesting and fun class.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2015 - He was a very fun lecturer. He has a tendency to get really into his music and it might take up a lot of the class, but it's pretty fun to listen to edm. The first half is mainly the history and the second half is more about the music. The hardest part of the class is memorizing songs. You have to be able to listen to it and identify the song title, artist, and the year it was produced. Other than that, if you pay attention to class you will pretty much do well. He posts his lecture slides online and passes out an outline every time.
Fall 2015 - He was a very fun lecturer. He has a tendency to get really into his music and it might take up a lot of the class, but it's pretty fun to listen to edm. The first half is mainly the history and the second half is more about the music. The hardest part of the class is memorizing songs. You have to be able to listen to it and identify the song title, artist, and the year it was produced. Other than that, if you pay attention to class you will pretty much do well. He posts his lecture slides online and passes out an outline every time.
Most Helpful Review
Wow! All these reviews are way too positive for me! Whoever said he was pompous is right on the dot (lectures and office hours). No doubt he loves the subject matter, but he loves himself a lot more. I didn't learn anything relevant in Music 10. I attended every single lecture, stayed awake (pretty impressive), aced the midterm, aced the paper, and thought I did pretty well on the final. Ended up getting a C+ in the class. Tried inquiring what I may have done wrong but he gave me some sarcastic remark and that was that. No discussion. He did all the talking as well during office hours. Oh, and don't walk in late or fall asleep or he'll draw attention to you, as I've noticed w/ classmates. Music is my passion. I love the creativity; love the technicial aspect. Looking into it as a future career, in fact. I give this guy credit for being able to make me despise music for a whole 10 wks.
Wow! All these reviews are way too positive for me! Whoever said he was pompous is right on the dot (lectures and office hours). No doubt he loves the subject matter, but he loves himself a lot more. I didn't learn anything relevant in Music 10. I attended every single lecture, stayed awake (pretty impressive), aced the midterm, aced the paper, and thought I did pretty well on the final. Ended up getting a C+ in the class. Tried inquiring what I may have done wrong but he gave me some sarcastic remark and that was that. No discussion. He did all the talking as well during office hours. Oh, and don't walk in late or fall asleep or he'll draw attention to you, as I've noticed w/ classmates. Music is my passion. I love the creativity; love the technicial aspect. Looking into it as a future career, in fact. I give this guy credit for being able to make me despise music for a whole 10 wks.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2016 - Professor Fink is the man! He is probably my favorite lecturer of the ones teaching this cluster. He teaches the music aspect of the 60s and does a very good job at it. His lectures are very straight forward and you must pay attention since some of the songs he plays in his slides will be on the midterm. The music aspect of the 60s is probably my most favorite now, just seeing how it plays a role and is influenced by certain political events at the time. There is great emphasis on African-American music and being "hip". I think Professor Fink is the reason I haven't dropped this cluster, he is the reason I put up with the other boring stuff some of the other professors have us learn. Overall, very fun class, (when Fink lectures). Pay attention to the songs, understand where they come from, and know the names, dates, and titles of the songs.
Fall 2016 - Professor Fink is the man! He is probably my favorite lecturer of the ones teaching this cluster. He teaches the music aspect of the 60s and does a very good job at it. His lectures are very straight forward and you must pay attention since some of the songs he plays in his slides will be on the midterm. The music aspect of the 60s is probably my most favorite now, just seeing how it plays a role and is influenced by certain political events at the time. There is great emphasis on African-American music and being "hip". I think Professor Fink is the reason I haven't dropped this cluster, he is the reason I put up with the other boring stuff some of the other professors have us learn. Overall, very fun class, (when Fink lectures). Pay attention to the songs, understand where they come from, and know the names, dates, and titles of the songs.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2020 - This is for the Cluster 60 in general. I decided to take this cluster for its credit (satisfies 4 GE, writing II, diversity, etc). I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS CLASS. Clusters do have the reputation of having a greater workload but it is not the case for this one. I'm so glad that I stuck with this cluster for my freshman year. It's pretty interesting and definitely a GPA booster in my opinion. It's not the easiest A as you do have to pay attention to lecture, do the readings (at least for the first quarter. I stopped using the course reader after the midterm of fall quarter and was perfectly fine). This class helped me adjust to college along with making new friends and strong bonds with my TA. Another benefit for this class is that you get priority for Eng Comp 3 (if you need to take it) for your winter/spring quarter. Based on what I heard from my peers, Eng Comp 3 and writing classes general are EXTREMELY hard to get in since everyone needs to take at least one writing class. You won't have to worry about it as you receive your writing II credit during your spring quarter, which is basically a three hour seminar one a week. You also don't have to worry about not getting a class since you are guaranteed enrollment to the course for winter and spring . I assume that you are reading this review to decide to take this class or not. Well I would like to say TAKE IT because it is extremely rewarding and you won't regret it. I benefited a lot from this class and it satisfied most of my GE requirements as a STEM major.
Winter 2020 - This is for the Cluster 60 in general. I decided to take this cluster for its credit (satisfies 4 GE, writing II, diversity, etc). I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS CLASS. Clusters do have the reputation of having a greater workload but it is not the case for this one. I'm so glad that I stuck with this cluster for my freshman year. It's pretty interesting and definitely a GPA booster in my opinion. It's not the easiest A as you do have to pay attention to lecture, do the readings (at least for the first quarter. I stopped using the course reader after the midterm of fall quarter and was perfectly fine). This class helped me adjust to college along with making new friends and strong bonds with my TA. Another benefit for this class is that you get priority for Eng Comp 3 (if you need to take it) for your winter/spring quarter. Based on what I heard from my peers, Eng Comp 3 and writing classes general are EXTREMELY hard to get in since everyone needs to take at least one writing class. You won't have to worry about it as you receive your writing II credit during your spring quarter, which is basically a three hour seminar one a week. You also don't have to worry about not getting a class since you are guaranteed enrollment to the course for winter and spring . I assume that you are reading this review to decide to take this class or not. Well I would like to say TAKE IT because it is extremely rewarding and you won't regret it. I benefited a lot from this class and it satisfied most of my GE requirements as a STEM major.