Ryan Lannan
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Overall Rating
Based on 47 Users
Easiness 2.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 3.0 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.2 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 3.1 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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Reviews (42)

2 of 5
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Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: NR
Feb. 28, 2022

Ryan Lannan, a professor whose first midterm results made a lot of people upset and angry. I, myself, was one of them. He gives quizzes that are incredibly easy to study for since most of them need memorization. He gives homework that is fairly manageable (although sometimes confusing with weird wording of the questions). In my own personal opinion, we all saw Ryan Lannan grow as a professor. He made a lot of people angry and realized what needed to be fixed in his class and actually addressed those things. The second midterm is evidence of that! The class average moved up drastically and that is because he gave a more structured study guide, helped people more effectively in office hours and asked better and more manageable questions on the midterm. He even puts bonus questions on the exams and it is possible to come back from a bad grade. I came back from a "C" and now have a safe "A" in this class.
It is also worth mentioning that this is biochemistry and it is supposed to be a difficult class and not everything can/should be blamed on the professor.
Ryan Lannan is a young and smart professor and deserves a second chance. I would give him this second change by taking this class again with this new and improved version of Ryan Lannan.


9 3 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: N/A
March 11, 2022

He is a good lecturer. The class averages for his tests were pretty high midterm I being in the high 80s and midterm II was in mid low 90s. He was disorganized at first but he truly listens to the criticism and fixes things that need to be fixed. Do not listen to people that are telling you this is the worst class ever because it truly is not. This was Dr. Lannan's first time teaching biochem so obviously there are going to be some kinks. He is understanding and has improved a lot over the quarter and I know he is only going to get better. Those who are complaining about their grade just did not study enough, you cannot expect to get a high grade if you are not putting in the effort. A lot of students were sadly very disrespectful and I honestly think it was partly because Dr. Lannan is young. Take this class, there is nothing unexpected thrown at you and he is a good lecturer. Quizzes are extremely easy too.


7 2 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A+
March 28, 2022

This quarter, Lannan was new, so there is definitely organizational work that can be done, but I don’t think there were too many faults with his content/teaching. Lannan very explicitly laid out what would need to be done to get an A at the beginning of the quarter which I think he stuck to. He offers a large amount of extra credit (2.5%) that people can get pretty easily; for our quarter, he offered a group project that was the majority of the EC contribution, but also had campuswire participation and end of course reviews factor into the extra credit.

Homework is simple, and answers can be found directly in the slides. He rarely ever makes you extrapolate beyond or theorize in homework, so if you pay attention, the homework is straightforward.

Quizzes are extremely fair. He gives notices of when quizzes will be and what material is quizzed. Most of the time it involves memorizing things like amino acids (names, drawing structures) or enzymes (names, recognizing structures). That being said, biochem is a memorization-heavy class, but that’s inherent to the class and if you don’t spend enough time with the content you may find it harder.

Exams were pretty fair. The average for the first (online) midterm was ~75, which he said he would curve, and for the second midterm it was high 80s or low 90s. Lannan tends to use specific keywords and many of the questions are all-or-nothing, so you need to be familiar with much of the exam-content. Only the final is cumulative, so midterm 2 was only from weeks 4-7, which was nice. The final was a bit trickier than the other exams, but I would say all the exams were about equal in difficulty.

Lannan is definitely not my favorite professor, but he’s not bad and he makes it extremely easy to get an A if you study the right material (if you do his study guides, the content directly correlates to the exams) and spend the proper amount of time for the class (I spent maybe ~2-4 hours per week total outside of lecture on homework, quizzes, and anything else, and more time during exam season).


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Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 26, 2022

The hate Lannan received this quarter was so unwarranted. I rarely write reviews for professors but felt the need to, because I actually really enjoyed his class. If you read one review on here I want it to be this one.

Homework: Very fair, for each homework (one every week roughly) there will be one question that is graded on accuracy. Unless you're writing bullshit down you will get your points in this category. Homeworks right before the exam are graded on completion.

Quizzes: Again, extremely fair. Purely based on memorization (names of certain structures or systems) so if you didn't get the points that's on you. If there's a grading error you can get them corrected. The grading was a bit slow for quizzes but it doesn't really matter since the content of the quiz is literally memorization, so you basically know what score you got right after. They're quick and easy points.

Exams: Everybody shits on the exams but again, they are VERY FAIR. In fact I've had some of the best exam experiences in this course. i KNOW that how much I study will be reflected in my exam grade, because there are no curveballs or surprises. Compared to countless other classes I've taken where the exam would have diagrams/structures I've never seen, curveballs, trick questions, Lannan's exams were a godsend. Though he didn't provide a practice exam, it was never an issue personally because he made a study guide. People complain that Lannan sent out the study guide late (which I could see as being frustrating), but his study guides are literally just everything on the slides. I feel like if you review the slides any student could produce his study guides bullet for bullet without him releasing it. I would say like half of the exam questions were altered versions of questions in the homework, so make sure when you're studying that you go through all of them. After the first exam you'll be able to predict what kinds of questions you'll have. Truly straightforward exams with sufficient time. People complain but the exam averages were always good/high.

Lectures: Whether or not you like his lectures comes down to your learning style. Again I know he gets a lot of shit in this aspect, but personally his slides were extremely easy to understand for me, was 100% reflective of the material tested. Also it's important to note that he was thrown into this position last minute, I assume he had to make the slides and material as we went, which caused some slip ups during lecture (which he always corrected first thing in the next lecture). It is unfair to compare him to professors who have used the same slides for years and years. I'm confident that the next time he teaches this course it'll be a lot smoother because he already has the material.

Extra Credit: Has 2% extra credit that you can get by during course evals, participating on campuswire, and doing a project at the end of the quarter. Pretty good imo. They haven't graded the project yet so I can't say anything about how they're graded but I think it's nice to have extra credit in a course.

Valid Criticisms:
- Exam grading had lots of errors, but I genuinely think that this is more of the TAs' faults than the professor. The reason I say this is because while the majority of the class had reaally dumb grading mistakes (literally having the right answer but having points deducted, writing the synonym for a word in ur explanation but getting points off for not using a specific word), my TA's grading was pretty fair. I guess some of the other TA's didn't really read ppl's explanations fully or something. The only time the grading felt strange for me was for the first midterm, but the professor addressed those exam questions and gave back points for them. So I think the grading stuff is mainly the TAs' faults but I understand faulting Lannan for not reviewing the exam grading thoroughly.

- I heard in the groupme that he was a little unaccommodating regarding taking quizzes online (the rule is that you must be there in person for all exams). Most likely if you can't make it to an exam or quiz the points will be put towards the final or something. Never affected me but if this is something that matters to you just keep it in mind

In general I really enjoyed this course. I was nervous for it coming into it but found that a lot of the material connected to stuff I learned in AP Bio (ofc more in depth but). I'm not saying it is not a hard course, because it is. You will have to study a lot, but that's the nature of biochem and not exclusive to Lannan. I genuinely feel that my grade reflects the amount of work I put in, which I can't say about many other classes.


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Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 26, 2022

I have never previously written a review on Bruinwalk, but after seeing the harassment and complaints Lannan has received throughout the entire quarter and especially towards the end, I feel compelled to write this to hopefully give a more objective review on him.

By far the biggest complaint by most students seems to be the difficulty of the exams. However, I found them all to be extremely straightforward as Lannan provides study guides outlining the concepts you are expected to know. Admittedly, his lectures at the beginning of the quarter were a bit disorganized (although definitely not to an intolerable degree), but improved significantly as the weeks went on. In addition, the homework assignments were designed particularly well in my opinion because they focused on key concepts. From what I have heard from others, the content tested in the course is also similar in difficulty to other professors who have taught this class in the past. Thus, in my opinion, students complaining about difficult exams only have themselves to blame⁠—Lannan definitely provided all the necessary resources to succeed on his exams.

Undoubtedly, the majority of the students in the class are pre-med and I'm baffled as to how they plan on getting through medical school if they can't even handle memorization at the level here and can only cope by single-handedly ruining the promising career of a budding professor through ridiculously exaggerated course/instructor evaluations.

The other major complaint is his spotty consistency and accuracy with grading, which is a valid point. Although I personally never had any major issues with this, it seems like Lannan generally is able to correct grading errors in the end. However, for some mysterious reason, many students decide to channel their inner-Karen and demand instantaneous corrections to any errors in grading for a class with over 700 students between the two lectures as they complain into the endless echo chamber that is GroupMe at 3 am.

Overall, the only negative of this class for me was dealing with other students, who had unrealistic expectations for both what a biochemistry class is like and the capacity of a new professor. If Lannan ever has the opportunity to teach again (which I hope he does even with the bashing he is getting this quarter), as long as you enter with the willingness to learn and are not tainted by the negativity of the mob mentality of pre-med students, you will have an enjoyable time.


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Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: I
Feb. 16, 2022

Lannan is extremely disorganized and as the reviews stated below, is one of the worst experiences I have had at UCLA. Even when your answer is right, you will get marked off for not explicitly regurgitating exact terminology from his slides. He is extremely disorganized and unapproachable, please avoid him at all costs! I currently have an A in this class, but it has been hell.


9 8 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A+
March 31, 2022

I would not take this class with him again

On the Thursday of week 10, he not only did not post the final study guide, but also sent out the last homework at about 9:00 pm. Why?
Remember to write exactly the same words from his slides and homework answers, otherwise you will not get the point in the midterms and the final.
He said it was his first time teaching this course, so it took him lots of hours to gather the information and made the slides, so his lectures are a little bit disorganized. Guess what, it is also my first time taking this class, and that was definitely not a good experience to me.
Also, tons of homework. The first several homework were like 9-page short, no, long answer, questions. He would ask you to draw the whole mechanism of RNase and chymotrypsin. Very good! Moreover, he is like "You don't have to remember everything in the mechanism, but if we give you one step, you should be able to predict the next step." How is that not memorizing all the mechanisms?

我上这节课的唯一原因是一开始153A是一开始study list上显示这节课是Deborah Jarrett教 我听说她教的不错,所以选了这个课 谁知道真正开学之前换成了Ryan Lannan

事儿很多 不会选他的别的课了


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Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A+
March 29, 2022

I really enjoyed taking this class with Dr. Lannan and I would recommend him to anyone who wants to 153A. It was his first quarter teaching the class and he got assigned very last minute, so he did not have time to prepare slides, tests and everything like that.

Here is the breakdown of points:
Midterm 1: 20%
Midterm 2: 20%
Quizzes: 10%
Homework: 15%
Final Exam: 35%
Extra credit: 2% (campuswire =0.5%, evals = 0.25%, ec project = 1.25%)

He gave around 3% of extra credit problems on tests and these were all just free points. He ended up curving the final 6%. His tests are very fair and reflect the hw problems and are all pulled from the topics on the study guide. This class does have a lot of memorization, but that is the nature of 153A. If you stay on top of it and review his slides, you will do well in the course.

I thought Dr. Lannan was a great lecturer who was truly fair. He is clearly very knowledgable on the topic and I thought he did a fantastic job and I think he will only get better over time. Dr. Lannan is fairly understanding and communicates well.

Also - he offers this online textbook with practice problems called Achieve. I did not purchase it and I was completely fine. He never references the textbook and gives sufficient practice problems with the homework. If you like extra help, it may be for you, but I wouldn't purchase it until after week 1 when you know how the class works a little better.

Overall would take again and I highly recommend Lannan!


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Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: N/A
March 27, 2022

Ok there are a lot of contentious reviews for Lannan but this is my personal take. Lannan was very disorganized throughout the quarter. I would think that someone with a Ph.D in biochemistry would know a little bit more about the topic without having to second guess himself, but maybe this comes with time and experience. It was a little frustrating how he'd pretty much start a lot of lectures going over what he got wrong the last time. He didn't really know how to answer some questions that tried to reach beyond the scope of the class, and often said he'd need to look things up to confirm. However, this could also be because he got the class thrown onto him and had barely any time to prepare. I understand that he had a lot of lecture slides to create. His teaching I think got better as the quarter went on, and he's pretty young so he's probably still not confident in his abilities. Everyone has to start somewhere. That being said, it doesn't excuse the fact that we pay around 30k (more if out of state) a year for quality education, so this got frustrating over time, but I do think that with enough practice he'll be a good teacher.

His exams, in my opinion, were fair, but the way that they were graded was not. The TAs would often mark you down points even if you wrote the right answer, and it seems that they would often look for buzz words rather than actually reading your answer. A lot of us got marked off for not writing VERY specific words and phrases, so honestly memorize as much as you can off his slides. The actual content on the exams however was pretty fair and nothing was out of the ordinary. The final was a bit harder, but it was also cumulative and so 10 weeks of biochem memorization was pretty difficult. Ryan himself is pretty nice, and I've heard he teaches better in OH but I've never gone myself to verify if that statement is correct. He definitely does care about his students and wants us to understand biochem, and he is clearly pretty passionate about the topic itself.

The other stuff in the class like the quizzes and HW were pretty easy and manageable, and shouldn't take that long to do or study for. There was also some extra credit offered! Biggest piece of advice is using the campuswire, because there was a lot of helpful info on there. Also, exams were VERY similar to HW questions.

One other negative thing about Ryan tho that I really wish he'd improve is his flexibility and accommodations. If someone got COVID, he'd pretty much make you handle it on your own without helping.

Other than that, you certainly learn a lot in this class and it goes by fast. Don't fall behind and stay on top of things! Good luck!


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Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: N/A
March 26, 2022

Honestly, this class sucked. I got a good grade in here, went to office hours and studied like crazy, so please don’t think im just salty about my grade lol. The dude is just super unorganized and seems confused a lot of the time. Does he know his biochemistry? I would sure hope so, the dude has a PhD in it! But let’s be honest, that doesn’t mean you should teach it. Yeah we get it, he got “unlucky” this quarter but it kinda sucks when my professor’s incompetence affects MY grade. The first midterm and final were a complete disaster. Honestly were they hard? No, not really. But i (and my other 500+ classmates) dont appreciate getting points off when we LITERALLY wrote the correct answer (not even exaggerating). Yeah this could be solved with a regrade request, but OH WAIT!! Theres no regrade requests for the final! Yippee!!! So now my hundreds of classmates and I are jipped USELESS points for literally NO reason. Things were very unorganized and honestly it really didn’t seem like he cared that much about our concerns.

Bottomline, if you're looking to take this class in like 2035 or something when he doesnt confuse himself in lectures/office hours, doesnt have mistakes in his lecture slides and just has a speck of competence- go for it. Its honestly not that bad (if you dont get points off for writing the correct answer). But if you’re looking to take this class within the next like 6 years, may God help you. You’re gonna need it.


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Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: NR
Feb. 28, 2022

Ryan Lannan, a professor whose first midterm results made a lot of people upset and angry. I, myself, was one of them. He gives quizzes that are incredibly easy to study for since most of them need memorization. He gives homework that is fairly manageable (although sometimes confusing with weird wording of the questions). In my own personal opinion, we all saw Ryan Lannan grow as a professor. He made a lot of people angry and realized what needed to be fixed in his class and actually addressed those things. The second midterm is evidence of that! The class average moved up drastically and that is because he gave a more structured study guide, helped people more effectively in office hours and asked better and more manageable questions on the midterm. He even puts bonus questions on the exams and it is possible to come back from a bad grade. I came back from a "C" and now have a safe "A" in this class.
It is also worth mentioning that this is biochemistry and it is supposed to be a difficult class and not everything can/should be blamed on the professor.
Ryan Lannan is a young and smart professor and deserves a second chance. I would give him this second change by taking this class again with this new and improved version of Ryan Lannan.


9 3 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: N/A
March 11, 2022

He is a good lecturer. The class averages for his tests were pretty high midterm I being in the high 80s and midterm II was in mid low 90s. He was disorganized at first but he truly listens to the criticism and fixes things that need to be fixed. Do not listen to people that are telling you this is the worst class ever because it truly is not. This was Dr. Lannan's first time teaching biochem so obviously there are going to be some kinks. He is understanding and has improved a lot over the quarter and I know he is only going to get better. Those who are complaining about their grade just did not study enough, you cannot expect to get a high grade if you are not putting in the effort. A lot of students were sadly very disrespectful and I honestly think it was partly because Dr. Lannan is young. Take this class, there is nothing unexpected thrown at you and he is a good lecturer. Quizzes are extremely easy too.


7 2 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A+
March 28, 2022

This quarter, Lannan was new, so there is definitely organizational work that can be done, but I don’t think there were too many faults with his content/teaching. Lannan very explicitly laid out what would need to be done to get an A at the beginning of the quarter which I think he stuck to. He offers a large amount of extra credit (2.5%) that people can get pretty easily; for our quarter, he offered a group project that was the majority of the EC contribution, but also had campuswire participation and end of course reviews factor into the extra credit.

Homework is simple, and answers can be found directly in the slides. He rarely ever makes you extrapolate beyond or theorize in homework, so if you pay attention, the homework is straightforward.

Quizzes are extremely fair. He gives notices of when quizzes will be and what material is quizzed. Most of the time it involves memorizing things like amino acids (names, drawing structures) or enzymes (names, recognizing structures). That being said, biochem is a memorization-heavy class, but that’s inherent to the class and if you don’t spend enough time with the content you may find it harder.

Exams were pretty fair. The average for the first (online) midterm was ~75, which he said he would curve, and for the second midterm it was high 80s or low 90s. Lannan tends to use specific keywords and many of the questions are all-or-nothing, so you need to be familiar with much of the exam-content. Only the final is cumulative, so midterm 2 was only from weeks 4-7, which was nice. The final was a bit trickier than the other exams, but I would say all the exams were about equal in difficulty.

Lannan is definitely not my favorite professor, but he’s not bad and he makes it extremely easy to get an A if you study the right material (if you do his study guides, the content directly correlates to the exams) and spend the proper amount of time for the class (I spent maybe ~2-4 hours per week total outside of lecture on homework, quizzes, and anything else, and more time during exam season).


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A+
March 26, 2022

The hate Lannan received this quarter was so unwarranted. I rarely write reviews for professors but felt the need to, because I actually really enjoyed his class. If you read one review on here I want it to be this one.

Homework: Very fair, for each homework (one every week roughly) there will be one question that is graded on accuracy. Unless you're writing bullshit down you will get your points in this category. Homeworks right before the exam are graded on completion.

Quizzes: Again, extremely fair. Purely based on memorization (names of certain structures or systems) so if you didn't get the points that's on you. If there's a grading error you can get them corrected. The grading was a bit slow for quizzes but it doesn't really matter since the content of the quiz is literally memorization, so you basically know what score you got right after. They're quick and easy points.

Exams: Everybody shits on the exams but again, they are VERY FAIR. In fact I've had some of the best exam experiences in this course. i KNOW that how much I study will be reflected in my exam grade, because there are no curveballs or surprises. Compared to countless other classes I've taken where the exam would have diagrams/structures I've never seen, curveballs, trick questions, Lannan's exams were a godsend. Though he didn't provide a practice exam, it was never an issue personally because he made a study guide. People complain that Lannan sent out the study guide late (which I could see as being frustrating), but his study guides are literally just everything on the slides. I feel like if you review the slides any student could produce his study guides bullet for bullet without him releasing it. I would say like half of the exam questions were altered versions of questions in the homework, so make sure when you're studying that you go through all of them. After the first exam you'll be able to predict what kinds of questions you'll have. Truly straightforward exams with sufficient time. People complain but the exam averages were always good/high.

Lectures: Whether or not you like his lectures comes down to your learning style. Again I know he gets a lot of shit in this aspect, but personally his slides were extremely easy to understand for me, was 100% reflective of the material tested. Also it's important to note that he was thrown into this position last minute, I assume he had to make the slides and material as we went, which caused some slip ups during lecture (which he always corrected first thing in the next lecture). It is unfair to compare him to professors who have used the same slides for years and years. I'm confident that the next time he teaches this course it'll be a lot smoother because he already has the material.

Extra Credit: Has 2% extra credit that you can get by during course evals, participating on campuswire, and doing a project at the end of the quarter. Pretty good imo. They haven't graded the project yet so I can't say anything about how they're graded but I think it's nice to have extra credit in a course.

Valid Criticisms:
- Exam grading had lots of errors, but I genuinely think that this is more of the TAs' faults than the professor. The reason I say this is because while the majority of the class had reaally dumb grading mistakes (literally having the right answer but having points deducted, writing the synonym for a word in ur explanation but getting points off for not using a specific word), my TA's grading was pretty fair. I guess some of the other TA's didn't really read ppl's explanations fully or something. The only time the grading felt strange for me was for the first midterm, but the professor addressed those exam questions and gave back points for them. So I think the grading stuff is mainly the TAs' faults but I understand faulting Lannan for not reviewing the exam grading thoroughly.

- I heard in the groupme that he was a little unaccommodating regarding taking quizzes online (the rule is that you must be there in person for all exams). Most likely if you can't make it to an exam or quiz the points will be put towards the final or something. Never affected me but if this is something that matters to you just keep it in mind

In general I really enjoyed this course. I was nervous for it coming into it but found that a lot of the material connected to stuff I learned in AP Bio (ofc more in depth but). I'm not saying it is not a hard course, because it is. You will have to study a lot, but that's the nature of biochem and not exclusive to Lannan. I genuinely feel that my grade reflects the amount of work I put in, which I can't say about many other classes.


2 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A+
March 26, 2022

I have never previously written a review on Bruinwalk, but after seeing the harassment and complaints Lannan has received throughout the entire quarter and especially towards the end, I feel compelled to write this to hopefully give a more objective review on him.

By far the biggest complaint by most students seems to be the difficulty of the exams. However, I found them all to be extremely straightforward as Lannan provides study guides outlining the concepts you are expected to know. Admittedly, his lectures at the beginning of the quarter were a bit disorganized (although definitely not to an intolerable degree), but improved significantly as the weeks went on. In addition, the homework assignments were designed particularly well in my opinion because they focused on key concepts. From what I have heard from others, the content tested in the course is also similar in difficulty to other professors who have taught this class in the past. Thus, in my opinion, students complaining about difficult exams only have themselves to blame⁠—Lannan definitely provided all the necessary resources to succeed on his exams.

Undoubtedly, the majority of the students in the class are pre-med and I'm baffled as to how they plan on getting through medical school if they can't even handle memorization at the level here and can only cope by single-handedly ruining the promising career of a budding professor through ridiculously exaggerated course/instructor evaluations.

The other major complaint is his spotty consistency and accuracy with grading, which is a valid point. Although I personally never had any major issues with this, it seems like Lannan generally is able to correct grading errors in the end. However, for some mysterious reason, many students decide to channel their inner-Karen and demand instantaneous corrections to any errors in grading for a class with over 700 students between the two lectures as they complain into the endless echo chamber that is GroupMe at 3 am.

Overall, the only negative of this class for me was dealing with other students, who had unrealistic expectations for both what a biochemistry class is like and the capacity of a new professor. If Lannan ever has the opportunity to teach again (which I hope he does even with the bashing he is getting this quarter), as long as you enter with the willingness to learn and are not tainted by the negativity of the mob mentality of pre-med students, you will have an enjoyable time.


4 1 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: I
Feb. 16, 2022

Lannan is extremely disorganized and as the reviews stated below, is one of the worst experiences I have had at UCLA. Even when your answer is right, you will get marked off for not explicitly regurgitating exact terminology from his slides. He is extremely disorganized and unapproachable, please avoid him at all costs! I currently have an A in this class, but it has been hell.


9 8 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A+
March 31, 2022

I would not take this class with him again

On the Thursday of week 10, he not only did not post the final study guide, but also sent out the last homework at about 9:00 pm. Why?
Remember to write exactly the same words from his slides and homework answers, otherwise you will not get the point in the midterms and the final.
He said it was his first time teaching this course, so it took him lots of hours to gather the information and made the slides, so his lectures are a little bit disorganized. Guess what, it is also my first time taking this class, and that was definitely not a good experience to me.
Also, tons of homework. The first several homework were like 9-page short, no, long answer, questions. He would ask you to draw the whole mechanism of RNase and chymotrypsin. Very good! Moreover, he is like "You don't have to remember everything in the mechanism, but if we give you one step, you should be able to predict the next step." How is that not memorizing all the mechanisms?

我上这节课的唯一原因是一开始153A是一开始study list上显示这节课是Deborah Jarrett教 我听说她教的不错,所以选了这个课 谁知道真正开学之前换成了Ryan Lannan

事儿很多 不会选他的别的课了


1 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A+
March 29, 2022

I really enjoyed taking this class with Dr. Lannan and I would recommend him to anyone who wants to 153A. It was his first quarter teaching the class and he got assigned very last minute, so he did not have time to prepare slides, tests and everything like that.

Here is the breakdown of points:
Midterm 1: 20%
Midterm 2: 20%
Quizzes: 10%
Homework: 15%
Final Exam: 35%
Extra credit: 2% (campuswire =0.5%, evals = 0.25%, ec project = 1.25%)

He gave around 3% of extra credit problems on tests and these were all just free points. He ended up curving the final 6%. His tests are very fair and reflect the hw problems and are all pulled from the topics on the study guide. This class does have a lot of memorization, but that is the nature of 153A. If you stay on top of it and review his slides, you will do well in the course.

I thought Dr. Lannan was a great lecturer who was truly fair. He is clearly very knowledgable on the topic and I thought he did a fantastic job and I think he will only get better over time. Dr. Lannan is fairly understanding and communicates well.

Also - he offers this online textbook with practice problems called Achieve. I did not purchase it and I was completely fine. He never references the textbook and gives sufficient practice problems with the homework. If you like extra help, it may be for you, but I wouldn't purchase it until after week 1 when you know how the class works a little better.

Overall would take again and I highly recommend Lannan!


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Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: N/A
March 27, 2022

Ok there are a lot of contentious reviews for Lannan but this is my personal take. Lannan was very disorganized throughout the quarter. I would think that someone with a Ph.D in biochemistry would know a little bit more about the topic without having to second guess himself, but maybe this comes with time and experience. It was a little frustrating how he'd pretty much start a lot of lectures going over what he got wrong the last time. He didn't really know how to answer some questions that tried to reach beyond the scope of the class, and often said he'd need to look things up to confirm. However, this could also be because he got the class thrown onto him and had barely any time to prepare. I understand that he had a lot of lecture slides to create. His teaching I think got better as the quarter went on, and he's pretty young so he's probably still not confident in his abilities. Everyone has to start somewhere. That being said, it doesn't excuse the fact that we pay around 30k (more if out of state) a year for quality education, so this got frustrating over time, but I do think that with enough practice he'll be a good teacher.

His exams, in my opinion, were fair, but the way that they were graded was not. The TAs would often mark you down points even if you wrote the right answer, and it seems that they would often look for buzz words rather than actually reading your answer. A lot of us got marked off for not writing VERY specific words and phrases, so honestly memorize as much as you can off his slides. The actual content on the exams however was pretty fair and nothing was out of the ordinary. The final was a bit harder, but it was also cumulative and so 10 weeks of biochem memorization was pretty difficult. Ryan himself is pretty nice, and I've heard he teaches better in OH but I've never gone myself to verify if that statement is correct. He definitely does care about his students and wants us to understand biochem, and he is clearly pretty passionate about the topic itself.

The other stuff in the class like the quizzes and HW were pretty easy and manageable, and shouldn't take that long to do or study for. There was also some extra credit offered! Biggest piece of advice is using the campuswire, because there was a lot of helpful info on there. Also, exams were VERY similar to HW questions.

One other negative thing about Ryan tho that I really wish he'd improve is his flexibility and accommodations. If someone got COVID, he'd pretty much make you handle it on your own without helping.

Other than that, you certainly learn a lot in this class and it goes by fast. Don't fall behind and stay on top of things! Good luck!


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Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: N/A
March 26, 2022

Honestly, this class sucked. I got a good grade in here, went to office hours and studied like crazy, so please don’t think im just salty about my grade lol. The dude is just super unorganized and seems confused a lot of the time. Does he know his biochemistry? I would sure hope so, the dude has a PhD in it! But let’s be honest, that doesn’t mean you should teach it. Yeah we get it, he got “unlucky” this quarter but it kinda sucks when my professor’s incompetence affects MY grade. The first midterm and final were a complete disaster. Honestly were they hard? No, not really. But i (and my other 500+ classmates) dont appreciate getting points off when we LITERALLY wrote the correct answer (not even exaggerating). Yeah this could be solved with a regrade request, but OH WAIT!! Theres no regrade requests for the final! Yippee!!! So now my hundreds of classmates and I are jipped USELESS points for literally NO reason. Things were very unorganized and honestly it really didn’t seem like he cared that much about our concerns.

Bottomline, if you're looking to take this class in like 2035 or something when he doesnt confuse himself in lectures/office hours, doesnt have mistakes in his lecture slides and just has a speck of competence- go for it. Its honestly not that bad (if you dont get points off for writing the correct answer). But if you’re looking to take this class within the next like 6 years, may God help you. You’re gonna need it.


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2 of 5
Overall Rating
Based on 47 Users
Easiness 2.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 3.0 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.2 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 3.1 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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